Post about suicide plans/stories/etc
/suicide general/
Why would anyone kill themselves for anything other than medical reasons? Just take some shrink pills and find something that triggers your autism and interest.
can someone help me with hanging? I tried to do it as per pic related but the rope tightened around my neck but not past that, I was just hanging there perfectly normal. Then I tried to press down with my upper body and it started hurting, but 45 seconds later I was perfectly conscious and just stood up. Am I just too skinny? 6', 150lb.
I don't really have any good places to do a drop hang. What can I do next time to succeed?
my plan is the good ol' exit bag, most peaceful way to leave; I need to figure out how to make sure my body is dealt with afterwards, also I don't have a fixed date for it yet.
My plan is to check into a hostel and do it there. Put a giant bedsheet separating the entrance and the rest of the room, taped with papers that say "do not enter, suicide, call 911".
Why do normalfags like to pretend suicide is cowardly and selfish?
I pussied out of shooting myself again yesterday.
financial reasons
doesn't work any more retard
helium bags/tanks are diluted
someone will see that straight away and stop you
you're just crying for help
they don't want to experience grief
is this a sign one wants to live or just evolutionary baggage?
see what? in a private room? I've already tried it before, see:
Human life is sacred, and there are those who care for you and would be wounded by your departure.
Or something like that, if someone wants to mourn me, then they're either an idiot, a fool, or more disturbed than I am.
>Human life is sacred
Probably gonna kill myself soon. I'm friendless, autistic, stupid, broke, have nothing going for me, and no foreseeable future. It has been going downhill for as long as I can remember, and no one gives a shit since no one cares about me. I'm a bug in the system, a burden, and I shouldn't be here.
Would say baggage. Though the guilt from the pain it would cause my mom adds to the hesitation. Have zero interest in continuing this life, however. One of these days
It's gotten to the point where I think of it everyday. Maybe not seriously all the time, but, it's definitely a thought that comes up. It's reassuring and depressing at the same time I have this option so open to me. I guess the only thing holding me back from eternal release is my father of 89. But, once he's out the chances of me dying will skyrocket.
For some reason even though I had the best parents one could hope for - supported me whatever I did, gave me freedom, paid for expensive AP tests, flights for national competitions, entire university tuition, always loving and nice and never pressuring, for some reason I still don't even care about them or how my suicide would affect them. I've ghosted everyone in my life for about a year now including my parents (randomly moved to a new city and deleted all forms of contact), don't really feel any guilt at all, or even think about anyone at all. Occasionally wonder if that's fucked up or normal.
hi this might be unecessary but if anyone wants to talk feel free to shoot me a message at _messier38 on kik or email me at [email protected]
not here to talk you out of anything exactly but more talk about whats driven you there and idk. if you wanna talk about shit we can most definitely do that.
i nearly shot myself with my stepdad's shotgun until my little brother came home early and nearly caught me. couldnt do it when i saw the look on his face when i threw the gun under the bed
Same here if you need to talk email me at [email protected]
Will not ask any details. I'm here for you robros
>financial reasons
Literally the worst reason. Depression and despair is one thing but killing yourself over losing money? There are millionaires who go bankrupt and you hardly see them offing themselves so why would a poorfag kill himself over money?
Does anyone know, am I going to die if I take 10 scoops of some pre-workout and then drink half a liter of a liquor? I asked on /fit but no one has responded.
seems unreliable
My body is scarred and my anxiety prevents me from doing anything. I just want to be normal. But I'm too fucked up to get there. How easy is it to buy a gun? No other option seems as easy. Although I found a decent poison on Amazon a while back.
i always reckoned 10mm would be the best cartridge for ending it. big ass bullet but a FMJ at that velocity wouldn't leave your brains as goo.
i wouldn't eat anything for a couple days because i don't want to shit myself in death. still trying to figure out a way to rig something to bury me in the woods when i do it.
I don't know, I envision that if I try to buy a gun, the shop owner would probably recognize that I'd use it on myself
There's screening for criminal history and whether you've been committed involuntarily for mental health. Aside from that it's pretty straight forward. There might be a wait period depending on the type of firearm and where you live
Why kill yourselves yea life is shitty meaningless and nothing we do on it matters cause we're all gonna be dead next century anyway, but you at least exist while you're here, there's nothing after it. Just find something to keep you entertained, I don't know donwload a competitive online game and play all day pheraps you can become a top player and be remembered as a gaming legend after your death
There have been about 30 people that have survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge trying to kill themselves. Almost all of them have said they regretted the decision on the way down. Suffering is temporary fellas. I know some of you have legitimate mental problems but still, there are people to talk to. God bless.
Constant pain makes nothing interesting or enjoyable . It's always stable normies who give that sort of advice. They don't understand what it's like
Well if it doesn't work, I have another option to just leave humanity behind. Will be expensive though.
im the user who posten my email and about my little bro and i agree with . you dont get what constant suffering feels like, and how dying is better than living through that. sorry, its just reality for some people.
will someone just suicide pact with me? I want to kill myself but it would be nice doing it with someone holding hands.
it's not really about suffering for me. I used to be sad but not anymore. I'm just done. It's not like I'm doing poorly either, I have family and friends, a really good 6-figure stable job in the field I love in an area that has been my passion since middle school, and all the code is open source, which is my other passion since middle school.
I'm just done. Living takes work, work to get up in the morning, to make food, to socialize, to go to my job. I don't want to do that work. I'm tired and I'm done.
Desu seems like a really good way to end up in the hospital and then a mental health ward. If that's what you want then go for it, you will get help.
I'm ashamed when I'm around or have to interact with anyone. They probably see me as an incel that's on the verge of killing someone just because of how hideous and nervous I am.
I can always play a retard and say that I did it because my friend said he'd give me idk 500$ if I actually did it. But I won't do it until I'm sure there's a good chance it will kill me. Otherwise I'd just get on ridiculous amount of gear and live somewhat happy until the stroke.
You're overthinking it too much. It that's your only problem you can just work on it and fix.
I'm too lazy to live and too lazy to kill myself
My entire body and face being scarred as well as being 7 foot 2 makes me a good damned freak. I can't talk to people either so I stutter and say stupid shit. I start sweating like crazy from the anxiety too. I can't handle people
Sure, do you have a Discord?
scientific reasons
I've never laughed so hard at a drawing in my whole life, thank you.
Is there a more comfy way of ending it than suicide by helium? No pain and no mess. All you have to do is to lean back in your favorite chair, turn on the valves and fade to black. I'm probably going to do it this weekend if I don't pussy out again.
Helium tanks don't work anymore
if you want to suicide you're gay and a brainlet
t. perfectly content and happy with life and living
>Helium tanks don't work anymore
What do you mean?
have my reply, man, this is my sympathy for you, because I feel exactly the same