>"daddy... you said you'd protect me... you said nothing bad would ever happen to me... why did you lie, daddy?"
"daddy... you said you'd protect me... you said nothing bad would ever happen to me... why did you lie, daddy?"
Because I'm a sociopath.
I honestly thought you would know this by now.
>you will never pinch her with plyers and not let her know what's happening
why go on, lads?
>get weII soon!
Someone post the "after" picture of the same anime girl but with the Deus Ex augs
no no no no no! :o(
>That teddy bear
>Realising that she can t cuddle it
That is the one thing that got me feeling very awful
You can't tell from this image but that girl can't talk, she had her tongue cut out.
1. That's overkill.
2. Source? How do you know this? Or is it just your twisted fantasy?
huh. this reminds me of that one human slave site they supposedly had on the shadow web before the FBI stormed it.
>tfw no bf to chop off my limbs
>Darkness, imprisoning me
Does anyone else ever feel like becoming a dying, hospitalized girls bf?
Comforting them, kissing them goodnight, doing fun/silly things, giving them spunge-baths and watching them blush when you take off their gown, bringing her home-cooked meals prepared with love, and holding their hand as they pass on to heaven.
I want to protecc their feels and hold them in my heart.
you seem to have decent, well meaning intentions, but you could literally do this with anyone else. maybe not to such an extreme, but you can still deeply care for a healthy person.
don't you get how romantic this is? also a lot of these things would be considered awkward or even demeaning when done to a healthy person.
i mean, i think it's kind of fucked up to borderline fetishize ill people but go off i guess
as long as you're not being a massive creep about it, it's not weird...
user, you missed the part about "holding their hand as they pass on to heaven"
This is really twisted.
I can relate, and I shall tell you why, as it might tell you a lot about yourself:
I have a very very strong fear of commitment. So caring for a hospitalized GF UNTIL SHE DIES IN A FEW MONTHS is like a relationship light. You get to try it out, the whole "love" thing. And then she dies and you get to be free once again.
Because we still want to LOVE someone.
fair, but my point still stands about how fucked up it is to want to be with someone because they're ill and it's "romantic" to take care of them
No because then they'd be able to beat you up and call you a faggot
Ahh yes. The fear-drenched insight of a weak fucken CASUAL
That wouldn't be my fetish, the whole "until she dies" part is more appealing.
Just hospitalized is not fun, heck, she could be stuck like that for years, and then you have to take care of that.
To experience the emotional trauma of a mayfly romance on the other hand... would be interesting
So you mean like in plastic memories?
Would one of you have sex with a woman without arms and legs just because you feel sad for her ?
dude, the grill would be real happy, right? who cares what my motives are in that. if someone wants to be a cop because he wants to shoot people, ok, that's fucked up, but if someone wants to help an ill girl because he finds it romantic more power to him.
see, that's what i'm talking about. you're only willing to give her your all because you know it's going to be short term, which is fucked up. if you're going into a romantic relationship without wanting to fully commit, you shouldn't be in one at all.
that's some grey area morality but it's a pretty valid point, i'll give you that much.
In the end what matters is:
Did it do good?
And yes it did. Even if your intentions are twisted like says, then it's still ok. Because no one else is going to do it otherwise.
So the choice is:
The girl dies sad and alone.
The girl gets to spend some time with someone who is twisted and wants to see her die. But is still nice to her and cares about her, for twisted reasons but still genuinely cares.
>if you're going into a romantic relationship without wanting to fully commit, you shouldn't be in one at all.
so everyone who wants a gf but not marry is fucked up? i agree to some extent, but if you're going that far you sure as heck shouldn't concentrate on user but the the bigger picture. thousands of men start relationships with the intention of letting it end when it doesn't please them anymore. difference is: this leads to broken hearts, tears, fatherless children etc. but if the relationship ends because one partner dies, it's a different thing, no hearts broken.
lol i know this is gay and all to say but i'm happy we were able to have such a civilized convo about this topic. cheers lads, i'm headin out
oh, no that's not what i meant when i said "fully commit." what i meant was that if you go into a relationship only because you know there's a definite, inevitable end in sight, then you should probably rethink yourself a bit.
sorry for the confusion.
This board doesnt need Euthansia Propaganda thanks
Wtf user? If anything, this thread is very uplifting as many anons said they would want to care for a disabled girl like that, so that she could at least have some happy moments before dying just like that.
No one even mentioned Euthanasia
what this "fetish" if you want to call it that, comes down to in my opinion is a form of insecurity i share with user. see, people like ourselves are very afraid of relationships because we don't think we could bear the tragedy of failure. so a definite end helps with that, cause you get romance without the danger of feelings fading away, getting cheated on, conflict etc. just look at a movie like titanic. do you think it would be half as romantic if the protagonist didn't die? no, because then we would have to imagine the conflicts of everyday life and the possibility of the oh-so-great love just being forgotten eventually.
i totally see your point, absolutely. and i sympathize with you. but the solution to your problem isn't having a romantic partner at all, given your current mindset. i'm implying that having this kind of romantic preference highlights - as you said - an underlying insecurity, and that's what should be improved upon.
i still agree with what a previous user said, though. if it makes the sick person happy in their final days, then maybe this whole romantic preference isn't all that bad.
well well well, that's always the question, right? do you see yourself as a failure, who's lacking behind, and try to fix yourself, or do you accept your unique preferences and try to follow your own path, even it isn't something that fits into social norms? In one case you have to give it your all just to end up in a place where everyone else was to begin with, in the other case you start an experiment that could lead either to total tragedy and hell or to a new horizon you have all for yourself.
I am too crazy to ever EVER be a normie.
So the "accepting your unique preferences and going to hell for it" is the only choice I have got.
to each their own is all i can say. if you're content with having one short term relationship after another, then yeah, this preference is chill and alright, albeit a little morally ambiguous.
I know, right? I'm a diagnosed narcissist too, so the normie path could never be for me. I need the feeling that I'm ahead of the crowd, not behind it. If I were ever to realize that I'm just a failure and that there's no special path for me but that I have to spend years of hard work to reintegrate into normieworld in order to achieve any happiness at all, that'd just kill me.
I don't even have this fetish so much, I was just arguing for it because I can understand it very well. For me I just want to marry a virgin girl, stay with her my whole life and have 4 children with her. But I really am afraid that anything could go wrong there. Well the virgin condition stems from the same insecurity I mentioned earlier after all. I'm under the impression that if I were ever confronted with divorce and custody battle I'd not be able to suffer through it but rather do something really horrible.