Is this world really as sad as it seems?
Terrible Lie
It's so much worse.
bitch is self-centered and possibly bipolar
she deserved what she got
>turn down fat girl in middle school
>she gets hot in high school and ignores me
Good. Get wrecked and die, user, you underage ban.
>tfw i was the fat ugly chick in high school and first year uni
>5'6 and 180lbs
>wore heavy metal band t-shirts and lanyards
>get rejected, asked out "ironically"
>lost a bunch of weight, still trying to lose more (currently 150lbs)
>started dressing a lot nicer
>starting graduate school soon
>straight As
>several scholarships
>literally live and breathe for the moment I can start rejecting guys like you
It's gonna be great. I was talking to my chemistry teacher in office hours and she's a woman in her 60s who looks 40 at the most. She concede that she used to be the fat kid but when she went to her last high school reunion all the girls that bullied her were fat toasted roasts with five kids all by different dads. Ugh. That's the dream.
imagine reposting this same tired image for the better part of a decade
Is it wrong I actually kind of agree? If someone is attracted to you and you know it, obviously you can take liberties because they want you to. If a chick (or man) is obviously not interested, then of course continuing to make advances is wrong.
With that said, a lot of this is demonstrably false. Tons of angry feminists bitched about the "Edward Cullen is a creepy stalker" thing.
it's not that this image isn't true it's that this exact same image has been reposted on Jow Forums for the last 6-7 years non-stop
id like to see a little originality at least
must you live for revenge?
It is more sad than it appears. You will need promises and lies less as you accept this.
No, but it's a great motivator.
Yes. But I don't think it's sad in the way it seems to be sad. After adulthood, it's like most of us are blanketed in these delusional enchantments that appeal specifically to us, and the original sadness is obscured by the new, fictional sadness.
Pretty Hate Machine is such a good album.
She's a woman, the answer is obvious.
Turn off the nine inch nails and take a deep breath, user
being fat is a personality flaw. why are you upset that people began to like you more when you started being a better person?
no, it's mostly r9k propaganda.
t. used to be extremely dedicated to r9k and pol ideology until i stopped being a shut-in
I bet your nose still curves straight into your forehead. The mark of the pig never fades, lolcow.
user... I
being fat isn't a personality flaw.
Go roleplay somewhere else you lying cunt
literally no one cares, go back to your shitty r9k for roasties clone on crystal palace or whatever the fuck. All the orbiters have moved past, it's time you did too.
>not being able to stop gorging yourself isn't a personality flaw
lol ok, muh thyroid amirite?
>thinking about people from highschool
>having revenge fantasies about people from highschool
For what purpose? I'm 23 and the thought of seeing any of those people again makes me want to hurl. Even if I went back I'd just be the weird fat girl that got skinny, it wouldn't undo everything that happened, it wouldn't make me happy, why focus on the past?
>this petty, vengeful fuck will be more well-liked and have better opportunities in life than fatties who are nice because she is better looking
Fat is caused by gluttony.
Gluttony is a personality flaw.
>Inb4 " muh hormones"
>inv4 "muh PCOS"
>fantasizing about going to a highschool reunion
yep it's a normalfag, and a roastie no less
My mom has hashimoto's disease so yes, her thyroid.
My sister is on antipsychotics medication where she gains if she eats 1200 calories per day or above and needs 1000 per day to maintain.
both are way better people than you, and successful in their fields of work and productive.
Male virginity is also a personality flaw, you know
>"hurr hurr these reasons don't count because they don't fit my worldview"
it's the best type of revenge
being fat requires a personality flaw and consists entirely of a personality flaw.
It is the physical manifestation of greed. You actively prevent yourself from being attractive and then get upset when others don't find you attractive.
Found the roastie.
Neither of those reasons are valid. PCOS is caused by obesity, and neither force you to stuff your fat face with more food than you need.
also some people don't know what calories are and some people live off cake mix and water.
PCOS isn't caused by obesity.
That's like saying asthma is caused by obesity.
The literature says otherwise. Stop making excuses for yourself.
>physical manifestation of greed.
Wearing expensive designer clothes, gushing over your luxury car, etc. are all physical manifestations of greed but these don't make people so universally unattractive. Don't pretend you're not shallow, and don't conjure bullshit reason to justify being hateful. Fat people are not desired because their bodies are ugly, and that's it.
