Do people actually enjoy smoking weed? It made me feel like I was going to fall down and have a heart attack or something. Now I have a huge headache. Most of the time I was high I was just waiting for it to end.
Do people actually enjoy smoking weed...
most people are not as gay as you
Try a different strain and something weaker/stronger. Op
>took 50mg of benny
Not feeling shit, fuck this, fuck drugs
It's no use OP, you're exactly like me, the type of person who just gets anxious and too aware on weed. It fucking sucks donkey balls.
Don't listen to , it's what every retarded stoner says when you say you don't like weed. I've tried so many strains and they've all been the same shit.
Try indica retard, you have probably only tried sativa strains.
have you considered going outside when you smoke instead of staying in your neetcave jerking your limp dick to trap porn?
Try a soft hash, much lighter feeling
Yep, this is me too OP. Some people just cant smoke it. Its really not that uncommon to hear people getting bad anxiety from it. I smoked for around 3-4 years before it started to give me anxiety. I tried to manage it after that but gave up as I wasnt really enjoying it anymore.
Thirding this. Weed is not going to work for some people. I used to even have a med card until I realized weed just made me an anxious wreck and did nothing to cure it. Now I actively avoid and turn down smoking, Whenever I do give it a try I just end up wishing it would end and not feeling anyhing positive, I end up in my own head feeling like weed is just making me stupid which it is, I start hating the people aroundvme and feeling paranoid about everything.
Alcohol is better in almost every single way and a lot of stoners will say the same, the weed just becomes an addiction
Also, stoners are retarded, Sativa and Indica are the same fucking shit and strains aren't magically *radically* different from each other.
I've been around a lot of stoners and they're all a lot more enjoyable to be around while sober or just slightly high. Having to deal with
And other annoying stoner bullshit is just bothersome
weed and the people that smoke it are a scurge on society
Weed gave me an anxiety disorder and a total recluse. Pretty sure after smoking so heavily in my late adolescence, I'm less intelligent than I would've been had I never started.
I do not recommend. It feels good, alone, but it's not worth it. It doesn't make any aspect of your life better at all.
I was a huge stoner in highschool. I loved smoking with other people or by myself. Eventually the highs changed and what was fun started to become terrifying. I used to love the body highs and the mind highs but I just can't do it. Every time I smoke I think I'm going to have a heart attack. But if I do want to smoke for a fun night out I drink a few beers beforehand. It keeps the anxiety away and allows you to enjoy it.
Tried it once and nothing fucking happened, I was kinda pissed
Same, the one time I smoked weed was like a prolonged nightmare.
I did that several times and it felt like the sun was burning me alive also it felt like I was being crashed into the pavement, scary shit.
>different strain
>op obviously smoked some grass off the floor ONCE
weed amplifies your emotions. you were a scared little bitch and the weed made you 100X more scared so your heart rate went up a lot. try relaxing next time. do something comfy so you'll be amplifying happiness instead of fear
that weed might have been sprayed with some shit. weed never gives you a headache. it's a painkiller.
>been smoking 17 years
>mfw people say this shit
t.high schooler
When you say generic shit like that you sound retarded.
12 year weed addict here. Literally everyday I smoke, if I don't I can't eat.
Don't go down the road OP. Stay sober.
just drink, its cheaper and will fuck you up more.
It certainly isn't for everyone, and it took a while for me to figure what it was doing for me that made me like it so much. If you just want to get fucked up or disengage then booze is your poison, but cannabis boosts creativity and does something weird to thought patterns that I'm still trying to conceptualize, but all in all it makes you extremely engaged with your thoughts. That being said, if you're only thinking about how shit the high is and how much of a bad time you're having it will magnify and multiply that, and that's just how it'll be for a lot of people who smoke, but if you can kind of wrap your head around the bizarre change in direction of the flow of your thoughts, and not lose yourself when you don't want to, you can have some really incredible times on cannabis when you're just pacing back and forth or sitting in a chair just thinking.
12w year olds nowadays are edgy as fuck. most people in my generation started when they were 16+. you're gonna fry your brain kid. it's not gonna develop like it's supposed to
>tfw used to be able to smoke copious amounts of weed for several years
>suddenly have a few months where smoking it puts me into panic mode
>year later, it's a 50/50 coin flip on whether i'll feel like shit, even if it's the same strain that treated me well before
feels bad man. i've been becoming an alcoholic in response
yup, same here. do you know what set it off?
That's pretty bad little dude. You should cut that shit out or you'll screw up your brain.
sleep aids are sold that way. 50mg
you've only taken a medicinal dose. take more. don't go over 300mg unless you're going to go 600+; that's a grey area where you're just really uncomfortable but can't sleep because of the body load
would recommend 150mg, makes you feel like your arms are detached but it's fun and you can still sleep
maybe general stress, but i can't think of anything specific. i also started getting really awful anxiety with any amount of caffeine around the same time. it sucks because one of my favorite combos was a sativa with some coffee, and anymore that combo ruins my shit for the next ~4-6 hours. i don't get it because i'll feel totally fine before smoking & be thinking that i'm in a fine frame of mind, then i take a too big of a hit or a hit too many and i'm spending the next hour or so trying to stop feeling like i'm dying. now instead of just feeling like i'm dying from this new weed anxiety, i actually am making myself die quicker from drinking like a fish (i went from an average of maybe 10-20 drinks a week, to 50+ in the last year)
There are thousands of different strains of marijuana with different cannabinoid and terpene profiles. The effects of one strain can be vastly different from the effects of the next.
Add to that the difference caused by route of administration, the amount you consume, your mindset at the time, your tolerance, and a bunch of other factors.
Yes, people really do enjoy smoking weed. But there are a lot of factors involved as to whether they have a good time or not in a given instance.
And yes, there are some people who just aren't cut out for weed; it doesn't sit well with them. There may be some strain out there that they actually would like, but it's understandable they wouldn't want to spend lots of time and money trying strain after strain if generally weed didn't feel good at all.
The reason I like weed is it destroys my short term memory so bad that I can't do anything, so once I smoke I don't have to feel bad about being lazy as fuck for the next few hours. If I get high and play video games for 4 hours it's fun. If I play video games for 4 hours when I'm sober, I just feel like an unproductive loser the whole time.
Jesus that sounds like something that would happen to me on psychedelics. Maybe you're just smoking way too much?
I have a suspicion that it was laced with lsd. My dealer was a pretty sketchy guy.