> femanons will criticize this body when they are 3/10 landwhales
femanons will criticize this body when they are 3/10 landwhales
I'm a 3/10 skelly
She could suck my soul out through my dick and I would have a smile on my face as I died. Fembots how will you ever compete with that perfection?
I'll never criticize a sister
But would they really? They'd probably just say "u go girl xDDDD" because women are women.
The female form comes in many shapes and sizes, and men have proven that they will accept women being any form and shape as long as they are not obese landwhales.
No such thing as a fembot. Fucking liar.
>6/10 face
>no hips
>saggy breasts only held up by bikini
Just because you're skinny and in a bikini doesn't make it hot. I'm a straight man.
>men have proven that they will accept women being any form and shape as long as they are not obese landwhales.
Some men are even into obese landwhales.
Females can't be robots.
Whatever prize we're competing for I don't want it
A 3/10 skelly? Do you have an ugly face or something?
You don't have to be THICC to be qt tho.
petite is the best body type for girls
It's a dude LARPing.
Can I worship your butthole pls
She has life on easy mode. Probably found a guy to fuck and she lives in a 200K+ house, probably drives a 2016 or newer car, gets the newest Ishit the moment it releases eats top quality food every night, I'd imagine that house has a pool
Why don't women have to work for anything?
>the reaction of the lady on the left
I masturbate to this
I am a landwhale and have nothing negative to say about her body. Her body has nothing to do with mine. I may be fat and ugly but I choose to wallow in my misery instead of changing anything.
>I may be fat and ugly but I choose to wallow in my misery instead of changing anything.
pic related
I haven't left my room ever since I graduated high school. I have no friends, no job, no driver's license. I've been spending my entire time binging on YouTube and browsing Jow Forums. If that doesn't make me a fembot, then I don't know what else to tell you
The upper areas of my face (my eyes and nose are fucked up, they slightly remind me of pic related)
I am almost 30. I've hit the wall. I don't care and don't want to. I don't give a shit. Let me dig my own grave in peace.
Hey it's me. Good to know there is another sad sack here. Misery loves company and all that jazz.
Either kill yourself or take care of your body.
You're only going to make yourself suffer even more the way you do it now.
Also why even bring up the wall, woman can always find somebody who will spent time with them.
Yepperz friendo. You're not alone!
Can I be your bf who tells you that you're beautiful please. This isn't a trick. I'll be your loyal bf as long as you don't ghost me and well see how compatible we are.
But someone out there will fuck you!
My biological father has had sex with me. Leave me alone.
Nope. No thanks. Not interested.
I just want to make you happy why can't I try please
I really don't care. Men will fuck anything tbqh. It doesn't mean much.
>Pic related for u
back to r9gay you absolute literal faggot
OP gets it. When I was an adolescent I was flipping through the channels and came upon some Victoria Secret fashion show and the first thing out of my sister's mouth was, "They aren't even that hot."
I looked at her thinking "Are you serious right now?" I realized pretty quick that criticizing more attractive women is a defense mechanism for the lesser woman's ego.
If I had a woman that fucked anything let me fuck her, i'd be out of my depression in an instant.
>I'm a straight man.
Sure you are, bitter undersex'd female, you are a big strong man on the internet.
Have you tried a fleshlight? Onahole? Your hand? A realistic doll? A prostitute?
She knows the days of being desired by all men are in her past and they will never return.
I actually dropped out of high school, but I eventually sort of worked something out. I was also a shut-in for a couple of years. The situation can be salvaged, but the process will hurt. A lot.
be my ugly sticc to love please
Too poor.
I think that she doesn't give a shit and wants to get to her destination.
Not him but just because that stuff will fuck me doesn't mean its at all meaningful. I just want a gf who is easy to make happy and won't break my heart. But I can't approach women so I'm fucked.
If she actually lifted, she would have the perfect body type. Otherwise, no. The features she tries to show the most are her worst. She would have a very nice butt if she did squats.
I am a mentally ill train wreck. Protip: don't stick your dick in crazy. You're welcome. Saved you a lot of time and heart ache.
ignoring your protip
please be my trainwreck of a friend
I can take manic depressive, borderline is the red flag. But whatever you say, femanon, if it makes you happy. I would think you're beautiful, its not a trick.
Get yourself an average gf, you don't want to be with an ugly abomination like me.
We're friends right now user. We're anonymous friends.
Just give it a chance ugly user
be my non-anonymous friend too
Okay i'll be your anonymous gf. We're now together. You're now dating anonymous. That's my name. Anonymous. Congrats. No I wont actually contact you and please don't give me any of your info. kthnx.