Like I wanna fuck a vindictive bitch like you after that tirade of petty bullshit you posted. Fuck outta here with that shit. Also yes, the men here have personality problems, that's why they're here, because they have no one else but each other. You can fuck chad or receive instant attention with the push of a button so fuck off and leave. No one here cares about your meaningless problems, you don't have it bad at all.
Women with PCOS produce too much insulin, or the insulin they produce does not work as it should. The inability of insulin to function normally is one reason why women with PCOS tend to gain weight or have a hard time losing weight.
t. doctor
please show me """the literature"""
This comic is outrageous do men really think all women feel this way?
I had a Chad stalk me once and it was the worst year of my life, good looking men are the worst they think they can get away with shit like this.
Lol I am not the one who posted that, just passing through to remind you that obese people are your social equals
Ok guys, truth be told it may objectively be that looks determine your whole life. It may actually be true. I'm open to that.
But why would you as an individual trap yourself in a corner like that? I mean where do you even go from here? "The only thing that determines my relationships is looks and I'm not good looking", like what's left for you in such paradigm? Just sit there and die?
At the end of the day you can't just give up on yourself. Adopt some other beliefs for the goofs of it, buy into PUA meme ffs.
We just have a lack of tests and witnesses which show otherwise.
You are not a doctor. Are you quoting a doctor?
1200 is a normal daily caloric intake for a woman under 5'5.
I am quoting a doctor. I shall quote another.
>"Obesity is likely not a cause of PCOS, as the high prevalence of PCOS among relatively thin populations demonstrates. However, obesity does exacerbate many aspects of the phenotype, especially cardiovascular risk factors such as glucose intolerance and dyslipidem"
>reading comprehension
That post says she needs 200 cal less than that to maintain
1200 calories is what a 5 year old eats.
2000 calories is what you need to survive off of if you were in a coma.
if you weigh 150 pounds, then your caloric allowance is 1,500 calories (150 x 10 = 1,500). If you exercise, add 100 calories for every mile walked or other equivalent form of exercise performed. Height doesn't enter into it.
>2000 calories is what you need to survive off of if you were in a coma.
>this is what fatties actually believe
read the rest of my post user
also that is another quote from my doctor.
she said because I am 200 lbs, I would need 2000 calories a day to maintain homeostasis and then for the exercise I do which is equivalent to a mile a day, I add 100 calories.
Is your doctor a fat woman?
no, my doctor is a very skinny 55 year old woman. and like I said if you weigh 150 pounds, then your caloric allowance is 1,500 calories (150 x 10 = 1,500)
Yeah, I'm saying that 1000 isn't that big of a deal if you aren't accustomed to eating like a fucking hippo. Sorry you can't read between the lines.
>not wanting revenge
In all seriousness, I live for other things and take issue with how you extrapolate my entire life's purpose from a single motivator in my life. My academic career and hobbies are entirely for my own purposes. However, I will be completely honest. I only started wearing makeup to spite others. I lost weight partially because it was beneficial for my job/hobbies but also for revenge.
I agree with you that being overweight is a personality flaw, but being mean to people for being flawed is wrong and almost always hypocritical. It's fine if a dude didn't want to date me, but actively playing pranks on me because I was unfuckable is a way worse flaw than gluttony or sloth because that actively and directly hurts those around you.
I don't have a concave nose. I have a nose like a very stoic Roman senator.
>wouldn't undo
Yeah, but it would be fucking hilarious to see all those smug fucks get wrecked. Means I get the last laugh. I actually got a Stacey from high school fired.
>wouldn't make me happy
It'd make me very happy.
>why focus on the past
Because they hurt me.
>makes me want to hurl
You type this, and yet you probably are still subject to the halo effect.
>he wasn't bullied in high school
>calls others normies
And I'm a virgin, learn to read.
a sedentary 5yr old girl needs (NEEDS) 1400 calories per day.
Your average woman actually needs 2000 calories a day, so it is kind of a big difference friend
I'm a 5'4 woman and only eat 1200-1500 a day TOPS. I work a desk job with a long commute, any more and I would be overweight. 2000 is what a grown man over 6'0 would eat. Are you retarded?
>got a Stacy from highschool fired
Ok, I take it back, given the chance I would totally do this though. Good on you.
