Humans were biologically never meant to use toilets or hold waste inside for long periods. Doing so increases toxicity in the body and shortens your lifespan.
Free yourselves from the porcelain jew!
Humans were biologically never meant to use toilets or hold waste inside for long periods...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, we should be freely shitting on our legs like birds do all the time!
Also, wtf. When I have to shit I go use the toilet and I don't hold it it. It isn't that big of an obstical.
Better yet,just piss and shit outside. Way better for the environment waste a gallon of water with every flush dudebro. And buying diapers isn't good ethier because they don't decompose too.
Having it pressed up against you isn't healthy either so don't be coy about your fetish thread. Have an image you huge fag
Toilets were invented to keep you unhealthy
No they weren't
go back to /x/
if you're really that concerned get a squatty potty
Everyday we lose faith in humanity
That's why you need a mommy or daddy to change your stinkies. Pee is sterile
All cute girls should wear diapers
I can't believe shitting yourself is being unironically shilled here
ALL cuties should wear diapers
Nice try, Pajeet.
Me and my GF went shopping and while we were shopping she said she had to use the bathroom. I told her to just go in your diaper and she told me it wasn't pee and she doesn't go #2 in her diapers. She was going to take it off and I convinced her to go in her diaper. I'm not usually in to messy diapers but it was super cute watching her squat and mess in the middle of the store.
Kill yourself. You don't deserve to use any of Earth's natural resources.
Indians are truly the most redpilled people.
>shitting your pants is healthier than using a toilet
This thread is retarded, even for Jow Forums.
Only vultures do that.
Jow Forums would believe it
No, nobody would believe it.
humans were also never meant to post about their diaper fetish to anonymous users online
degeneracy spotted
so toilets are jewish propaganda but overpriced diapers which are clearly a scam aren't?