>this will never be yours
you disgusting fucking mouth-breathing, inept, man-child.
fuck you, you fucking fuck
>this will never be yours
you disgusting fucking mouth-breathing, inept, man-child.
fuck you, you fucking fuck
Keep it.
>implying you've ever been with a woman or ever be with a woman that has a pussy/ass that looks anywhere near as good as that
Go back to your fatty GF with hairy shit stained ass you pathetic normie with 0 standards
I wish womans pussies looked like horse pussies or even dolphin pussies. I hate how woman pussies fall out as a collapsed roast.
nice try, faggot.
I'mma mormon
I just got teary eyes from this post
>this is all you are worth
Stay toastie roastie.
Your weak attempt to rustle my jimmies has failed miserably. Please return to reddit.
>i wish grills had infantile labias.....adult vaginas distress me
fucking nonce
Yes, fuck that guy. Us patricians know what's good.
Yeah your really making me not want to shoot up a park and maul down people like you
Keep it up, see what happens in the news
>fuck you fucking fuck
hahah sopranos
>talking shit behind a keyboard
>john ruskin
>influential art critic and theorist that supported the work of the likes of Turner and brought romaticism to the forefront of western art
>so disturbed by his wife's vagina on their wedding night, that he became a literal paedophile obsessed with prepubescent girls
>then he went mad and died.
thats a bit like you
but you're disturbed by normal vaginas. don't pretend that your nasty little pic is representative of the general population of women's cunts.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
the peggies did literally nothing
I've had 60 just like it.
I'll be okay
Nothing, brother, I am a fellow man of taste and culture.
I'm going to fuck my girlfriend tonight, it's going to be so good. She's done with classes, the weater is beautiful. It's going to be a great night :)
It will if I transition. :^)
its probably owned by a non-virgin slut or whore based on this and letting someone take a picture of it
keep it along with all the stds
get a load of those meat curtains
Sadly it is normal to hate what you do not understand
So you were bored and mad at Jow Forums and decided to post this. Pot calling the kettle back, huh?
pubic hair is there for a reason
and pre-marital sex is a sin, and I'm not going to marry a sinner
>and pre-marital sex is a sin, and I'm not going to marry a sinner
stop pretending
you're never going to get married
then I'll die alone but I'll be pure of flesh and soul
>Implying I don't have a girl addicted to my dick
the mouthbreathing meme got me addicted to nasal decongestant spray. I can't stand hearing someone breath through their mouth
We've got a hothead here.
I for one hope you two have a great time.
>Implying prostitutes don't exists