How the fuck do you flirt with women
How the fuck do you flirt with women
Be good looking or rich. That's all it takes. Life is shit and people are shitty, male and female.
Give up and accept loneliness
1. Develop a personality
2. learn how to make jokes. work on being sarcastic and sardonic without coming off as a bitty contrived douchebag.
3. Women love it when men are excited about things. It is another form of confidence and demonstrates you have more depth.
1. Be top 5% attractive
2. Be top 10% reach
3. Have high social status
I'm good at flirting and i'm not any of these
Step 1 Truely is not giving a fuck.
Your facial expressions and body language broadcast desperation. Women don't like that
This is why I say being excited is really important because then you stop worrying about "am I doing it right" and just exude happiness and confidence in that moment.
have a chad face, be a body builder, be wealthy, and buy them a vacation with you
That's total and complete loser logic
> I'm good at flirting and i'm not any of these
I'm bad at flirting and I'm all of these Farther more I have no reddit spacing, so I at least can be trusted in matter of self awareness.
say witty and funny things with sexual undertones
but if your not good looking it wont work anyway
>Farther more I have no reddit spacing
Reddit spacing?
How fucking autistic are you?
What the fuck is flirting anyways? I keep seeing the term thrown around
I know lots of ugly dudes that managed to get hot chicks.
I don't get it, but it happens often enough. Typically they're aren't the smartest women, but whatever
I've seen guys who are ugly fat fucks still manage to get cute girlfriends. I think us robots just missed the memo on how to talk to real life girls.
Non physical qualties women like
Sense of humour
So if you are an insecure, selfish, incompetent, immature, irresponsible person with no sense of humour and your not a 10/10 you're totally fucked due to a shit personality.
You don't need all of these qualities, but it helps, especially humour
were they rich?
Oh-oh! I am autist-rex!
Fuck... what are you expecting to hear, normalfag? Something like that?
Small talk oriented to achive pussy.
Have you tried being ludicrously good looking?
fuck no. My cousin is an obese high-school-dropout pothead who lives with his parents, and his girlfriends are always really cute.
Especially looking 10/10.
Stop making excuses for your sub par personality
Stop adhomineming to prove your naive point. Go watch FACEandLMS or something.
Can't fix boring
Can't fix boring
Can't fake real enthusiasm for shit I don't care about since can't fix boring
We all have personality defects user
unfortunately your defect is your entire personality
> ad homenem intensifies
Now you show me for sure (no).
i honestly dont know. i said a few smartass things to a girl in front of my coworkers and they all thought i was flirting. so i guess just be a smartass.
You don't incel. If you even look cookeyed at a woman you'll be going to jail.
Reported to the FBI
Lmao, literally the opposite of reality.
honestly... unless you're good looking. you really don't. flirtatious behavior doesn't exist in a vacuum, it's not just phrases you say. it's the whole package. the shit chad says that will have women dropping their panties is the shit that will have you laughed out of the room and escorted out by security when you try it. Trust me.
If you're so boring and have no interests
why give so many fucks?
>Loser 4 life
There you go, you did it by accident
by being a smart ass you were being funny and confident and you weren't focused on 'being normal'
>all this complaining about only being chad gets you a gf when there are ugly men with gfs hotter than them etc
If you lack the drive to actually have interest and hobbies of your own then don't even try to flirt because you have already failed amigo
What if I have?
>projecting yet again
>still has no clue what chad even means
fuck off normalfag, do you collect "fuck off" posts or something? at this point you're probably up to the thousands this week alone.
Start with eye contact and a normal, friendly facial expression. Not a weird grin or a intensive stare. A relaxed, mellow type of expression, then flash a little genuine smile.
Talk with them normally and participate in group activities. Then throw in a joke here and there. A double innuendo maybe, and don't stare at your feet when you're doing this, take a look at the person you're telling the joke to and emphasize it with a raise of the eyebrows. If it's easier to befriend males than to flirt with girls, do that first, because when you get friends you won't be "that one guy" always sitting alone.
Taking showers, going to the barber, working out, having clothes that fit are also good, but clean clothes and armpits should not be "an effort" but they should be automatic every day, the stuff above is what you actually need to do.
