How old were hunter-gatherers when they first had sexual intercourse?
How old were hunter-gatherers when they first had sexual intercourse?
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It depends because usually the alpha male in groups quite literally fucked everyone from woman and children whenever he wanted.
So, you could be a 6 yr old cave-boy and have your first sexual experience just because the pack leader felt like it.
That's not right.
Human beings aren't "Alpha male" animals.
It would literally just take two dudes that get tired of one guy's shit to take care of that problem.
Probably mid to late teens is my guess
>Human beings aren't "Alpha male" animals. long have you been on earth, and what is your mission here, exactly? Because I think you need to pay more attention to us.
Probably preteen years
Without tech and junk to look at they probably just fucked, culture was a waste of time
The cave painters jerked off to drawings of porn and shit while people were busy fighting deer and stuff, those cave painters are probably the first ones to use spices and stuff because they weren't cut out for the hunt or they were just more interested in "nothing"
The conception of an Alpha male is an industrial/agricultural construct
Most men are Alpha males.
You can see this when you play any online game or any game really even in real life.
Only the retarded and crippled aren't.
They probably get left to die.
>tfw the idea of alpha male has changed
>tfw alpha just means sexually attractive now
Who would win in a fight, a thousand venomous scorpions or a lion
>Most men are Alpha males.
>You can see this when you play any online game
First of all, you're looking at such behaviour from a modern human perspective.
Primitive man, while intelligent, still was was an animal. And as animals do, they fuck. Alot.
The genuine alpha of a group of males laid waste to wombs of every man woman or child he wanted.
>It would literally just take two dudes that get tired of one guy's shit to take care of that problem
Yes sometimes that did happen but like our chimp ancestors it wasn't as common as you think. They elected a troop leader and sometimes he had access to everyone's butthole and no one gave a shit.
Most humans in history didnt have sex. Lots of men died on the battlefield as virgins
>or any game really even in real life
Nice one, but you KNOW people learn how to do things if they keep doing them.
Not everyone is Tom Brady, but everyone can throw a football.
>died on the battlefield
That's too far into the future.
War wasn't common for hunter-gatherers.
>Genuine Alpha
Chimps aren't as evolved as human beings.
Would you stand by if you knew you and a friend could have what another man was having?
Would you try and have that in the first place if you knew two men could betray you?
>your cromag counterpart was a mammoth slaying carrying-his-woman-by-the-hair motherfucker
>you're you
i'm actually kind of ashamed 2bh
>Chimps aren't as evolved as human beings.
Human beings still sling shit at each other sometimes. They masturbate in public places and yell at each other all the time. Sure you don't want to take that statement back and rephrase it?
You had the potential to be that man, but you're you.
>They violate bullshit social norms and yell
That's not a lack of evolution though.
It's actually very intelligent to see right through the shit around you and smear shit on the walls
War is common even for apes you retarded bitch lmao. But youre right most probably didnt even make it to the battlefield but died on disease on the march there.
>war wasn't common for hunter gatherers
They were fighting against their prey, a hawk does war against fish...guess who wins
>the march
What march?
>War is common for apes
People aren't apes though. Even when they do go to war, you get like 20 casualties in a decade, and that's in un-evolved chimps fighting over resources that they would have if they lived somewhere else
>From 1999 to 2008, he and his colleagues observed 18 chimp-on-chimp killings, 13 of which took place in the homeland of a single neighboring group
And on another note
>Besides, he points out, the Pan troglodytes chimps he studies are one of two subspecies. The other is called Pan paniscus, also known as bonobos, and, says Mitani, "the latter, as far as we know, aren't nearly as aggressive with respect to intergroup relations. Yet they're equally close to us." That means that if we're wired for warfare, we're wired for peace too. Ultimately, the route we choose is still up to us.
>Hunting for food is the same thing as waging a war against another human being
No it's not.
It's easier to kill a dumb animal than a man.
>People aren't apes though
Again, youre conflating modern values and emotions with those of primitive humans thousands of years ago before civilization.
If i was a caveman I would not give two shits if a member of my clan/troop was fucking my son. Hell, Id probably go and fuck his kid right after along with his female.
But if you're barred from having sex due to his influence, would you support him?
Interviews with isolated tribes show they find it shocking that men are obsessed with breasts as sexual objects. They see them as strictly baby food making machines.
There's really no good reason to assume ancient cultures would have been so preoccupied with sex as a cultural thing the way we are in modern times.
Just because you literally cannot stop jerking off doesn't mean cave men animals that were slaves to cumming.
Probably as soon as they hit puberty.
>if you're barred from having sex
That wouldn't happen because primitive groups were sexually liberated, like chimps.
You're an idiot
What are you even arguing about?
My post wasn't talking about breasts or jerking off retard.
