Where my robot /mu/tants at? :^)
Where my robot /mu/tants at? :^)
Dua is better
I like Claire and Dua, but neither are my waifu desu.
>tfw no hairy pits German 80s new wave gf
Hast du etwas zeit fur mich
How do I be as confident as Elon 'The Chad' Musk?
What y'all listening to right now? Currently listening to some Vektor desu.
She cute. I've never heard of Neue Deutsche Welle before. Interesting. Maybe I'll check out Nena's debut.
I'm wondering this as well. I don't think anyone at this point can be as based as the Musk.
grimes is usually cute but she looks so fucking disgusting in that outfit. she looks like she bought it at the dollar store because her pimp wouldn't give her her crack if she didn't.
Honestly I can't hate on them they're too cute. That video of them dancing made me feel some feels.
>as confident
I get the feeling Musk runs on insecurity and his drive comes from the constant need to prove himself.
t. frustrated Grimes waifuist
Reminder that Grimes said it was fucked up for SOPHIE (a trans girl) to "pretend you're a girl".
Reminder that Grimes is doing a collaboration with Poppy despite Poppy currently being sued for plagiarism and abuse of another female artist.
Reminder that Grimes used a Stalin quote in her yearbook but is now dating a billionaire who is 16 years older than her.
at least she made some good songs though
all of that is based tho
>Reminder that Grimes used a Stalin quote in her yearbook but is now dating a billionaire who is 16 years older than her.
She's 30 now. Who gives a fuck what she did in high school? Not everyone is stuck there permanently like you.
>Reminder that Grimes said it was fucked up for SOPHIE (a trans girl) to "pretend you're a girl"
It is fucked up. Trannies aren't real girls
>Reminder that Grimes is doing a collaboration with Poppy despite Poppy currently being sued for plagiarism and abuse of another female artist
Who cares?
people don't get it
grimes isn't a class traitor. she is dating within her class. i.e. the super rich
she is a rich white cis het woman dating a rich white cis het man. she has never been one of us and people just let her in because they think she is cute.
Reminder that this is probably the same user who spammed pasta similar to this one all day yesterday on /mu/.
she's worth a few million at most, he's worth thousands of times as much
holy shit i am worth at least 10 of her, i just googled it.
yeah even I, who am merely on NEETbux, am still closer to her in value compared to her and him
she is still extremely rich but what the fuck
mfw grimes
Take the Hayleypill, bros.