Cheeky nightcrawl edition
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First for fucking 20 women weekly
thanks to the lad who posted the /x/ link to crawling lad, regret asking for it though tbf
Wot u upto Iids
*night barrel rolls into the new thread away from the uncomfy lad*
Who is the new power couple?
>regret asking for it though tbf
it actually freaks me out more than some of the real blood and gore vids I've seen. I wonder if it's a natural reaction to seeing something so bizarre
christ lad this is too funny fuck
i heard night walker lad met a bird in the park earlier on tonight. a mackem
wow you sound like some kind of shut in robot
Mayuri and Sagiri
/ourgirl/ and dmanon.
Think they have been talking on whatsapp or so I hear.
holy shit i might crawl about the street at night but that guy with no legs is an absolute madman
user and Handy
Thinking of watching the wrasslin show I was at and seeing if I'm on camera looking mongy
Listening to some of my dad's CDs
Pic related very comfy rn
Wbu lad?
wrasslin is kind of gay lad. why do you like it?
Sagiri and Mado but they're keeping it lowkey
I like a lot of dumb and gay shit. I'm just a dumb gay lad desu
Tempted to watch to watch for you, jesus a wreslter now?
that is some essential dadcore right there
good stuff
t. gay
shit, sorry lad. wizards then pirates, I just lost track of everything
cut of your jib is liking the way somebody is, there dress sense, mannerisms, what makes them them
watching angry people yelling at skaters on youtube lads, nice, nice
that you in your new red shirt on the left? belly's looking bigger
ok lad
i'm not gay, i'm a naderfile
He has like 3 U2 albums but I didn't want to tarnish his otherwise patrician taste
I think he's going to their performance centre. Even if he gets signed it would be ages before he's on tv though. He's got a shot at least
Daddy is goat musicwise.
Watching a review of a show i already seen
Sat back listening to some comf tunes.
Think I might do a bit of reading and head to bed soon though.
Literally had a video like that first in my suggested box. Didn't watch it/
>three sheets to the wind
Great album
Thought he was in uni, Does he ever talk about hwndu
you guys are cute. I hope you're very happy together
watchu reading lad
I've been struggling with the same book for well over a month. It's not even difficult I just get distracted with the internet all day
>get out my pub
>get out my pub
>get out my pub
>get out my pub
Thought you were off to bed you silly sausage
Share tunes, tired but not sleepy
Go bed satan
I don't understand the Scottish language.
Please can someone translate this for me.
stone cold laddo
Her death episode with the ghost of Pat was kino
I'm not sure what he's trying to say here.
>10k upvotes on r/CasualUK or somewhere
I remember catching that episode it was so weird and out of place
Imagine if they posted the article twice by mistake
it was all a ruse lads, I'm sabotaging my body's sleep instincts
lads i need some avice. i recently installed tinder because of tfw no gf. because of the likes bubble where you can see a blurred image of the main pic of the person who liked you i noticed that a p cute girl who i know through friends liked me.
do i like her back or does she just >like me because she knows me?
He wishes we were together
y-you too
Been reading some Light Novels, got one up to do with Re:Zero and I'm just past half way through an 130 chapter arc. Quite good if you can just switch off in the evening and flick through. What book have you been reading lad?
Don't screw it up fren it is a tedious path
Bois I haven't been in the UK for 3 months fuckin feignin for a Greggs' pasty
*tucks you in*
*kisses forehead*
*rubs tummy*
Night night fag
>a p cute girl who i know through friends liked me.
why dont you chat to her in real life and see if she's interested?
Nobody likes someone on tinder cause they are friends. Like it back or kill yourself
Why aren't you lads on the night bus home?
be one of us
I hope there's no Tory scum in this thread
Watching the most recent PMQ lads.
What you guys reckon?