You are not a woman and probably are not counting calories correctly. Look it up, dumbo
its true but to be fair it goes both ways.
hot girls are dumb because them smiling and acting interested lets them off the hook. because everyone lets them.
Be my internet girlfriend femanon please I beg of you
Thank you, user!
Nice attempt, skillfully executed but you tipped your hand with the man comment.
Please do not feed the whales, thank you.
>sees a person behaving like a dibshit and getting away with it
>"this is how life is, i must also be able to behave like that or else i am being cheated"
Mirror mirror on the wall
Like it or not fatty, calories are basic math. If you eat more than you burn you will gain weight, full stop. If you are a woman and eating over 1500 calories you are either ridiculously tall, a bodybuilder, or a fatass
casually ignoring the evidence against you user?
Women can't have it hard. It doesn't happen. You know why? It's because I am (right now) offering to be your boyfriend, weight or no. You could be 150lbs, you could be 180 lbs, I don't care. I want a gf and I am asking you out right now and that's something that a woman would never ever do in a million years to a man in your position.
i offered to be a strangers gf before a ton of times user.
>My only problem in life is that I can't get laid, boo hoo
Fuck off
that is a rather new definition of greed, while with the more antiquated original definitions of greed and gluttony, have more or less been swapped.
The modern definition of gluttony would not quite fit the scope of the travesty of the modern obese "human" as their selfishness spans far beyond that of merely overindulging themselves with food, as they expect to be loved despite their self inflicted grotesque disfigurement, at the cost of the one they claim themselves to love.
when faced with a decision to indulge themselves with desert, or to appear desirable to their lover, they will choose the momentary pleasure.
It does not matter to them if their partner is truly happy, they will attempt to get by doing as little as possible, as long as their partner doesn't leave them, as long as they get what they want.
how can you expect them to be willing to make true sacrifices for the ones the claim to love?
how can you expect them to be a good lover, much less a parent?
>I agree with you that being overweight is a personality flaw, but being mean to people for being flawed is wrong and almost always hypocritical. It's fine if a dude didn't want to date me, but actively playing pranks on me because I was unfuckable is a way worse flaw than gluttony or sloth because that actively and directly hurts those around you.
the difference is that he didn't choose to be born evil, as he was. you chose to be fat. every moment that is spent maintaining obesity is a moment that could be spent fixing yourself.
Do you really think overweight people are obsessed with high fat, high sugar foods? Do you think they binge eat all the time? Do you think fat people don't care about how they look? Do you think people would choose that life?
"I'm hoping to awaken my fellow educators-of all levels-to the fact that if a student is struggling, they probably aren't choosing to. They probably want to do well. They probably are trying. More broadly, I want all people to take a curious and empathic approach to individuals whom they initially want to judge as "lazy" or irresponsible. If a person can't get out of bed, something is making them exhausted. If a student isn't writing papers, there's some aspect of the assignment that they can't do without help. If an employee misses deadlines constantly, something is making organization and deadline-meeting difficult. Even if a person is actively choosing to self-sabotage, there's a reason for it- some fear they're working through, some need not being met, a lack of self-esteem being expressed. People do not choose to fail or disappoint. No one wants to feel incapable, apathetic, or ineffective. If you look at a person's action (or inaction) and see only laziness, you are missing key details. There is always an explanation. There are always barriers. Just because you can't see them, or don't view them as legitimate, doesn't mean they're not there. Look harder." - E Price
>expect to be loved despite their self inflicted grotesque disfigurement
#not all fatties. People say this type f shot about incels too (if you replace "disfigurement" with "personality") and you should know that is not always true
>It does not matter to them if their partner is truly happy
How can you automatically expect that every fat person is directly associating their weight with their partner's "true happiness" when
>chubby chasers exist
>fat positive media exists
>partner may not have voiced complaints
>there are factors to a person's quality of life other than their CHOSEN mate's gut
I think fat people are disgusting too but boy is this a dumb post
>Be fat slob
>Upset that Chads won't return your feelings
>Now you are less fat and think you're getting back at robots who you never even considered in the first place
I sincerely wish you roasties would die
and the explanation is that subhuman fatties value food more than anything.
are you fucking iIIiterate?
there most definitely are fat fetishist, but that is merely a happy coincidence.
No, it's even worse, the trash you call 'women' are too.
