Stop complaining about how you have a "shitty life" because "muh no gf". You all want more than what you deserve. Do you really expect a Stacey to want you, a NEET inbred faggot who likes traps? Jesus lower your standards and stop fucking whinging.
You are all fucking retarded
My life's shitty because any chance of a future I had was destroyed early on by abusive, sheltering parents who raised me to be good for nothing but taking care of their farm, I grew up terrified of getting close to people out of fear that my mother could use any emotional attachment I developed towards others as leverage against me to get whatever she wanted, even as an adult I'm paranoid and afraid of emotional connection with other people.
Do you really think I give a shit that I haven't gotten my dick wet yet? Being a virgin is the least of my problems.
i have the incel gene. MAOA.
i'm not lowering shit, give me my fucking anime girlfriend you norman bastards.
>more than what you deserve
What makes an aggressive alcoholic druggie wife beater deserving of gf more than me? Oh I know - confidence and being able to lie, because women fall for anything (they're empirically less rational).
I clearly was not implying anything. I specifically targeted people who complain all the time about not having a gf. They are hypocrites because they are ugly but have high standards. My life is also shit, otherwise I wouldn't be here. You don't see me whining constantly is the difference between me and the other autista that are regulars here.
Then use your infinite wisdom, "o wise user" to get yourself a real girl. Not just some qt, but an actual girl. Maybe instead of going by looks you should go by personality, if you have a shitty personality as WELL as a bad appearance, that would be your fault. Women can be shallow, but more often it is men who are shallow. Who's to say you aren't a worse choice?
>implying I have high standards
I don't. As long as they're not morbidly obese and not psycho, I'm game.
I have tinder and if a girl doesn't write anything about herself, I'm not interested, no matter the looks.
>still implying that I am implying
get saged
This is a cute doggo, is that yours? :3
>Do you really expect a Stacey to want you, a NEET inbred faggot who likes traps?
stacey traps can...
>Stop complaining about how you have a "shitty life" because "muh no gf".
I'll complain all I want, normalfag, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
>You all want more than what you deserve.
I deserve more than I want, actually.
>Do you really expect a Stacey to want you, a NEET inbred faggot who likes traps?
I don't expect her to, but I am entitled to her.
>Jesus lower your standards and stop fucking whinging.
I will never lower my standards, because I can't maintain a relationship with someone I'm not attracted to. It's just pointless.
>lower your standards
Wew found the fat roastie
I never had high standards to begin with the problem is women don't wanna give me a chance. How am I supposed to get dating exp if no one wants to date me huh? I don't care about losing virginty. Meaningless sex wont give me love and thats all I ever wanted, love. I'm not fat but I am boring because in the moment I don't know what to do or say and once again how am I supposed to get exp if I keep getting rejected?
everyone has that gene.. which allele do you have? there are 9
> trapsand gay threads posted by literally two faggots who protected by mods
> like half of robots on thec board are wageslaves
> Still this thread
Ego & attention are truly something to fear.
What do nice guys on blu-ray have to do with shit?
refer to my image
Term "nice guys" wete hot shit meme recently on 9gag and such. It used by normalfags to shut angry betamales which start to understand that something horribly wrong with dating this days. Like you need to spend betabux not because you want intimacy with your date but just because. Or you are dirty rape creep and something something.
Was there a single non-meme word in this entire paragraph?
I bet AI can already spam threads like that like hot cakes.
Dis is bait?