Markiplier is a white male, Asian female Hapa who is masculine, successful and has a good relationship with his father.
Markiplier is a white male, Asian female Hapa who is masculine, successful and has a good relationship with his father
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Oh my God such horrible abuse. What an evil colonial mind white bigot who hates his children.
Literally his spitting image
Oh my God. How could Markiplier go through such horrible abuse. He clearly has serious self hatred issues. Look at his evil father.
Oh my God. This is some seriously evil shit. Markiplier must be self hating failure... 20 million subscribers you say?
>insert video of him crying after he hits x supscribbers
so youre the one thats been harassing me huh. for something i didnt do.
And he's a fucking faggot who makes videos for 8 year olds. Turned out real great
What? Did I say you spam black men fucking white women because you are butt hurt about white men getting with Asian women?
yup, youre the one. and im the bad asian masculinity poster. im so butthurt.
>implying because you don't do something it means other Asians don't
any other asians here? where could you find other asians? do you talk to them like you do here?
are you sure it was asians?
I've read about Asian masculinity posters spamming cuck porn on pol, R9k and b for hours on end. You can tell because on pol a ton of them are either Australian or Canadian which both have large Asian minorities.
asians didnt betray you mark. you betrayed them. just like ER stabbing his asian roomies in their sleep.
ok mark. the asians did it.
>mentally ill Jewtuber
No surprise he's a hapa
I feel like you're being sarcastic and serious at the same time.
>Asians claim to care about the struggles of Hapas
>they show they care by abusing white male, Asian female Hapas and claiming that they hate themselves even when they don't
Wow. Some brotherhood that is.
yeah mark, im sarcastic and serious at the same time. not staying quiet during all the race bait made by you must be an admission of guilt for blacked posting and anti hapa posting.
i did it all, mark. every single anti hapa thread and every blacked thread was made by me, the bad asian poster who hates hapas and asians and whites getting together romantically.
You clearly have a guilty conscience.
i dont know what youre talking about. all i know is that youre the one thats been making race bait against asian guys, which is probably just me here. it doesnt matter though, youve beaten the bad asian man at his own game.
clearly, im guilty. i admit it, i hate hapas and white men with asian women. for cucking me and taking my women, who rightfully belong to us, asian men.
Who is making race bait against Asians? All I am showing is that white men who have kids with Asian women don't all hate their kids and tell them they are inferior for being mixed with Asian like many Asian masculinity posters would have people believe. That's not anti Asian.
But most white men aren't even cruel towards Asians.
yeah dude, its asian masculinity making anti hapa threads. im asian and im from asian masculinity, we plot and scheme against asian women with white men. they are traitors to the Eastern Tiger.
i guess not Mark. anything else on your mind?
Do you realize that if more black men get with white women that will make more white men get with Asian women? If white men are with white women then there's more Asian women for you.
You should be promoting white men with white women and Asian men with Asian women if you really care about Asian women being with white men.
no, youre pretty smart tho.
And he makes bank doing it. He's got a nice radio voice too so after he's too old for YouTube he can always be a radio host.
Also there's a lot of porn of black men with Asian women too. So by bolstering their masculinity you are causing more Asian women to desire them which could backfire against you.
ill get right on that. after all, asian women belong to asian men.
black men with asian women? youre making this up, mark.
Don't you dare talk shit about my husbando.
Mark's Dad died of cancer.
Have you seen Google images? There's a shitload of porn of black men fucking Asian women. Like I said. By bolstering their masculinity you are opening up for another race to cuck you. There are African immigrants migrating into Asia now and the African population is soon to explode.
wow, no. ill let asian masculinity know, and we will take care of this crisis. asian women belong to us.
I don't know if you're serious or joking but I'm telling you the truth. Whites are not a threat to you but blacks are. The African population is due to explode to 4 billion while the Asian population stagnates. An influx of African migrants could breed Asians out of existence.
you dont know if im being serious or not? mark im being completely, dead serious. ive already informed the asian masculinity hivemind about the BBC on asian menace. its being taken care of as we speak, the president of China, Japan and North Korea are in a meeting right now.
So you're cool with this? Niggers are coming into China and fucking your women.
whats wrong with that, mark? cool it with the nword.
You want your race to be bastardized out of existence? Word is that Jews want to infiltrate Asia and bastardize the people so they can gain control.
didnt they try that a few times already? they just ended up becoming asian, knock yourself out mark.