No. This is the internet hate machine. You think I am falling into the trappings of this shit hole website?
i think you watch too much fox noos
I've already been doxxed and had my shit pushed in.
Not anymore. This place really lost the edge after Gamergate
Fembot post tummy pic
now i just straight don't believe you
Jow Forums never lost it's edge. This fbi pedo play ground. Full of gore, cp and everything horrible imaginable.
Yeah. It's happened. There are people that want me to kill myself and shit.
yes i unironically do, stop this bullshit stacy tier rejection and be my gf
You're mean user. I legit am a nice person who works at a no kill shelter and never raise my voice. I'm just lonely and wanted to talk, no trolling or lolcowfarm tier shit. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't be mean, but I'll leave you alone. There were multiple anons giving you offers, BTW. I hope you become happy one day.
Further fueling my fantasy of her seeing my erect and exposed penis as she tries to avert her gaze from the younger lady.
>lolcowfarm tier shit
haha good one friend :^)
I have a shitty personality not a shitty body.
There's a different between being nice and being an annoying faggot.
I only asked twice, sorry, the rest weren't me, I already told you that, the rest were different anons. I'm just lonely and dont have anyone to talk to. I told you I'll leave you alone, why keep replying?
They bully people, do they not?
>tfw no fat smoker gf to wait for death wit
do you have big milkies and brapper? thats the only thing that matters
be my gf
>600 pound hamplanets will shit, scream and shout about woman like in that webm not being a healthy size and say it sets a bad example for children
>All the while the beef goblins dismiss anyone who says something about them not being a healthy size as fat shaming
Really stirs the 'ol grey matter.
0kay i'll be your anonymous gf. We're now together. You're now dating anonymous. That's my name. Anonymous. Congrats. No I wont actually contact you and please don't give me any of your info. kthnx :^)
Okay i'll be your anonymous gf. We're now together. You're now dating anonymous. That's my name. Anonymous. Congrats. No I wont actually contact you and please don't give me any of your info. kthnx X0X0X0
hey, check it out Jow Forums, I got a gf
but no really. see, robots! we're all gonna make it! just bee urself and it works!
Okay fine, list some things about you then. I want to get a visual as to who I'm talking to. Also tell me why you would settle for someone who is physically repulsive unless you are one yourself.
>tfw got a gf for 10 seconds and was cucked immediately after
me name unga, give bunga GF.
No. You're talking about crazy sjw's. Those aren't women.
While she is really pretty, I wish I had just an ounce of her self confidence. While I don't think I can ever be as pretty as her, maybe I can aspire to not hate myself as much as I do
But not taking care of your body makes you die sooner.
Why would I criticize it if I have a similar body myself.
Besides she is cute. I'm just upset she wasn't wearing a thong bottom.
>t. obese virgin neckbeard who only dates models
That's obviously not me. That user has been mocking fembots throughout this entire thread
I feel you. A lot of people say I have a nice bod but I would never have any confidence to show any skin.
No user. We're still dating. That was a different anonymous gf dating a different anonymous male. Did you forget that my name is anonymous?
but who was gf
Let's seem 'em BODAYS!
You're anonymous. It was obviously you. There's no way of denying it.
Sorry user. We can't show our bodies here. I think that you should go to and find us. That way you can view our bodies. You're welcome. - fembot
You can show bodies fool
You don't seem to understand. All of us fembot gf's of the posters here are over at
Sauce on that DAYUM bod
even if i wanted to, im to lazy to post a pic
> a body that make all men precum in their pants
how can femanons compete?
Oh wow! I see you posting on as user's gf.
>why would you settle for someone who is physically repulsive
Not him but because I am starved for love and no one ever approaches me. You're not repulsive either, you just have low self esteem.
>You're not repulsive either, you just have low self esteem
What if I look like pic related?
now thats a 10
sure, that's me
She could do a great Shrek cosplay
I would honestly date her if she had nice interests we could do together, was kind, and let me worship her and spoil her, and was loyal. I'm not shallow, but I promised to leave you alone. I dont think you understand how much of a submissive, worshipping faggot I am, personally. I was just explaining why one would not be trying to troll you.
what timeline do we live in that we cannot even recognise men from women anymore.
this must be hell, where such things don't matter anymore.
white loser sperg that spends his days shitposting or playing vidya
i'd "settle" because I just want someone to hold who is also not a total normalfag
It must be nice living in fantasy land.