Primitive man enjoyed fucking, regardless of their opinions of body parts age gender whatever.
>What march?
The humans couldn't get their mommy to drop them off at the battlefield so they to walk there. Marching is another word for walking.
>Sexually liberated
>But the alpha male gets to fuck everyone
That implies inequality
Nature isnt equal. Thats a social construct
>Marching miles in an organized manner to a war when you could just walk in another direction and avert it entirely
This makes no sense outside of an extreme lack of resources
back to raddit pls and original
Wait are you trolling, not a native english speaker or just straight up retarded?
>it would literally take 2 dudes to kill ramses
>it would literally take 2 dudes to kill genghis
>it would literally take 2 dudes to kill trump
>Nature isn't equal
But most people fall within an average
So how could one man be better than all of those around him to be worth more than 2-3 men?
modern man enjoys fucking too but there are cultural restraints around who fucks when based on laws and other things
it's retarded to think that primitive cultures didn't have cultural laws around sex in the same way (in the form of tribal elders and sacred traditions)
50,000 years ago the human brain was nearly identical to yours they weren't dick holding monkey retards
Are you asking me? I'm not God. I dont have THAT kind of knowledge.
>Rames, Genghis, and Donald Trump
>All people that are products of agriculture that are venerated and protected due to resource inequality
But seriously, 2 of genghis's body guards would've done him in.
>You're retarded because hunter-gatherers tried to avert war entirely if they had the choice
It makes no sense.
You just like war because you're so restrained by the society around you.
That doesn't mean it's absolutely natural 24/7.
I mean, yes, it did happen, but it always happened when people rooted themselves in one spot and went against hunting and gathering and living a nomadic life-style.
>how could one man be better than all of those around him
bigger dick.
If you don't have the knowledge to answer that question, how can you say it even existed in the first place if it makes no logical sense?
What the hell are you on about? Are you saying soldiers can do anything but follow? Youre so bad at trolling.
This. Humans have had complex social structures since pretty much Homo sapiens evolved, and probably before that, too.
>Social structures aren't a consequence of environment/technology
I think they are.
I think social structures were simplistic and not at all comparable to what's going on in the modern world.
Hunter gatherers probably decided everything by discussing it among themselves. The best argument is the one they probably went with.
>Humans have had complex social structures since pretty much Homo sapiens evolved, and probably before that, too.
Is that why when I walk around with my penis hanging out of my fly, I end up getting arrested?
whenever they naturally got an erection from looking at a female,so 12+.
if a grown 30+ yo hunterer saw a wild 12yo child roaming and he was horny, he'd chase her down and probably just fuck her in the bushes and then go about his normal routine
I think maybe you're right maybe you're wrong. I also think it's too tempting for modern people to apply their own moral virtues on the past for really no good reason but vanity.
it's debatable if you would have been arrested for having your dick out even 200-300 years ago. if you're a rural farmer in say the middle ages and you don't like wearing pants are they going to send the kings police to arrest you?
the middle ages had barely heard of an outhouse, let alone concepts of modesty. people slept in one room, floors were mostly dirt and you probably saw your siblings naked more than your parents. of course you only saw them naked until they died of starvation or disease.
1000 years from now people will probably talk shit about us the same way. You talk shit about middle ages people for having dirt floors and dying of starvation. Future people will make fun of us for not having spacewalls and dying of cancer.
Yet despite any technological change all of the cultural reasons worth living (love/family/joy/entertainment/curiosity) are still there in every human era. It's all relative.
We're all going to die out before cancer is eradicated
>2 of genghis's body guards would've done him in
and then be immediately killed afterwards, hence why they would've never done it in the first place. Hence why Genghis is an alpha male and fucks a thousand women
The 30 yo wouldn't take into account the father coming to kill him for not paying tribute to fuck and impregnate his daughter? The 30yo wouldn't be worried about punishment from social elders or even up and coming males who had plans to claim the 12 yo as their own?
I don't think you put much thought into this scenario user.
So, it turns out that tribes that held women down and created inequality also advanced technologically. Imo women should be able to choose whenever they want the current society which depends on inequality but gives medicine and technology, or equal society with highest technology being fire making.
1 guy killed JFK.
>But most people fall within an average
Y-choromosome gauses larger variance in phenotype, so in a group of XY you are far more likely to find outliers to the average (in good and bad ways) than in group of XX.
actually it was 11 people who killed jfk, including LBJ who knew about it the whole time and authorized the assassination.
what kind of logic is that? The technology is here now. Primitive man didn't know any better than to rape and there are tons of other things that were socially acceptable even a few hundred years ago that wouldn't be thought of today.
I've always wondered what stops one crazy fuck from just losing it and killing a president.
Is the secret service that good or is no one deranged enough to try?