Fembot/stacey hybrid here. You guys don't deserve to breathe or breed. Remember that. How does it feel to have inferior genes? '-'
Fembot thread. Let's laugh at incels!
That looks like if me and my gf had a daughter.
Fuck.. Now I want kids. :(
so they recognized your kind as an official species now, caitlyn?
>inferior genes
thats coming from someone who will fuck a nigger and have a nigger baby
Damn right. Don't want to be classified in your um subspecies, kevin. No offence but that would be humiliating.
I shoot them all over my sheets either way so who cares if I have inferior genes. I may be a fat loser but at least I am genuine and authentic, not a fake, shallow Stacy,
>he spent his teen years staring into a screen
>he got rejected by a fat woman
>she spent her teen years getting pump and dumped
it's fun to make 'em or at least practice makin' 'em, but you'er stuck with 'em once you git 'em
kids are actually cool as fuck and will bring meaning to your life when you may have thought there was none.. just sayin'
nice b8, faggot user.
Fembots are impossible. So this thread is just a LARPing thread for men to act like they are women? Different strokes for different folks.
>he's baIding
Some people just have nothing better to do
at least until your stacy daughter or granddaughter burns some coal and shits up your genetic line
where is the generic "you have a small dick" and "you can't get laid" bait?
shut up user
niggers are only good for one thing and that's lynchin'
>He will never have a period to became an adult he's such a pathetic incel child
>he missed out on teen sex
>inferior genes
Robot/Chad hybrid here, I did pretty damn well in the genetic lottery.
Shame about the autism.
>she has herpes and an Arby's pussy because of all her teen sex
At least you can do an epic shool shooting
>>he missed out on teen sex
He missed out on PREteen sex!
> The guy who used to give him wedgies ended up deflowering his oneitit!