>the stuff above is what has literally no effect
do you not see the fgts saying you have to be 10/10 over and over again along side the fact they are talking about them not being able to fix boring. Fuck off you defeatist self loathing asshat
then you're good to go just somehow be able to find women in to the things you are, they don't even need to be into the things you are just be able to sound confident about the things you like and own it.
i made a girl laugh when i made a joke about genociding our customerbase
later losers
approach them while maintaining eye contact until you get very close, then initiate pelvic thrusting
Never ever come back even if your life depends on it.
> just somehow be able to find women in to the things you are
Just now I am flirting with a girl through vk and she is asking me for a date. You know what? Confidence and hobbie are the last things which help with it.
>He isn't self loathing edgy nihilist faglord like me so I don't like him
Have you tried it though, yeah didn't think so
Yes, every single day. Fuck off normaltardnigger.
it can pretty difficult to control your body language
and it doesn't always work
Have you tried going to a site full of normalniggers like yourself who will give you the pats on the back you so desperately seek, such as faceb**k or redd!t?
>faceb**k or redd!t?
Those places are cancer
And I don't get the generalization about normies.
I'm a normie (i guess) but I hate the average people, they're fucked in the head. The suburban dream makes no sense to me, working a pleb job and only being interested in watching sports makes no sense to me. Women who only gossip and shop also make no sense to me.
Facebook reminds me of sitting in my high-school cafeteria listening to the stupidest gossip of the day.
Most normies fucking suck. They are nothing to be jealous of
>Those places are cancer
Perfect! You'll fit right in! When do you move?
So 9gag then.
If women aren't checking you out, if women aren't giving you little signs, if they don't give you the vibes. Guess what. They don't like you. There's no reason to flirt with them. Even "shy guys" will let you know they like you.
if there is no 'spark' in the first 3 seconds of contact then its pretty much pointless going any further
if you are good looking you can attempt to flirt and you might get to fuck her, but if you dont like a female the very moment you meet her, any pursuit of her is not worth it
I'm not going anywhere user
I like the lack of censorship and sponsorship here.
/rk9/ can be hilarious, but you insecure incels ruin much of it.
You drive fucking rental vans into crowds of them.
That is how all board get cancer since 2008. Normalfaggots want to swear but they don't like to think. Same story for the last dozen of years.
You dont you just flirt until Chad or Tyrone sees you annoying there potential mate
this is the most a written post could be normie, if you larp user, you do pretty good, thx for the laugh
I'm an oldfag and have been here since 2003
fuck off
Now that is good advice ITT. Pearl in the pile of normie shit smeared all over the thread.
Yeah, yeah, of course. Maybe you should sound like one then?
sorry I don't live up to your expectations user
bye god speed your a redditor, you probably didnt even knew this site before le trump
believe that if it makes you happy.
I don't care about trump, i'm not an american
Do you like Minions user ? do you like them ?
But you did. We expected normalfag from reddit - We got one. You know what is ultimate flaw of your turboniger kin? Lack of self awareness.
I do have interests
But no girl is gonna find shit like my obsession with sport statstics interesting
cum on her tits, say she's a piece of shit whore, and she'll love you.
>expected normalfag from reddit
it's ok dude, thinking is hard
and everything that isn't you is reddit
If you didn't have reddit to straw man you'd probably kill yourself.
its ok user, nobody will miss you
>Be good looking or rich. That's all it takes.
really so then what went wrong for Elliot Rodger?
It's very simple. Imagine how you usually talk to women. You're polite, sometimes a bit funny, sometimes a bit stern, sometimes just direct. Now imagine doing the same thing but also you are really handsome.
And that is how you flirt.
he was a douchebag
He isn't even unattractive, he just couldn't accept that maybe.. just maybe he was the problem
but noooooo, it isn't him, it's everyone else and they should be PUNISHED.
You really don't know what to do when you have been spotted, do you? First of all, do not mumble like that, it is just pathetic.
so then the answer is don't be a douchebag first, with rich and attractive being of lesser importance.
this is fun now
i seriously have never posted shit on reddit, but you've already made up your mind
so stick to it
you're just angry that i'm better than you
Yet every chad is a douchebag. Really makes you think.
I guess it's all in the delivery
It's something you're naturally supposed to learn starting in your teens. Once in a while though, there's a defect in the production line, and here we are.