Mental health thread #10

Everybody is welcome. Talk about treatments or experiences. Don't be an ass to other anons.

tenth edition. do any of you work out? how has it affected you and your problems?

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Depressed (I think, seeing a doctor about it thursday)

Sometimes. Working out kinda helps. In the moment it lets me not feel depressed and it makes me want to do stuff but as soon as I get back home that's gone so....

really? for me it's quite the reverse. I can get really excited about doing it, but as soon as i show up to the gym i just look around, see all of the people, and lose any motivation to really do anything. i usually leave after loitering for a few minutes.

I don't know precisely what's wrong with me - I've been diagnosed as clinically depressed, however I have a whole slew of other problems.

I'm constantly paranoid/anxious. I'm convinced the guy I share a flat with is conspiring against me.

I don't have an 'escape' - nothing seems to make me feel better. I have momentary distractions, but nothing that truly helps.

I can generally function in social situations, except when it's truly needed - I had 'sex' for the first time the other day, but I experienced performance anxiety and just fucking failed. The girl who I was with seems to like me, but she scares me at the same time - I think she might be crazy.

Whenever I go too long without talking to online friends I start to feel weird, like I have no personality and am just going through the motions my biology tells me to. I think that's an accurate description, I'm not good at understanding emotions.

I'm in a mental hospital right now. I've been in the system for 6 years. I killed someone.

Dysthymia (Basically depression just long term)

Nothing fucking helps, I've tried therapy, medication, eating better I'm still having the same suicidal thoughts that don't go away. Been having thoughts like this for years now. I feel like I have no purpose in life or no reason to live and thus I need to die. I hate just existing with any reason to

If you start to notice changes in perception when this happens you might want to see a doctor. Getting disconnected from yourself is never good.

if you don't greentext this, i'm going to assume you're baiting.

See I don't go to the gym I just walk or exercise on the back deck. Makes me feel comfortable enough to it but only when I'm home alone. Which isn't often.

Have you tried lsd? Supposedly it helps work through your problems

I'm always pretty disconnected from myself, looking back just 6 months I was like an entirely different person, then the 6 months before that even moreso. I guess I'll note this down and mention it next time I see a shrink.

I'm terrible at meeting new people and would be even more terrified carrying a bag of lsd on me home from a dealers house if I managed to find a dealeer in the first place. I believe state's still give out mandatory minimum sentences for drug charges

that's a pretty good idea, actually. i wish i lived near the mountains so i could go hiking. of the few things i still like, hiking is one of them. also stargazing.

i'm glad i'm not the only one that can't exercise with other people around.

Okay, here's my story.
>deploy 2 times to Iraq, 1 year each.
>Get home from second deployement, as infantryman
>get depressed
>start smoking spice
>hear voices
>voice is a girl I met when I was little
>tells me she is my soulmate
>believe her
>tells me she is a demon
>believe everything she says
>tells me to come meet her
>see her
>walk inna mens bathroom
>girl follows
>turn around
>girl with her sister
>tells me I'm hideous and doesn't want to be wtih me anymore
>goes after my brother
>has sex with him
>lose my mind and have mental breakdown
>confront brother
>mom is there
>shoot mom to punish brother
>spend 2 years in jail and 4 years in mental hospital

i get that, for sure. if you're a bit younger than you should be you might just attribute it to being in formative years. if you're not, well, it's probably something you should try to talk about.

I'm 20, I thought that was a high schooler thing. It might just be my social skills gradually getting better since I have autism and haven't had much practice.

I'm 20 as well.

I'm this guy It gets worse every year it seems.

I can empathize with being constantly paranoid/anxious. Sometimes I wonder if my online friend doesn't care about me and is secretly ignoring me and it feels like my entire body is buzzing.

Hiking is fun. Get to walk around taking pictures, experiencing nature, and thinking.

Exercising around other people though is just akward.

It's fucking rough.
What really gets me is that I don't know whether my fears are warranted or not - if I did I could do something about it. Now I just live in constant fear

I don't have empathy. This counts?

I developed a smoking addiction recently.

If you want to quit, it will be super easy to do right now user. If you don't want to, it'll be much harder later


Idk man, as I said earlier, I don't have much to distract me from my bad feelings except for momentary distractions like cigarettes

>don't want to exist as who I am where I am
>don't want to die
>don't want to do anything to turn my life around
this fuckin sucks dudes. It's like being forced to live in a pebble stuck to the bottom of your foot your entire life. The only cure is to sleep and I can't even sleep all the time.

>be me
>chat up some girl on snap
>8/10 we talking
>she seems to like me
>She goes to a party
>I Say Get Drunk, Have Fun
>Next morning
>"I Hooked Up With My Ex"

This Is the third time this has happend to me

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As a diagnosed autistic is it even worth getting a job these days? I'm talking about long term employment, it just doesn't seem feasible and autismbux is an option.

If you can take the autism bux, do it. But don't fall for the NEET meme. Man wasn't meant to just sit around all day and indulge in sedentary activities. It's a fast ticket to depression and self loathing.

But that's the thing, I prefer solitary activities and like to spend my time making things and going outside when its warm.