At least 20% of the male population can't get laid despite wanting it very badly. What do we expect these men to do? Disappear quietly?
At least 20% of the male population can't get laid despite wanting it very badly. What do we expect these men to do...
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Well these males also exist in the wild, and they are normally eaten or die fighting the bigger more chad-like animals.
So take yer pick sweetie
99% of the population can't get rich despite wanting it very badly. what do we expect these people to do? disappear quietly?
>die fighting
Im 90% there op
I don't know to be quite honest original poster.
>Disappear quietly?
No, I'm sure they'll continue to impotently whine about it on the internet and blame it on women's rights or whatever.
>absolute brainlet doesn't realize that socialism's victory is inevitable and, going with his comparison, so is incels'
I am a socialist. I am comparing wanting sex with wanting excess money.
Even under cultural conservatism there was a number of males that never managed to get married. The number was obviously way lower, but it's mostly irrelevant. The only difference is that then those men did not have a voice, they'd drink themselves to death and fuck whores, or commit suicide unceremoniously.
The main issue is with the system itself, men checking out translates into less taxes, more strain on the welfare system, less consumerism, lower birthrates(below replacement level) which in turn translate to more strain in the social security institution long term.
That's where immigration comes in, interestingly enough. The powers that be are quite frankly desperate and distressed. They see the writing on the wall. They want another massive war to salvage the economy and create another baby boom and economic bubble or a docile, mongrelized, stupid populace that can be manipulated into taking on massive amounts of debt so that the system can keep going.
>socialism's victory is inevitable
at least this will kill off the whiny bitch incels that congregate on r9k all day
Yeah this whole system right now is just pure greed and past glory. There isn't even an attempt to make anything that would last.
I get it sucks to be a virgin but at some point it's just obvious that it's Darwinism at play
In china, there are about 33.5 million more Chinese men than women. Furthermore there is the incels.
Most girls here only want to sleep with you if you're married, so China is basically a giant Virgin fuckfest
In my opinion they're going to deregulate banks again to keep this stock market going up
then it's all going to come crashing down, and they'll print more dollars to bail out the banks and stimulate the economy
this is going to cause severe inflation
the last time we had a great depression the confiscated all the gold and legalized alcohol
this time I think they will legalize weed and try to confiscate gold and crypto
Even in the parts of the world where there's more women than men. There's still lots of male virgins.
Yeah but chinese men are identical to chinese girls so they make qt traps.
Whereas here in the us only like 5% are passable.
Next beta uprising when?
>Political scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer suggest that the rebellion was fueled, at least in part, by decades of female infanticide caused by the floods related economic misery, leading to a large population of frustrated young men without any women to marry, perhaps as many as a quarter of all young men in the area being in this category of "bare branches".
pay for sex like the majority of male population does
The federal reserve cannot do that without destabilizing most of the world, since the dollar, while fiat, is pegged to oil. The situation is shaky enough as it is in the ME, they cant use quantitative easing and they cant do another massive-scale bailout without severe backlash.
Millenials and Gen X dont take on more debt in this climate and more and more men are checking out or stay in low-paying low-stress jobs, since there is no incentive. Money doesnt circulate and debt is not being created.
Women do not create wealth, but they hoard wealth, on aggregate. Be it welfare, social security, medical expenses, social institutes. It's all state sponsored. It's unsustainable. That's why cryptos boomed, by the way. Speculation thrives in a dying economy. This is what happened in 2008, with the subprime mortgages, derivatives, credit default swaps and the like.
The only way to rectify the situation is a massive war, a moderate extinction event or people starting taking on incredible amounts of debt en masse. The writing is on the wall.
Yep were going to war org
>confiscate crypto
>Bunch of 0 and 1