I tend to get really anxious about any interaction with a girl i even remotely like ;_;
>HIV positive doesn't just mean you haven't got aids yet
Fuck me I'm a brainlet
Hard but disgusted
>Tineye 0 results
Smash her ladddddie
going to have a smoke of the devils lettuce then going to get muh wand, then look more onto the pottermore site, and listen to some music. not sure what yet. might have a night listening to what the lads post
whatchu doin?
like it
damn, that was a quick listen
*boogies and waves fingers in air*
yeah now we're talking
Give highlights,not watching 40 mins of this normie shit
Getting more purple every time lads. Shame because literally no party here fits in that bit.
>tfw probably going to be up at 5am again wondering why its all going wrong
Corbyn really is a shit
r/scottishpeopletwitter is a thing, yanks love it. oh those quirky scots xD
>Why not stay up till 5am working out how it can be better and what you have to be thankful for
>whatchu doin?
Listening to above and beyond while rolling burn then it's a twin peaks audiobook
*clears throat*
>you're actually a complete cow
you're a cruel woman
>valentines day was fucking saturday and you treated me like a prince then you go and shag my fucking brother
how can you be so two faced as to be nice to me on valentines day then cheat on me with my brother
>you actual need to get to fuck
i'd prefer it if you went away forever and i never came across you again
>you were telling me you loved me on saturday and i thought we had a great few months together, now i realise you're just a complete fucking waste of time and money!
again, how could i be so deceived by your shenanigans
>i bought you 2 or 3 fanta frozens at american sniper and you even slipped the hand!
again, the betrayal
>you are actually a fucking slut, you've got a fanny like a punched lasagna!
because you've had so much sex, your vagina has now melted
>aw btw mind that time i was in your house just before you got home from work...ya fucking whore cunt
although you cheated on me with my brother, I too am a degenerate and prefer the scent of your mother's vulva, despite all her child bearing
Conservatives seemed to be really dominating the whole thing, Labour BTFO in that on desu
I'm going to bed lads. You need to sleep to build muscle. It's going to be another hard gym session tomorrow.
right thats hopefully my last cig smoked, time to get off them and start bike rides again, get slashfitslash, cardio wise
What does slipped the hand mean?
Last couple of threads have been patrician level comfy and funny
Cheers for workout advice lads, off to bed now
Reached for his love plug I think
Don't even think about it anymore
If only it were that easy lad.
Even if I'm aware of my thoughts being irrational my feelings still pull me down fren
Night night lads, good luck tomorrow, the both of you
i think it means she wanked him off or let him touch her vagina, but it's not really something scottish people say very much. where i live anyway
you should read rapeman lad. I've been reading The Possibility of an Island, kind of sci-fi novel
*twats you in the face*
*spits on you*
am no a fag
>well you didnt wake up this morning cause you didn't go to bed
>you were watching the whites of your eyes turn red
Lift for the /britfeel/ lads
You think so? I feel the opposite.
Boris btfo by some Scottish lad.
Based sharpe
I thought my politics had changed quite a bit but I got more or less the same result for years now
For 2-3 Fanta frozens?
Where do I find a whore like this?
this is a great song liddo
i love the the
Boris is a complete joke, I was mainly talking about Con vs labour, but that SNP chap always comes in guns blazing every time, cracks me up
well the fact that it's slush puppies and not alcohol suggests to me that they're probably underaged neds
me too lad, gonna do some reps for /britfeel/
you love the what? stop stammering
>*twats you in the face*
>*spits on you*
>am no a fag
I know what you mean laddie, have downer nights too
But once I take a step back and think about it it could be much worse than better
However that realisation seldom comes during those down times, just hope I can offer some solace that you arent a lone lad
It could be worse, you could be French
Hope you feel better soon
i love the booooabiieeeee
woah looking good me
Sounds like something that would make me uncomfortable even if it isn't too serious I have to say lad.
I'll give it a look at least if I can
The novel you've got there though
>Daniel is a successful comedian who can't seem to enjoy life despite his wealth
Sounds pretty depressing lad, what's it like?
allah snackbar bread frendo