>Date a girl for over one year
>She never lets me touch her, or kiss her
>She always asks me weird questions
>Working on a long thesis paper
>Over thanksgiving holidays she seems embarrassed to be with me
>Log onto computer one day
>My GF doing a ted talk?
>Subject: Undercover Case Study of an INCEL. What makes them tick?
Date a girl for over one year
I feel like the only reason a girl would ever date me is to study how a complete fucking loser gets through life
Jesus fucking Christ that is some fucked up shit. Am,sorry dude at least you will know better to trust woman.
Op Link pls
>dated and blueballed incel
>for ted talk
Was she jewish?
Ahahah, really funny OP. But if this is somehow real then fucking sue or murder her.
This, and I wouldn't really mind it unironically
woah, dude. that's some rough shit.
these normies don't realize what they are doing. If I were you, I would murder her. But you better sue her or else we all gonn' suffer
You dumb cunt.
The talk is about how looks aren't everything.
user are you actually retarded
do you have brain damage
>looks aren't everything
>is a model
really makes me fuckin hmmmMM!
>But you better sue her or else we all gonn' suffer
if this isnt larp OP plz plz plz do what this user said
Sue her for what
man i hope this is fake for your case user
for being dead, after you murder her
Fucking hell you lads are braindead.
TEDX ruined TED talks, introduced a shitton of noise in the signal.
Post favorite TED talks;
you should counter her and make a ted talk about how women destroy western civilization and make her as the example
"incels" wasn't a term up until about a month ago
the only places it was used was a subreddit and even there it was obscure
if you use this term unironically to mock normies you're probably pretty new here
and your story is most likely bullshit
>"incels" wasn't a term up until about a month ago
this isn't even true. Way to oust yourself as a passerby from whatever other shithole you came from. I'm not even clingling onto the word like it's some sacred thing, this whole thing is bullshit, everything is bullshit. Things have gotten so out of control that it's just a constant stream of fucking noise
>this isn't even true
put your money where your mouth ie, find a thread discussing "incels" from say two months ago, better yet find three in the archives, now in contrast find one discussing "robots" you'll have too many to choose from
no one used "incel" if they did it wasn't common at all
Jow Forumsincels was a thing months ago and the usage of the term started going ballistic when it got nuked
>mfw people unironically think this really happened
No wonder this board is shit
Wizardchan has been using the term for a while now. It dates back at least as far as gamergate, but I'm not going to go digging for you. If you haven't been on Jow Forums that long, then you wouldn't have known this. I'm guessing you're a refugee from Reddit.
there was a time when people would have picked up on it and made up their own greentexts, kek.
rip chan
Nice bait. Incel hysteria has not gone on for a year
I actually looked it up, it's fake but I guess it's the kinda story I want to believe lol.
This. TEDx is like TED, except any crackpot can spew their unverified bullshit.
oh nvm, people don't know what satire is and think this is OP trying to post a bait.
what a dead board kek.
Link or gtfo larpfag. I've seen the talk this screenshot is from and it ain't that.
>posts from cnn traffic
Found the actual Ted talk the image is from:
>Lookism is real
>Being an attractive white woman is awesome and the only reason why she has this modelling career and a shitload of other things
>Being a model isn't an end to the cycle of insecurity a lot of girls find themselves in, just a glamorous version of the same shit
>Modelling is manufactured look
>Again, lookism is real as fuck but her job is nothing to strive for
I'm kinda impressed by the talk, she's surprisingly earnest about this shit everyone knows but no one says. Her delivery could've used a bit more work but it was a p. good talk.