I was responding to "there is always an explanation." don't tell me that life was sooooooo hard on you that you need to put temporary pleasure above not being subhuman.
BED is a mental illness
and you think I binge eat? eat for pleasure? eat out of depression? i follow a food schedule. 3 meals a day, no fun allowed.
Looks like we're in business then, baby
>your only problem is you can't get laid
>implying you're not just offering to be my bf in order to prove some point
>he thinks people don't choose to be evil, but they choose to be fat
This doesn't even make sense within the realm of your own logic. If you consider being fat to be a moral ill, than it is a form of evil. So what, being fat is the only form of evil that isn't genetically hardwired in? Either hostility and gluttony are both hardwired behaviors or they are the choices of rational agents. You can't have it both ways.
Chad is a term dependent on circular logic and so I am not going to even contest whether or not the guys I liked were "Chad" or not.
Secondly, the user I literally responded to said he rejected women. That's your definition of a robot? I sincerely wish illiterate hacks you would die.
>and I'm a virgin.
Post tits or fuck off faggot larper
>inb4 no timestamp
Fuck off fag
It is impossible for fat people to not lost weight if they don't it.
stop defending how people would willingly make themselves disgusting.
>If you consider being fat to be a moral ill, than it is a form of evil. So what
it's not evil, it's just selfish and short sighted.
that isn't true
you can gain weight not binge eating, are you retarded? my mom has hashimoto's disease and she gained weight that can only be controlled through medication to supplement her thyroxin. it has nothing to do with her diet.
Oh yeah, I'm going to break the rules of the board and get banned while posting images of my body on a website notorious for using said photos to ruin lives because user is mad. Sure.
The other user said that being fat was a moral ill/evil and that's who I presumed I was talking to.
How? It's only selfish in society's with universal healthcare.
Are you stupid? Can you comprehend what was being said? A (((disease))) isn't a normal person. When was sickness brought up? Are all fatties just (((diseased))) ?
It's only selfish when they are in or trying to be in a relationship with someone who isn't a fat fetishist. because they value their pleasure significantly more than their partners. you can expect in general that they will be selfish in other aspects of the relationship too.
(why do anything for him if I can do nothing and he still won't leave me)
Yeah fag, that's what I thought. Get off this board you stupid larper. Pretending to be a pretty girl isn't gonna shave 300lbs and replace your Y chromosomes
you never mentioned "normal person" versus "diseased person" fucking idiot.
probably most fatties are diseased, yes, because a normal person wouldn't ruin themselves like that.
Is that not implied, idiot? No shit, amy inbred disease can be used as an exception, but that's the disease doing the work and not the person's poor life decisions and fucked up head
a fucked up head is a disease. mentally ill people, SUCH AS people with eating disorders cannot control this. do you understand? nobody made the "decision" to get fat.
binge eating is dependant on your definition of "more than I think I should be able to eat"
you think that if a grown man can eat 2000 calories and maintain his weight a woman who eats the same and still gains weight is literally helpless to lose weight.
it literally works EVERY SINGLE TIME.
No, I still don't want you as NEET.
>you think
don't tell me what I think, cunt
I think that my sister shouldn't have to eat so few calories she can barely stay awake to lose 1lb a month.
>only selfish when
I already gave another example of how it would be selfish in a broader social context.
>isn't a fat fetishist
Few people are open with their fetishes, and for good reason. As a result, a fat person is going to hit on people not into fatties trying to find someone who is. That isn't selfish, that's just a consequence of not knowing the search histories of strangers. I doubt anyone, fat or otherwise, would want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't into them. Also - what about other fatties?
>selfish in other aspects too
I agree with that, but fat fetishists also tend to be shitty people as well. You mention people who think "why do anything for him" but there are plenty of dudes dating fat chicks specifically because they are dependent upon them and can't leave. I occasionally watch those reality shows about obese people and usually when one is successful in losing weight the boyfriend starts to panic.
>implying I'd want a NEET
Oh no! I'm missing out on so many cheeto-dust covered dakimakuras!
Also my BMI is literally within the healthy range. Anything bigger or smaller than that range is unhealthy and makes you a degenerate for liking it.
Didn't I tell you retards not to feed the whales? Fucking idiots.
Of course, all fatties think that they will literally die if they have to cut the chocolate cake, but they don't. Anyone can get to a healthy weight.