Just think of all the big hard throbbing cocks he has pleasured with the photos he took.
Just think of all the big hard throbbing cocks he has pleasured with the photos he took
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Just think of him and his girlfriend doing naughty things
I have to admit that's one passable trap. If I didn't know where the pic comes from I probably wouldn't have guessed it's a guy.
But fuck that faggot playing that gay fucking game, they should both die.
if that's sneaky maybe i still have a shot at becoming a tyrannosaurus rex
>those breasts
What the fuck they're not even that good but look at them, they relieve any suspicion that it's a trap, what the fuck are traps anymore
FUCK I hate this trap meme I swear to fuck one day there's going to be traps getting pregnant, god fucking help us
Think of his girlfriend lovingly holding him down for you, while you fill his bussy with your genetically superior seed
Obvious same fag.
Reiko, do you ever get tired of being told to fuck off?
plot twist: only reiko posts this image
Soon user, soon
NO I don't WANT traps to get pregnant I fucking HATE the trap meme
This shit is scary and it's fucking up natural biology
Imagine you and your trap wife being THIS happy.
Why would you deny yourself this?
>"Why would you deny yourself this?"
Because I'd rather be with an actual woman who can actually NATURALLY bear my children and because I'm not fucking gay?
More traps are more traditional than (((natural women))). Whats the difference if they can both give you beautiful babies? Just try it!
>dresses as a woman despite being a man
Also it still has a dick so it's fucking GAY
How do I learn to do makeup like this? A-Asking for a friend of course.
It's never been hard to stuff a bra, you know
I know, but traps have never thought to do it
This one is REALLY convincing and the manface is very subtle since some real women have manface
This is an unironic trap because it's not obvious
>giving up all those traditional values just to maintain 1 aspect of tradition
>settling for a blue pilled roasty just cuz muh vagina
The dick makes it cuter!
>implying I'd settle for a bluepilled roastie
Oh user, you're naive
Also you're posting porn, which isn't traditional in the slightest
>This is an unironic trap because it's not obvious
Except it's not a trap you mongoloid, he's a pro gamer who enjoys cosplaying league girls and has a gf.
>Except it's not a trap you mongoloid
If you think it's a girl when it's actually a male, it's a trap
Let's not get into semantics here. There's really no difference between a crossdresser, a trap, or a tranny. Theyre all gay as fuck
No, the semantics are important. He's wrong, Sneaky in girl mode is totally a trap because he's convincing. Trapping is only about passing, doesn't matter if it's just crossdressing for fun or a trans girl who lives that way full time
I think the dividing line is whether or not the trap believes its own tricks. Trannies are repulsive and crazy but traps and crossdressers are fine IMO.
I'm thinking about transitioning. Does anyone has any tips? I-I'm just so scared...
It's literally all the same thing though, a man pretends to be a woman
No, it's a similar thing. The are a lot of differences
>Josou Seme
That's a dividing line between crossdressers and trans. Trap is its own descriptor that applies to any male who convincingly looks like a girl, which obviously can include both groups when they fully pass
Don't have the surgery. Instead try to accept your body basically as it is. You don't necessarily have to conform to some existing models of what genders are.
god I would actually kill someone to have his looks. I want to be a qt trap so bad but the only option is surgery just fucking end me and my ugly ass face!
his true form
he a cute boi
God he's fucking ugly how the fuck did he become a convincing trap?
soft beta features = best trap abilities, it's a great platform for makeup
You might be surprised to learn that lots of girls who look great with makeup are actually pretty ugle, too
looks like he was chubbier when this was taken
most "ugly" guys are just fat
I would kill to have "soft beta features" if I could look like that. fuck my manly ass face.
After the inital shock of knowing a trap was, I started learning how to identify one to never fall for their tricks again
After years of seeing trap pics and reading trap hentai, I thought I had mastered my abilities
I was not prepared for this
same, if i didnt have a neanderthal ass browridge and such a defined jawline I would transition in a heartbeat
Man he's so lucky :( and he's not even serious about it, just doing it for a lark. I need to get on hormones ASAP, and put aside some money for ffs.
>delivers pizza
>box is already open
God traps can't do anything right
They can post for a damn good picture at least.
that picture is edited as fuck
i won't believe any trap pictures on the internet till I see them.
still cute, u dum?
Imagine waking up to that face. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE ARM PIT HAIR
>tfw face is an unappealing mix of masculine and feminine
would still fuck until he's a real girl
looks like the main change is the stomach was shrunk slightly, and the face was filtered
not even that different from real life
Not too much of a difference beside the armpit hair.
