>tfw no qt3.14 coding gf who isn't a degenerate wh*toid slut
Tfw no qt3.14 coding gf who isn't a degenerate wh*toid slut
youre the blacked poster, arent you marky boi?
i just want an asian gf, fellas
guilty as fuck mark
I'm not up to date with your pathetic tripfags in this board. The only tripfag I know is that below average looking underaged slut Ciara who spams her degenerate shit here.
who's mark? I'm not OP though I am black
hahahahaha you gonna go touch yourself to ciara nudes, mark?
You have a mental original illness
maybe. or im a clairvoyant x-man.
see ya marky boi
So she fuckin rides on public transport for two hours and then just fuckin eats the rest of the day. She spent like 5 hours working at most and then goes home and watches Netflix.
Jesus Christ sign me the fuck up she seems real interesting.
please don't be creepy in her videos, she might be freaked out and close her channel and then I will be sad. Kinda like what /lit/ did to that cute homely book girl a few years back.
I wouldn't dream of it. That was an extremely boring video and I didn't even think to go on her channel. She shcks, dude.
And we both suck for watching it
she is really cute... damn i really want a asian gf!!!!11
i go to a coding college and there is not even one girl :( all of the girls go to finance and administration or health related schools...
hi fbi. whats poppn
hey whats good hahaha
nothing, just unraveling this circus of a board and the users.
Her life looks comfy as fuck. Must be nice...
not yet
what, that youre a woman?
seething roastie please stay mad
is there a more annoying race than asian americans
they arent even asians. they're just whites with slanted eyes.
fuck i hate that jazzy piano music with a beat
all these videos are the same
>tfw top of my class in coding but no job because im just lazy and ambitionless
>cant really comprehend why my professors think im such a good coder when ive literally never picked up a book and have only used syntax reference websites
does that mean...race doesnt exist?!
They dont ever talk about anything other than being asian and they think they're oppressed because white people think they're cool
it exists, there are genetic differences, but most of the time culture trumps it
if you imported every single muslim into the us, but erased their shitty backwards culture and raised and treated them no differently from your average white, they'd be regular americans
see: iranian jews in Beverly hills
a lot of what Jow Forums says about race is just bs to make themselves feel like special snowflakes
agreed user. also that looks like a terrible working environment. can't get things done being close to others, i imagine she is interrupted every 15 minutes
Reminds me of that chink who bitched at this Stacy who wore a chink dress to prom.
>westernized asians
If you thought white feminists were bad, you haven't seen shit.
done this before. it was a disaster. dont do it.
that's true about non-africans because they went through a bottleneck, but the genetic variation among africans is significant
not originally really
i dont really give a shit about other africans though since theyre nigger cunts anyways so i wont debate you on it
t. black
She seems a little... boring.
She just didn't show footage of her on her hookups, probably does em 3 times a day.
>35 things about me!! I'm so interesting and female!
vapid bitch
super cute, but a coding Chad probably rails her at the office