>imagined sucking a dick and swallowing the cum
>had a boner
Oh no,why is this happening i'm straight i was atracted to females my whole life what???Please help i'm becoming a fag
Imagined sucking a dick and swallowing the cum
Wait another dick or your dick?
Fuck it man
Us robots got shitty luck
Im straight too lets do this shit
You suck mine i suck yours
it's normal; just wait until you're thinking about your dog, then worry.
>everyone is bi
Not my own dick,that would be weird
don't fight it. let it happen. your mind is telling you that it's time.
this has been your daily reminder that traps are not gay
It's just something that happens after you download pictures of anime girls onto your computer. That, my friends, is the point of no return.
Id let you suck my dick user desu
Fuck you loving yourself makes more sense than loving a stranger
>You suck mine i suck yours
I wish I had a friend like this
like a normal dude friend except we sucked each other off
Try it and realise how bad it actually is.
Boom, you're cured!
We can also watch moe shit, play vidja, etc...
The rest of the world can go fuck itself
geeee, i wonder (((who))) could be behind this.
I hope that user adds you, you sound like my dream, user.
Stop making fun of me and tell me the reason behind this...is porn to blame?
>play vidja
what kind of vidya do you like though
Then add me
Halo, cod, super smash, mario kart...
I just want a cute trap friend to be lewd with. Is that to much to ask?
Lmao, same.
I almost-hate these feelings.
K im going to assume you guys are not adding me cus ur being shy
I look l Iike pic related im not a neckbeard k
I just dont have to patience to put up with womens shit
I ficking despise them so much that theyre making me bi
I dont feel like being their slave
Last chance
OP here,just jerked off to pic related
Your only cure is futas, user.
If that doesn't cure you, we might have to try a dose of traps.
Don't hate the feeling user! There's nothing wrong with wanting to suck a nice thick cock and have a wave of thick, hot, creamy cum flood your mouth.
Im not a trap but we can be l-lewd user!
Oh? Well I would love that user!
heheh post your discord and we can begin!
Dubs confirmed futas cure the gay.
It's bad cause I'm scared of sexual things haha.
She's a cutie. Nice OP. Origp
>tries to shill on Jow Forums trying to make straight anons gay
Sure thing you fucking faggot, now go away before I break your sissy neck.
Don't have one :c
O-oh, can you make one? im all excited now!
Hey what about me you niggers
c-can you be lewd?
more of the daily fag spam
fuck off
Just be safe and don't get fagpreggerz OP oWo
Sorry user that's gay. You might be gay.
anime makes you gay, stop looking at anime
how do i get a faggy anime poster to be my gf (male)?
Im here for you user! You can be my e-bf
Unironicly, but originally, this
bill hicks did nothing wrong 1776 worldwide
You seem nice, user, but is your animeposting, lewdposting, and fagposting up to snuff?
Im good at anime posting but you will have to decide about my lewdposting uwu
Are you a virgin, user? Are you pure?
Yes I am! Ive been saving myself for someone special uwu
So... what do we do now, user?
d-do you have d-discord? if so post it uwu
I'm too shy to post my discord desu
T-thats cute hehehe. I can post mine for you though. Its GenuineIdkAnymore#3805 Dont take too long user!
>tfw got a lewd fembot friend to save me from this hell
You'll make it someday op. Just b yourself