How do you do my fellow humans
Hand pictures
Nigger you look like an actual fucking alien. Consider amputation, stumps would look better than that.
shut the fuck up skinwalker fag. Natural selection should've weeded you out along time ago
My hand looks fat for a skelly
This pic made me angry.
>long nails
Either a faggot or a female on my board.
I was here last night. hello fellow skellies.
>tfw small but fat hands
>tfw small baby fingers
>tfw hands are too small to do most basic tasks, always fumbling, dropping things, etc.
Why me?
Clip your fucking nails user, Jesus Christ
Honeypot thread? Honey pot thread
So good, saved ty
I think this is one of the pictures of your hand from an older thread that I saved. It is cute user. Can you add me on discord? We can have a chat if you're into it.
I'd post mine but how do I fix this?
i've had a fingernail-biting habit my whole life
decrease the file size retard
Oregano sjsbdaksndksdn
Being this much of a retard. Go to paint and click resize on the top and set a lower resolution in pixels
Hello yes this is hand
I'm on my phone retard
Holy shit, this is amazing level of stupid
What kind of phone do you have? An iphone?
Wait you're such a fucking brainlet. How'd you manage to crop the picture where it told you your file it too big but you can't figure out how to crop the file?
here are my hands guys
I have bear hands
I took it from my phone camera and just uploaded it.
Hand guy here,
any hands in here have any hand scars?
just wait until you get to a pc or something, we arent your tech support
It's ok I had to download an app to do it. I thought this would be a common feature on modern phones but perhaps not
change the resolution that your phone camera captures, it should be in your camera settings baka.
I feel like people who aren't pale look dirty all of the time.
>implying I'm indian
I did just post so I guess I'm tech support here but my heritage is no where near india, half is in the west indies and the other half is in west africa, place your bets as to which countries they may be.
I feel like people who are pale have bird poop on them all the time.
I joke, I'm not retarded like you.
Based long nails user. Your feet look cute. You should post more.
It's shapely user, I like those sorts of hands.
Not bad.
Nice. Well formed.
oh yeah, i almost forgot about this scar on my right hand. got my middle finger stuck in a seatbelt buckle when I was 6, it was pulled off two days later with no lube.
Rate my hands bros.
oh god please hold my hand
hope you can't notice my burn
Embrace your burn like I, Hand guy, has.
Embrace what makes you, you.
Embrace yourself, user.
Thanks! They're the one thing girls use to like about me.
Lesley is that you? Original enough for me
jesus christ there are starving ethiopians whose hands don't look that reaper-ish
my brother's entire hand is scarred
Interesting thread user. Really made me think.
Please slide your fingers up my pussy
Yeah fucking delicious, user.
Love them and you look comfy af!
I don't know how I feel about my fairy ass hands
Anyone else with big hands but only average (7") wrists?
How'd that habben?
Here be my hand.
does wrist size even matter?
I didn't know so many Indians browsed r9k...
Not everyone who is brown is indian my friend
t. mexican
i'm and just checked, looks like i'm a bit over 6 don't know where im supposed to measure though
i've never heard anyone care about wrist size before though.
i'm not indian either
Thanks very much! And I'm very comfy indeed.
I am indian. Death to Pakistan.
Just stopping by to check your digits user
hand desu
I am Pakistani, death to India.
Indicates frame size, doesn't really matter. As long as it's above 6.5" no one cares, technically better because smaller wrists make forearms look more muscular.
my wrist to hand ratio is shit
Want to get shot with my revolver?
What did he mean by this? Is this a fetish or are you so lonely that a hand is arousing?
Nothing arouses me more than a pair of masculine vein popping hands.
I don't have many prospects in getting a girlfriend. Do you think my hands would help my situation?
Interesting user. First time I've had someone compliment my hands before.
Yeah, just cover your face with your hands.
I will literally be your gf right now based on your hands.
This fellow robots is what a "roastie" is
fack u india poo, you will never be super power, not unless you are following Pakistan and holding onto our legs as we pave the way forward.
Where are you from organically?This is mine?
Well I'm not ugly I just meant I'm a neet virgin brainlet with a terrible personality.
Pakistan is made of literal inbreds (according to 3rd party stats) and is made of all of the rejects of India.
You are the comfy user.
I am from AUS.
This fellow robots is what a hand fetish is.
I have very large, veiny hands and am from aus, how to contact you thanks
I'm from Adelaide.
I don't think so user. I don't think you deserve these hands.
I like veiny hands like this
Two hands coming up
>not ghosting, just bad internet
fuckin bj blazkowicz over here
>showing palms
what a weakling
So you won't be my girlfriend then? Are you from Adelaide too and was only joking?
What are you, boy or girl?
Hairy hand originallly
India would be nothing if it wasn't for pakistan, you have no international heroes yet we already have Osama Bin Laden, blessed be his name.
Discord? Otherwise give throwaway.
I do not deserve them but I want them.
Well I don't have a discord or anything so no biggy.
Im not that other user. Im a dude
God, those forearms are disgusting. Lift some weights you fucking alien.
>marriage ring
roastie, get out
original djfkdg
Brainlet here what is a throwaway exactly? Is it just a normal email?
I apologize then
D-dont laugh
A normal email address yeah! Just probably not your personal one
yeah, it's the email that you usually "throw" at websites when you want to quickly make an account and go "away," hence the term "throwaway"