I'm fully convinced that she is the only perfect girl in existence.
I'm fully convinced that she is the only perfect girl in existence
Other urls found in this thread:
and that my friend is why you will die a virgin
I, too, love muffy
Just remembering that she exists makes me happier some days.
I dont orbit girls, whats the deal with her and these daily threads?
oh well she's still cute. new picture?
She's a cute lonely virgin girl. What's not to like?
I think chokers are fine on goth girls, they've been wearing them forever unlike the Stacies who appropriated them recently.
Sure thing. And I'm the second coming of jesus
What's her IG Link?
can someone plz explain to me who this is. im an r9k newbie
She has stated she is multiple times.
I asked her, she's even handholdless
Could you stop making threads about yourself?
She doesn't use Jow Forums or r9k
What the fuck is up with you guys and these girls? They're all exactly the same, cooker cutter copies of each other.
is it whoever spends the most money on her first, wins her love?
No she is not this is the only perfect girl
She doesn't accept any form of donation
Muffy is the only girl I'd ever orbit to be quite honest family.
What makes her different from the other thots that get posted here
I dunno user. I like how she looks. She doesn't seem that bad reading through that place where people and anons ask her questions. She probably cursed her pictures though, because I hated orbiters before she came along. Now I too, know that feel and look forward to Muffy threads.
Same here, user. I never thought I'd fall for the orbiting meme, yet here we are.
Are you even going to believe what a woman say?
She is just doing it because she knows that this will attract the most attention from you orbiters.
Stop making threads about this flat faced whore
I've talked to her quite a few times so I'm pretty sure she isn't lying.
You can never know when a woman is lying user.
Otherwise no one would ever marry them.
I have a friend who was friend with her, she had 2 boyfriends during high school.
Maybe she is
But orbiting her wont make you feel better
Does she have discord? or has she just instagram
She's still in highschool and has never romantically held hands, nice LARPing
Has anyone here actually made friends with her?
just IG, and to anyone who asks her to make a discord account or even a server, she replies that IG DMs are enough.
what HS, cause you know, she still goes to HS, so it's easy to see if you or your friend are lying
Does this dm from yesterday when I was gonna suicide count?
> projecting your ideas of the perfect girl onto this ig roastie
You're going to be in a shit mood when she lets you down
Wow user threatening to kill yourself for attention from a girl with lots of orbiters get a grip
> threatening to kill myself for attention from muffy
No user I just wanted to suicide, I talk to muffy a lot, I was originally just telling her that I wouldn't be able to talk to her anymore
why you wanted(or still do?) to suicide?
other than the typical reasons most robots here have to be robots.
or, if those are the reasons, what makes them so unbearable for you?
Mostly just don't enjoy life, and I realized that nobody would care if I was gone. Also because I had everything I needed ready
I fucked her
in the pussy
ask me anything
Why do you think anyone will believe you?
Is it true that she has a dick?
>and I realized that nobody would care if I was gone
i guess she would care.
and, seeing what you replied to her, before you say that an internet chat(or friend, if you consider her so) is not the same as real life, try and think about what she replied means.
disliking you is easy if someone knew you in real life you say, so...who are you when you're not in real life? who is the user who's talking to muffy a lot? who is that person?
unless you're faking it just to talk to her, that's you when the real world doesn't make you that unlikeable person you say you are.
if you actually were only that unlikeable person, you would be so in a chat too, but according to her that's not the case.
i don't know you, so i'm not gonna say things i know nothing about, but whoever is that unlikeable person, it's probably less real that the person who's talking to muffy a lot.
Heres a Muffy ultra rare just for you user! Don't repost it too much, okay?!
she has a neovagina
t. fucked her in it
It's...it's a boy!
Muffy would make a cute boy. But, alas, she is NOT one! SLANDER!!!
>Grimes shirt
Muffy is a girl of excellent taste..
Lemme see your tits
where are you getting these? and why are you posting them?
They're images she deleted/posted on her story
It's a secret and I'm not telling you.
Reminder that you too could become this cute if you transitioned.
I used to trip on /a/ until I got doxxed. Being anonymous is wayyy better anyways.
What is she like in conversation?
May I ask how they got the doxxing info? Unless it was some sort of crazy event I assume you gave it out yourself. Just.. Don't do that. Use a new trip and be more careful this time. Do it retard!!
They got it from a picture I posted. A bird made it's nest in my back yard. I took a photo and posted it on /a/ then they found out where I live from the location settings. And being a tripfriend is for retards anyways, for example.... you.
>Dancing kakyoin
Quite nice, a bit shy so sometimes she doesn't respond to me but at least for me she usually responds within 10 minutes although it used to be longer, it makes it easier for me to understand what she wants to talk about and what she doesn't as well because if she doesn't respond I know she doesn't want to talk about that
She seems to have a few loose screws.
>vial of blood necklace gift
>loose screws
user, that vial thing is actually more common than you think, and some jeweleries even offer it as as a purchasable item
it's unusual but not not normal
Id like to talk to her but the idea of messaging her stresses the fuck out of me. I'm so scared of people that I usually ghost anyone who manages to contact me. Is she nice?
That combined with her tumblr posts, and the fact that she believes the moon landing was a hoax make me believe otherwise.
Let's get /ourgal/ to 800 followers, boys.
Please help I'm incredibly indecisive and avodiant
Sorry, I was eating, yeah she's really nice, you should definitely message her
can't tell you how she is since i didnt talk to her, but i sent her a "hey" on IG about 10-15 min ago and she didn't reply yet, she could be busy or not checking her IG DMs, but if you're insecure about being ghosted, maybe right now its not the best time to try.
so i'd say give it a go, just don't do it right now, or be ready to wait a bit for her reply
When someone who you aren't following DMs you on Instagram, you have to accept their DM request first. So I assume she has a lot of requests to get to or something.
could be that too, i was just warning that user to not feel ghosted if she doesnt reply immediately, and that as of now she might not do so
>that she believes the moon landing was a hoax
can you link me to where she says that?
Holy shit, if so then she is perfect for those shitty orbiters as she is an idiot slut.
Wait, you forgot to delete the exif datas?
Imagine being this naive
Where do I find a girl with this aesthetic, anyways? One that I can at least pretend I have a chance at, mind.
Could have been a joke, but she's definitely into conspiracy shit.
And this is how you chat with autists, kids
Learn from user
Don't Jow Forums delete all metadata from the picture?
If she also thinks that the holocaust is fake then she is Jow Forums tier.
Nope, that's imgur the site you're talking about
She's openly said she's not a feminist so I wouldn't be surprised if she agrees with that shit.
>get quints
>nobody replies to me, not even to check 'em
Fuck this gay board.
I didn't even notice that post sorry user