>Calculus professor wont round your 69.48 to a 70
Calculus professor wont round your 69.48 to a 70
he is right, he should round it to 69
>yoga lecturer wont round my 20 to a 100
>calculus professor rounds your 99.99... to 100
>86% is an a in a class of 3
>tfw when you btfo all of the engineering students on the sequences and series test but you choke on the babbies first differential equations test.
I only need a 56 on it to pass but goddamn this is embarrassing.
>being this arrogant
>being put in your place by differential equations of all courses...
I should add that I haven't gotten my score back, but jesus christ this shit seemed easy during lecture and during the homework/study sessions.
I completely agree with you
Damn that's unforunate. I got a 107.8% in Organic II and my prof won't round it to a 108 :(
>82% is an A in a class of 16
holy shit diffeqs is easy as fuck though
I wonder, do professors curve everybody else down when this happens? I think it would be fair since you can't penalize one student for doing really well.
dumb wojak poster
>you cant penalize one student for doing really well
Yeah I know! Maybe I did better than I thought, as I aced all the homework and studied a good bit, so I don't know wtf happened. Several of the questions were way different from what was in the textbook/review so I think I must have psyched myself out or something.
>Failing Calc I
I'm retarded when it comes to Calc and I still secured an A
calc 2, I made an a in 1
also failing calc 2, i'm an absolute brainlet when it comes to math
That professor sounds like a real cunt. What the hell? It's a class that user or his parents are paying for. Give him that single point. Fuck!
but that limit is 0 user
if only it worked like that
my professor is an absolute cunt who never curves grades, i think like half the class ended up failing
what kind of shit-tier uni do you go to that offers extra credit?
probably curves
ITT: brainlets being brainlets
My CC classes had some ridiculously high fail rates
>chem 1, 80% fail rate
>physics 1, 75% fail rate
>fucking algebra, 80% fail rate
>java, 70% fail rate
>calc, 60% fail rate
I pretty much had survivors guilt by the time I was done.
A lot of the engineering classes at my current school also have high fail rates since they use them as weeders, but it's generally around like 50%.
>mfw I passed them all and I just have comfy senior courses left