Name our band

Name our band

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Xim and the Androgynes

Meredith and the You Look Cis


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One on the right would look acceptably human if they wore shoes that covered their feet, got rid of their fucking facial hair and had a flattering hair style

The Ungasables.

gender studies
oregano post

Trap door

The Holocaust should have Happened

The rooftop trio

HRT and the Norwood Evasion

The Naked Trannies Band

Gender Defender

the cultural zionists

The two thirds white stripe and one third shit

Gas Chamber Strippers

My Dog's Asshole.
Because everyone wants to know what My Dog's Asshole is releasing.

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Fags 'n Niggers

[original] filename [/original]

Butch Casio

Panface and the Eyesores

The jumble sale.