Feels like this propaganda is everywhere. Makes me really wanna dress
exactly, the same edits girls get in photoshoops. Compare the best possible pics to the worst possible angles and the truth is somewhere in between
Hpw dumb do you have to be to fall for reikos mindfuck?
You are supposed to be better robots, years of online activity should have made wary and bitter, not soft enough to fall for this fag`s brainwashing.
>reikos mindfuck
This fag is just the current boogieman, trap stuff has been on Jow Forums since the mid 2000s
samefagging anus faggots
>more than one person couldn't possibly disagree with me
Nice one
I dont care about trap faggotry, it has always been a part of Jow Forums even before Jow Forums was created.
The currente reiko paranoia just pisses me off.
What paranoia?
yeah but she wants to pleasure hard throbing cocks too
Dtill prettier than most woman I guess. Every woman in my town is a fat cow.
I already said too much user, you are smart. You can figure it out.
At least i feel safe in this thread because i cant see any genuine reiko poster so far
estrogen makes you fat
you're just proving how much of a samefag you are
go die
Who the fuck is Reiko? I've heard this stupid name around. People like traps, some people really want to be one. It's not some conspiratorial bamboozle.
He looks like austin powers without the filters or makeup.
You're silly to think a sentiment like that is all down to samefagging
>tfw ywn have a nice gf to dress fem with and then go and suck tyrone together
shit taste nigga
>currente reiko paranoia just pisses me off
this is true. reiko posters are more cringeworthy than trap posters.
Why are people tossing some underage nobody's name around. It's jarring af and undermines all of r9k. Crossdressing is one of numerous beta male conditions and it doesn't have to be homo or even sexual most of the time.
Why would you crossdress unless you want someone to fuck you? As someone who likes to be fucked the idea is absurd
Am I only one here that finds this bitch hot?
You want to be appreciated not necessarily fucked. That being said i do want to be fucked but by a girl with a strapon
You like to look at yourself? Maybe at some point you realize you can attract men
Do u guys like my Kawhy cosplay XD
>implying I wouldn't pin him down and force myself into his unshaven boipucci while bullying him for being so gay and girly
>the most unflattering snapshots you can find are still cuter than you or anyone on whom you'll ever lay your gross, cynical paws
you're even disappointing at disappointing us. remarkable stuff my dude
imagine being one of those league players that convinces themselves these two freaks actually look like girls
>salty dotababby crying tears of rage over his trapless dead game
Does a picture with multiple shots of the video.
Im an actual female and have a decent body
Why are you white knighting so hard for a fat guy
>Im an actual female
my sympathies
I want to give Nat a huge purple-nurple so bad, no homo
>Baby born from shithole.
Clearly the seed enters through the boipussy but the child exits via cock
It's trap cock birth, a beautiful spectacle of life
i want to give her a buttrple fuckrple desu, no homo (because she is a girl)
Baby sees still passes through asshole, back to intestines, to stomach, kidney and bladder before exiting trap cock in a gory, explosive mess to rival Cannibal Holocaust.
>exits via cock
hotdog in a microwave
>gory, explosive mess
no worse than female birth
If women's crotch caves can heal back up then so can a trap cock
Plus think of how fun it would be to play with while it was all huge and blown out before it goes back to somewhat-normal
>Plus think of how fun it would be to play with while it was all huge and blown out before it goes back to somewhat-normal
how many layers of fetish are you on my man
>tranny getting fucked while she's pregnant
Hyenas give birth through their clits, so obviously it's biologically feasible.
>6-8 lbs. baby exits 1cm hole
>no worse than vaginal birth
Dude, even got the internet, that is messed up.
Oh come on it's not the weird. If you just think about it a bit more it's pretty hot
>hyena clitoris
>human penis
>human vagina
All the same thanggj. Wit is everyones issue?
This thread took a weird direction
I think this was pretty normal for Jow Forums. How new are you?
Normal should be like missionary.
Here normal is a basedboy man wearing a Star Trek uniform getting pegged by a giantess dragon vampire centaur Robert Pattinson she-male while giving birth through his bloated uterus-cock in a giant Sonic the Hedgehog shaped Tupperware container full of edible arrangements, My Little Pony toys, and bodily waste.
who's reiko? :c
A brilliant, charismatic and empowered woman that gives hope to the future girls of Jow Forums.
A puppet master.
I could live with the shemagh, I have one myself but that outfit is so cringe.
>Halloween staff