Post your height, weight and any medical issues you have. I want to see how fucked up people in this board are.
I'm 5'6, 123 pounds and I have:
>Chronic Gastritis
>Acid Reflux
What about you?
Post your height, weight and any medical issues you have. I want to see how fucked up people in this board are.
I'm 5'6, 123 pounds and I have:
>Chronic Gastritis
>Acid Reflux
What about you?
over for me bros
130 lbs
I have:
That's it.
>66 inches
>215 pounds
Do mental issues count? Cause physically it all stems from the obesity
None so far, which is rather surprising seeing as how I'm a good bit overweight. I should probably change that to keep it this way.
I'm 5'10, 130 pounds.
> acid reflux
oooh wee look at that, the nth data harvesting thread today. have our retinal scans and thumb prints as well! good goys always share!
>140 lbs
5'6" 125 pounds
5'8" 145 pounds
>Cluster Headaches
>Severe Constipation
>Occasional TMD
>Showing early signs of parkinsons (sometimes I lose motor control of my left arm)
>mfw I will die before I hit 30.
>low functional iq
120 lbs
Fungal nail infection
Inflamed sinuses
>66 inches
can u not
are you the wrist fetishist from yesterday?
You cant be a robot if youre over 6 foot
Guys just go for walks, go vegan, and stop eating GMOs and all these issues will disappear
Balding but on finasteride
No but I was the op who started the thread
>6 feet
>175 lbs
>mind partly fried from abuse of psychedelics
Ive brought it on myself.
I'm 5'11" and 178 pounds
>Androgenic Alopecia
>binge eating disorder
>low testtosterone
I give up. I can't fight any more
I give up,
6'3" 120 lbs giga-skele
>Severe social anxiety
I weigh more and Im 5'6" wtf man
You cant be a robot if youre over 6 foot. Did you not read ???
Im 5'11 and 230 lb
>minor eye defect
>wheat allergy
I just need to loose weight and im not so bad
My 5'1~ sister weighs more than me lol
No problems actually I'm doin' fine
Please read And remember youre not a robot.
I'm a 27 year old virgin and I've been on Jow Forums since 2006.
im 5,7 and 120 lbs
>skinny af
>get heavy car sickness if look away from window
>ankles fucked up and cants walk right
>scoliosis due to heavy damge taken in the spinal discs
>back fucked up so i walk like a robot
>forget words a lot
>acne and moles
yeah i dont know how i made it this far robots
>155 pounds
>66 inches
So I'm fucking retarded and though a foot was 6 inches. I thought you were 11 feet tall.
>5'8 153lbs
270 pounds
Mental issues
Autism (of course)
How fucked im I.
>74 kg
>Knock knees
>Old man tier moles on my back that will probably develop into skin cancer if I dont do something about them
>Also a bit worried I have ED
>170 lbs
Damn iam chad compared to you skelly and fat faggots
>112 lbs
>skeletal lad
>probably have the 'tism
>asymmetrical body from sitting in a chair for 20 hours a day
>over-sized hands
>hair so greasy you could start a fire with it
how do you know you have IBS. did you get officially diagnosed or something?
6'2" 178 lbs
No medical issues
Suck it losers
>Depression where I feel numb and no pleasure but still "function"
I want life to stop
>missing both my legs below the knee
130-140 lbs
>Possible SPD(shit heath insurance, no official diagnosis)
>Type one diabetes
>Moderate hearing loss in Right ear
>Mild Neuropathy in right foot
>Eczema during winter months
6"2' and 250lbs, no health issues yet anyway other than diahorrea
6'4, 160 lbs
My only disability is i'm only 8 inches instead of 10
This is me btw in case you were wondering
>antibiotics gave me severe hearing loss when I was a baby
>extreme social anxieties
I'm 5'4
160 lbs 14% Body Fat tho
Ummm my right nipple is noticeably bigger than my left nipple. That's about it.
I can't whistle or snap my fingers either.
IBS having brothers...... I can't remember the last time I've taken a normal shit.......
>Panic Attacks
>Chronic Pain
Thank God for Dexedrine and Valium
5'2 180lbs
High blood pressure
Doctors appointment for cortisol testing
>215 pounds
>some spine issues
I am
and I have
>an honourable dd214
5'8, 161 pounds
>low T caused by repeat epididymitis
>bone cysts
>worsened overbite caused by useless NHS braces waiting list
>ED caused by low T
>alopecia areata
6'1", 155lbs
>Trichotillomania / Anxiety
>Severe Depression
>Spine is fucky and I'm close to scoliosis
stop whining you weak ass ho
5'4 135 lbs
>Multiple Personality Disorder
>suffered early brain damage
my little sister is taller than me
215 lbs
"Diagnosed" aspergers
Had terrible acne now just scars everywhere
Snowflake musician/artist
Handsome but weird, i literally scare off anyone i talk to.
Believes most conspiracy stories to the point it shapes my perception and ruins my life
Enfp male
5'6 (though it's average in my country)
>generalized anxiety disorder
>probably ocd
>a bizarre sight problem called visual snow that's not debilitating at all but it's fucking scary and weird
>other minor things
could be worse desu, i'm okay being like this
Dental decay
Fuck my life
more detail?
200 lbs
around genital area so no one will see it. It wouldn't be visible any where else though considering I'm already pasty, but balls are typically a darker/different color
>probable avoidant personality disorder
>sleep problems
>covered in stretch marks
6 feet.
That's about it. Am decent looking
>6ish feet
>130ish pounds
>anxiety depression all that jazz
>tfw I'm a skeleton