don't let little mistakes scare you edition
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don't let little mistakes scare you edition
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Filter tripfags
>tfw no Spaniard bf This comment is surprisingly not original.
I just want to be looooved
in an original waaay
>tfw no black bf who vents his racial issues via dominating me
I'm Portuguese, is that close enough?
>tfw no eu4 vassal bf
>tfw before you can mend someone's heart your own heart has to be mended
>tfw not deserving of heartmending until you're capable of mending someone else's heart
>tfw YOU LOSE and you're trapped by circular prerequisites
Also why does it seem like I'm the only who fag who ever screams in these threads? Surely you all have pent up feelings as well?
Did you do anything interesting today, /r9g/?
>tfw only one broken heart can love another
>tfw two broken hearts could never make it in this world
Typing out screams feels a bit weird
But i'll scream with you in spirit, user
Are any of you guys okay with LDR? Every boy i've ever met that has spoken about the topic of LDR say they wouldn't want one because they wanna get their butt pounded.
Sure. originally so.
>Tfw no Iberian bf
Depends on how far away and how willing you are to travel.
Yes. I would be very hesitant and paranoid about meeting anyone off these threads irl. At least for a long while.
I got into LDRs and I didn't mind it as much as they did, but it ultimately didn't work out well because it was a LDR. There's only so much you can do.
This, you need the possibility of travel for it to work better.
LDRs just do not work, period
>spent the entirety of last thread shitposting with another user
>forget that I was supposed to clean a few cages
It's not going to work out mate.
My helicopter destroyer ise model kit arrived today, so I started working on it. Never build ships before and the detailing will be hard.
What's so special about iberians?
Just like them usually I guess. mostly because a good amount of the boys I've actually been interested in in the past have been Spaniards.But Portuguese are close enough. I'll never get an Iberian bf though anyways.
I'm sure you'll find your Iberian bf some day, user. We all will.
I discovered the lock on my chair that was preventing my chair from reclining. I feel retarded
>We all will
Don't you dare lie to me.
I'd like to be optimistic but I doubt it. What he said.
>tfw no latino bf
i'm in a long distance friendship with someone and even though we like each other we also talk about our crushes, almost not in recent months.
we talked about meeting someday for the first time a while ago and honestly i wouldn't even mind if he did something with someone or anything in the interim.
>tfw am spic
but why
chocolate skin is cute
>tfw no chocolate skin
welll you say that
What skin do you have?
what skin colour do you get latino boy~
Well it's not chocolate
Pale? tanned? Etc?
spics are cute!
it certainly doesn't feel that way
show skin~
why not?
Pale because I don't go outside
Be careful, you'll wake him up
I fail to see an issue with that
Why dont you go outside user?
im sure lots of people are after you~
because most people don't like dark skin
i'd rather my skin be a few tones lighter.
I'm not going to let you or that other disgusting fucking tripfag affect what I post.
Tfw no armpit bf
>Did you do anything interesting today, /r9g/?
why would I ever do something interesting
Didn't say it was
I don't currently have a reason to
>im sure lots of people are after you~
I'm not sure where you got that from user
That's a pretty good choice of fetish, user
I wish you luck
>tfw no short bf to ride my back
Why are we still here?
I'm a pale boy with blue eyes and i like slighty dark skinned bois.
guess i was wrong,me sowwy
>guess i was wrong,me sowwy
It's fine silly
>enter yet another r9k gay thread
>anime grills everywhere
I want to escape this existence
fetish is just such a corny dumb word
having fetishes overall is a big red flag in who to avoid
i agree good riddance, btw what's your shoe size just wondering haha
I mean okay fair enough but what else are you gonna call it
>Classmate keeps teasing me
>"user you're just so quiet all the time and it makes me want to see your annoyed face"
Is this a thing normies do? Is trying to pass unnoticed something bad from their perspective?
>tfw you will never feel slightly embarrassed and emasculated by the fact that someone loves and cherishes you enough to let you ride on his back, but still feel a lot of pleasure and happiness from the experience anyway
>tfw you'll never passionately make out with him afterwards because you can't contain your joy and your desire to be close to him
Feels were not meant to be felt, only to be longed for.
wanna be my latino bf sweetie
don't remember the size, user. maybe we should use your tongue to measure it
why am i so averse to the idea of a guy touching me?
is it because i've seen how they wash their hands? by which i mean don't?
>user you're just so quiet all the time
Normies do this all the time, yes
>it makes me want to see your annoyed face
That's a bit weird though
sorry, i asked the question and then had to hide your post.
i can't see that.
too soon user but i'll be your friend
I'll surely believe you just like I am sure to believe every gay boy that I met
The fates are cruel and unforgiving.
feet are gross i was just making a joke. dirty feet especially
how will i be able to talk to you friend?
I want to lick a dirty foot and chew his unkempt toenails
You can share an email or post discord I guess, whatever you want
you can stop posting anytime
delete thyselves
how about girls (male(female))?
Stop posting normie frogs
ne ne, oniisan
what if i post gorls but say they're bois?
sugoi desu ne?
Would anime boys be better?
Naoto is okay but still.
why wont you post yours? :(
>tfw my bf would get super weirded out whenever I licked his armpit or foot
>it only made me do it more to watch him squirm
I don't like posting it if you want it can just be a throwaway, or I can give you a throwaway I guess
are you guys bored? give me any topic and i'll write a haiku or a real story, your choice.
title succession during the medieval ages
title succession
a topic out of left field
what the hell is that?
That's so cute
Did it make him giggle and tickle him when you licked?~
a place where a child used to play that is now desolate
a seasonal theme
it's not about syllables
it's about the art
How do I know if I'm gay or not?
I always catch myself adoring guys, and at times fantasize about cuddling with them, but every time I try to tell my self something in the lines of "It's ok if your gay", I always get a bad feeling in my body.
Should also note I get turned on by girls. Am I bi-sexual or closest gay or some shit?
send me your discord user
dead wood falling down
cold seeping into your bones
memories, now lost
Would you fuck a boy or be fucked by one or kiss them or do other general things you'd do with a female? If so you're bi at least probably.
well that's news to me
too bad i learned of haikus
from Azure Striker
Some things I think yea. Like a blowjob seems fine, kissing and cuddling fine too, but I wouldn't want to fuck a guy in the ass or get fucked in the ass.. not so much related to him, but I wouldn't fuck a girl in the ass either.
>[email protected]
Sent user
Bi maybe? I'm not really sure what qualifies you as bi desu but I'd assume blowjobs would definitely be close enough.
comprehension dawns
like a slowly rising sun
enlightenment, haiku!!
such radiant light
gives me a brief reminder
of what's right and wrong
>tfw enjoying a nice strong drink after spending all day out in the sun working in my yard
I forgot how good physical work out in the sun feels, after being basically a shut in for the past decade.
a flower, blooming
the springtime of our lives
love is in the air
a nostril sealed shut
constant sneezing all day
fookin' spring weather
Make a haiku about Stalingrad now.
I am so hungry
rations ran out weeks ago
time to eat Ivan