Is it wrong for a guy in his late 20s to be friends with a 13 year old girl?
Is it wrong for a guy in his late 20s to be friends with a 13 year old girl?
Depends what you mean by "friends"
Yes. Also, this is an original comment
>getting friendzoned by a 13yo
Hi. I'm Chris Hansen, and this... is To Catch a Predator.
Yes, unless you are her uncle, and probably yes then as well.
Being friends with someone you should fuck is wrong on many levels.
I met my best friend when I was 12 and he was 28, he was super respectfull, was a great friendship till he died... It's wrong you as an adult talk about sexual stuff with her in a sexual manner only. Ask about guys in school I guess it is alright...
What you mean why? Friends and lovers are different things.
Go read Miman Renai, it's a manga and it deals with this exact problem. You'll love it.
No if you look, sound, and act like a 13yo.
If it's like a " she lives in the neighborhood and you occasionally talk to her as she's walking by " then maybe not anymore then ya
I'm 38, vaginas of all ages are my friends and there's nothing wrong with that! No pedo btw, though there's nothing wrong with them too.
When I was 13 I had a friend who was in his late 20s, and I really likes him, but it turns out he was a pedo who was desperately trying to fuck me. And I'm male.
That being said, i don't think it's necessarily wrong to have a friend who is that much younger than you. If she has other adult friends then she is probably just too smart for kids her age. I would still be careful though, maybe you're actually a pedo idk.
>Is it wrong for a guy in his late 20s to be friends with a 13 year old girl?
Not necessarily, but probably. I would never ever recommend it.
If you're at the mental level at your late 20s that a 13 year old is "gets" you, something is very wrong.
What about a 25 year old dating a 16 year old because it's legal in my country
When I was 21-22 I was a pseudo-big brother for an 8-year-old girl who lived a couple houses down. She'd come over everyday to play my Wii with me and her parents didn't care. I guess I didn't look too much like a kiddy diddler.
Don't listen to all the kiked burgers in this thread, if it's legal in your country, go for it, the earlier you bond, the less chances she will leave
Did you give her a big juicy hug senpai style?
I also want to know this
>legal in my country
who cares, it's legal. it's fourteen here in Germanistan
If you guys hang out in your spare time then yes, stop. But if you just say hi every now and then and maybe stop to talk a bit, then no, you're good.
Legally it may be fine, but outsiders are still gonna look at her as a retarded slut, and you as a creep.
No. But she tried to give me a titty twister sometimes. I think there was a reason I was her only "friend."
in america, yes
unless youre steven bauer
Should've given her a clitty twister.
It is so sincere, you killed all my mood for dirty jokes. And a boner too, yeah.
>her parents didn't care
more like they didn't know
You sure wasn't grooming you user?
even if you are friends without any hints of romantic feeling (which I doubt), nobody will construe it as friendship. Break it the fuck off.
yes because it's near impossibly unlikely that your intentions are 100% pure
Its questionable
As a 13 year old I'd appreciate a friend who was older though. I think it'd be like having someone to look up to.
Please keep your intentions pure, be sure her parents know she's hanging around you.