Hey robots I wann share my thoughts with you:
The best way to fight a brain disorder is to realize and make yourself aware that you HAVE a disturbance
Back in the days I was just super autistic.I always had depression caused by my inferior complex,my "why couldnt I be born Chad",and my overall misfortune in life(not having friends,bad family situation,loneliness).
I met girls in my college and immediately got friendzoned,because I was too "nice".
It was clear that this will happen,because I had this inferior complex,I was a weak mindef puss with no self-confidence.I always thought my efforts for girls,should be rewarded in return,but I didnt wanted sex.I wanted acceptance and approval.So now they im aware of my disorder(technically it is a one)I have taken matters into my own hand.I am now enlightened.Im now trying to hide my robotic nature,do the excact opposite on what I did before when I did not know im Incel,and it works.Im more succesful with girls and can feel the dopamine fill my body.Theres always hope,work on yourself,reach the super U and You will suceed.
Good Luck Anons.
Hey robots I wann share my thoughts with you:
weak-minded pussy*
What if my problem is a face disorder?
not everything is about women you fucking idiot, whats even the point posting motivational pic when all you talk about is not getting pussy? fuck you are retarded fuck off
It was just an example because understanding well with the other sex is certainly a good sign for a succesful social life.YOU ARE THE FUCKING INCEL THINKING I WANT PUSSY.Women are more than pussy you faggot
Im sorry but this thread is meant for brain disorders only.
not everything is about social life you fucking idiot, whats even the point posting motivational pic when all you talk about is not having social life? fuck you are retarded fuck off
The fucking picture is of fucking course meant ironically because its fucking Johnny Sins.A FRICKING PORN ACTOR.Since this site if full of clinically depressed incels,theres no other way in explaining it easier than with the "girls problem".YOU FAGGOT SHUT UP
THIS IS SYMBOLICALLY MEANT FOR LIFE IN GENERAL.Just a metaphor you narrow minded Idiot
the other user specifically mentioned women and social life
The subject of girl and social life is much more profound than it seems. It's about self-love, healthy selfishness, severe depression. When I say I got to friendzoned, that statement has a hell of a lot of nuances in it, such as being so nice that I forget abut my own needs - inferiority complex.That I have a loneliness complex that may have been triggered by a lack of parent love or such.START TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES IMBECILE
Not everything is about pussy.Underage pajeet incel back to your designed shitting street.
yeah thats exactly what I said you illiterate idiot
But the fact that you cant read between the lines and take it all literally,shows that you are stupid.I had to tell you for you to understand
haha there is nothing profound about pussy unless you find fish smell, constant discharges and infections to be profound
You talk like girls only have are vaginas.Dont fucking forget that they are human beings and also have brains to think for themselves.you degrade my metaphor only to the genitalia of the people I speak of
I am sorry you got offended but you clearly do not know female sex. Do not fall for the equality jew, men and women are not equal, just because you have brain to think for yourself doesnt mean an average female (metaphorically speaking) have one
dude i have a fucking terrible attention disorder, even reading this took legitimate willpower and effort
Okay fine thats ur opinion I am accepting that
I think it's called 'masseuse' johnny, but thanks bro
>Back in the days I was just super autistic.
sounds like you're still super autistic desu
this... ""society"" is freaking out now that we got ourselves free from roasties.
op is a paid CIA shill
Just get some adderall or vyvanse. Stims changed my life for the better.