Doesn't matter if they become Asian. They don't care about their race. They will still attempt to breed Asians out. Just like they are white and Europe and still want to destroy white people. It doesn't mean shit to them because they have no loyalty. Their only loyalty is to their dogma and their kabal. Look at how China is becoming modernized. That will allow the Jews to infiltrate and spread their agenda.
>a single questionable anecdote disproves a trend
The fact is a lot of duded with yellow fever have very messed up views of women and race in generalc and a lit of Asian women have very skewed concepts of masculinity and class. These often combine to form unhappy marriages based on cynical status obsession. Obviously there are exceptions where a healthy white male genuinely forms a loving bond with an Asian woman for her soul, but simply browsing the Asian women threads on this site demonstrates how unusual it is. Psychologically well adjusted people do not have pathological obsessions with other races. The fact you made several posts trying to contest this trend shows that you are part of it as opposed to an out(markipl)lier
t. White person who has a AMWF nephew and niece and three WMWF nieces
sounds pretty cool, mark. interracial breeding grounds goes east.
Seems like you are a cuckold then.
>a lit of Asian women have very skewed concepts of masculinity and class.
You mean they scrunch up their faces at your effeminate broke neet game?
Do you have any proof that the majority of white male and Asian female relationships are negative? I don't see any evidence. Actually I'm not even attracted to Asian women.
leave mark alone, asian masculinity. didnt you get my memo? he wants to help protect against the bbc on rice menace.
or maybe im just really generous with our property (asian women).
>relatively successful youtuber
>does a ton of charity work
>genuinely seems to be a decent man
>his brother
>a fucking furry artist
Sounds a lot like you're a cuckold.
no no, im just a communist and generous with sharing our property (asian women) with everyone.
That's definitely a cuckold.
no, im just a really generous property owner (asian women).
No. You're a cuckold.
>implying you have any choice in who Asian women fuck
Of course not cause you're a permissive beta cuck.
hmm, you may be right. welp back to BLACKED posting i guess, but with my property (asian women) this time.
Alright. Suit yourself my friend. Pretty weird if you ask me. Not sure if you're just mocking me or trying to play mind games.
im not mocking you or playing games, im just glad ive met a mastermind like you to see through the games ive been BLACKING this board with.
Maybe you should try and make friends with a white guy and you'll realize we're not all that bad. The ones who aren't libtards or Christians can actually be quite intelligent.
wow. is this safe? im just a smol rice boi, easily overpowered by every other race.
You shouldn't be so self hating. When I wrestled in high school my wrestling partner was Asian and the guy had a natural six pack that he hardly had to work out for and was well muscled overall. Asian men being unmasculine is not necessarily true in my opinion.
>he thinks I'm into Asian chicks
Nice projection. I love black women.
Well, I'm phoneposting right now and am no expert. I quickly googled some stuff and found the following:
>black partners increase divorce rate, while Asians lower it when paired with whites
>AMWF has a lower divorce rate than WMAF.
>children born through interracial relationships are more fucked up (mental health, disorders) than pure breed children
>WMAF is significantly more common than AMWF and one of the most common interracial pairings period
It's anecdotal, but many WMAF kids have written extensively about their negative experiences and I think that makes excellent justification for a study on how they compare mental health wise to the average population.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, my dude.
Don't even know who he is except that he did some video game playthroughs, and I don't vidya.
okay, ill try. thanks big guy.
>they have written extensively
>implying you do extensive reading
leave mark alone, asian masculinity. dont make me use kung jitsu.
Please don't hate yourself. I really feel bad for you. You have no reason to hate yourself. I really respect Asian people but it hurts that you hate white men so much and are out to get us. I think we should have a positive relationship.
well there you have it, mark. it was a white dude with jungle fever all this time.
ill tell asian masculinity to back off with the BLACKED posting.
beware the yellow peril, mark.
I have never gone out of my way to insult or belittle Asian men unless they insulted me first. Like I said I respect Asian people and history and think it should be preserved just like white culture and history.
"Hitler saw China and Japan as equals to Germany and even wrote admiringly: 'I admit freely that their history is superior to our own'"
oh so it was just defensive? all those pictures and OC and old content youve saved and spammed over the years were just defensive... haha i guess i understand. no hard feelings, Markiplier sempie ^_^
>Markiplier is a white male
He's literally 1/2 Korean.
That's a great attention span you've got. Nice reading comprehension.
Very saucy.
Sounds like we're cool now. Hopefully so.
Peace between East and West.
yeah buddy, youre the west and im the east.