I need some good names for fictional ICBM developement programs, but my creative juices are running low. Preferably with acronyms like WS in WS-199 meaning weapons system. Please help me out, lazy neets.
I need some good names for fictional ICBM developement programs, but my creative juices are running low...
Other urls found in this thread:
Ballistic missile system
I dunno
Advanced Intercontinental Missile Production - Program 01
Fake and gay like your thread lol
that's rather basic
doesn't have an inspiring ring to it, also it's intended to be a 1st generation research project so the advanced part is kind of dumb
Bump before the world goes out
are you writing a novel?
post a tl;dr and we will critique it for you
Thanks but no thanks. I don't want a critique, but an inspiring rocket program name.
> writer
> can't spell development right
Payload Delivery Development Group
idk its kind of dumb looks like a pizza service idk
i dont know what kind of fiction you want to do, political intregue, post appocalipse, sci fi what do you like?
fire of life (light of life is a piece of rojalty free classical music by dexter britain youtube.com
The IBM ICBM AAIJS (International Business Machines Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Autonimous Artificial Inteligence Judgement System) (IBM had some minor history with the nazi's)
DM (Darwin's Nightmare) (maby something eliminating any kind of selection pressure or fucking up genetic selection)
project NBK (project No Broken Promises)
ERB (Einstein-Rosen Bomb) (Einstein-Rosen Bridge)
ACM (Anti Cockroach Missle)
how should we think of something without any background info
just saying, sometimes weapon systems are named after historical figures or battles, coming up with a good name without any context can be difficult.
What about something more esoteric, like Project Copperhead (because of the copper in the warhead).
Global Boom-boom Research
Photonic High ALtitude Lasing Unabomber System
Inspiring and pompous you're the best so far, if only you hadn't messed up what the acronym spells.
the IBM one is promising, good choice
So you want me to make up some fictional setting for you user?
I see where you're coming from, but there isn't much context except that it's a ICBM research program.
Seems like a name for public appearances (like the A-4 turning into the V-2), I'd prefer something more in-depth.
>So you want me to make up some fictional setting for you user?
(IBM user)
no we just want a general idea of where we are working at.
like retrofuturist comedy, dieselpunk near-appocalipse, philosophical cyberpunk or modern political thriller
an ICBM program in star-trek would have a different sounding name than one in woelfenstein
Hmm. Chronologically it's shortly after WW2 restoration, so late 1950s. The general idea is a joint cooperative between the US, Korea and Japan, with continental Europe and Russia being another block. China is doing its own thing and will emerge later in the 60s. Later on, a special branch of the general project may involve being the first to incorporate unstable rare earths found in ex-colonized Africa.
Jeez it's hard to think of scenarios, I have no idea how writers do this for a living.
Most US missle programs were named after ancient gods. I would think either Odin or Heades since I've never heard them used before.
allright what about:
ETMP (Elephant Tusk Mining (Missle) Project) or just ET (refering to the fact that hunting big game was normal in the colonies and that it incorporates some material mined from ex-colonial Africa)
How about Imhullu? It's the weapon wielded by Babylonian god Marduk.
Referencing gods was done mostly ad hoc in reference to a certain feature of the deity, I'd like to avoid such spontaneous decisions with a project of multinational scope.
Smart idea with the tusk, but the acronym is pretty unwieldy.
Its gotta have a H in it for hypersonic
HET (Hypersonic Elephant Tusk) (also dutch for the)