Why is it wrong for adults to enjoy vidya and things they did in their childhood? What exactly am I supposed to do if not the things that make me happy?
Why is it wrong for adults to enjoy vidya and things they did in their childhood...
Responsibility could almost be described as doing things you don't like for a greater good.
Getting a job, eating right, keeping your place clean etc are all boring, annoying but worthwhile activities.
Indulging yourself in "playtime" is not, whatever form it takes.
They're not criticizing your enjoyment they're criticizing your maturity.
Hey as long as you pay your taxes who cares
People who play videogames are better than other people like diaper fetishist, traps, bestialityfags...
Yet nobody tells them nothing
>Yet nobody tells them nothing
because no healthy minded individual would befriend such filth
because roasties want providers, governments want tax payers and businesses want loyal wageslaves
You're supposed to grow up and stop living a hedonistic degenerate lifestyle where all you care about is feeling good. People who never grow out of that childish mentality end up as your drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. The reality is that productive pursuits are more fulfilling although being productive is not fun. You should have enough drive as a human adult that you want to accomplish things, like supporting yourself, getting a good job, having really solid finances, etc. Those aren't fun to do the work for, but the sense of accomplishment (and the extra money you earn) are far more rewarding than sitting around doing "feel good" activities which produce no results.
People who play vidya, binge eat, and get drunk all day have fun in the moment but are overall unhappy.
People who work hard to be fit, smart, capable, rich, etc don't have as much fun. It's a lot of work to be an adult. However, they are overall happier for it because their lifestyle has substance.
>people who enjoy vidya and reliving their childhood as adults end up as your drug addicts, alcoholics, etc
The mindset in this post is a flawless example of society as a biological tool of survival or the species. People don't want you to enjoy things like video games too much because that time could be better spent in their eyes feeding the hive. All the work you do and your contributions to society ultimately fuel the breeding of chads and staceys, thus creating more chads and staceys for breeding alongside the beta males they produce en mass to fuel the economy that keeps those offspring healthy. Your time spent on games is a threat to the hive.
Starve the hive, OP. Don't let them feed off of you.
What if you're a doctor or the captain of a ship who plays games and shit on his downtime.
Does that make you less ""mature"" than someone who pretends not to play videogames while LARPing on an anonymous image-board ?
>your life should be soul destroying for no reason
JBPism intensifies...
Not that it's a bad thing, but give OP a break.
Doc J rules do not apply 100% to everyone.
No, that is not what I said.
People who never grow out of the childish mentality of "fun first" end up being drug addicts, alcoholics, etc because they don't see the value in responsibility, ethics, morals, and contribution. They care only about feeling good and immediate gratification and fail to see the bigger picture.
Trust me, I've been there before, at the lowest bits of alcoholism where all I could think about was where I was getting my next drink. I spent about ten hours a day playing video games (on a computer with no internet, mind) and working just ten hours a week at fast food so I could have just barely enough money to buy fast food and alcohol.
I gained over a hundred pounds, lost any friendships I had had before that, and essentially wasted a year of my life with nothing to show for it after. A year of my life gone to misery because I failed to see the bigger picture.
so YOU couldn't enjoy something in moderation therefore no one can?
Yeah opinion discounted
How did you recover? What do employers think of all the wasted time on your cv?
nobody cares about your life story so shut
(that's the real big picture btw, nobody gives a fuck about you so just do whatever pleases you)
No, that's not what I said either.
You literally can't read.
I don't have a good enough job to where an employer will care that I worked at Pizza Hut for a year. When you start looking into higher level positions or important positions at big companies, that's when the finer points in your resume start to matter.
I had to hit rock bottom and scrape along there for a few years before I decided I wanted to make a change and a lot of that had to do with my desire for a good relationship. I started making changes in my diet and lifestyle (not drinking so much, not buying junk food/fast food, going to the gym, keeping my living space clean). Once you start making those changes it becomes easier and easier to take bigger steps. Think of success like building a pyramid - you have to start at the bottom layer, which is the biggest hardest part, laying brick on the soft ground. The foundation makes each layer after that a little easier to lay and the layers get smaller as you go up.
More or less what I'm saying is that successful behavior, like unsuccessful behavior, snowballs into something greater.
these are SPOOKS
You have a short time on this earth and you should do whatever you enjoy.
but wot if i've done my big boy activities?
should i just sit there and stare at the wall, this is after guitar and lifting as well
Then it's probably fine as long as it's not too much time spent.
People just expect you to be busy with "big boy" stuff most of the time.
2-4 hours a week when you want to relax won't bother anyone.
It's only when it's 10+ hours daily that people come after you.
we don't care nigga, enjoy your wageslavery
If you have a valid argument, present one. He actually has valid points whether you agree or not. You're acting like a child.
go to bed wagie you have work tomorrow
that's my argument, LOL
Because the general view on vidya is that they're for kids, which most of them are, but some aren't.
Normies are too lazy to actually look into vidya and change their mind, though.
So whatever.
>implying I have a job and don't live with my mom
lol, joke's on me
>the "you need to be working 18 hours a day" post
>Because the general view on vidya is that they're for kids
I don't understand this mindset because millions of dudebros in their 20s buy the latest AAA garbage being put out
>Indulging yourself in "playtime" is not [worthwhile]
>They're not criticizing your enjoyment they're criticizing your maturity.
Way to contradict yourself