I became a lvl 24 wizard apprentice. Post sad bday pics.
I became a lvl 24 wizard apprentice. Post sad bday pics
Im gonna bump a few to get this started.
girls have lonely birthdays too... mainly because you fags are too shy to talk to them
> wizard
I see a cleric or druid, but I'm not a wizard. You sure you're not a dual class and waiting?
Wizards are immune to all sad birthday feels
Imagine Chad fucking the love of your life while you are crying alone on your birthday.
Thats not me in the OP but I still want to be a wizard not a treehugging. animal shagging druid. The power of the arcane will be mine.
>having a love of your life
Why is it that sad birthday pictures make me feel the most?
>Why is it that sad birthday pictures make me feel the most?
Is he crying or is it just a reflection from his glasses?
Saw this images for years but i just noticed the pedobear shirt
Doesn't look lonely to me. Chad's just out of shot.
lol u gotta go back
>u gotta go back
It's meant to be a day dedicated to making you feel special and when you know the world doesn't give a shit about you it hurts and all it serves is a reminder about how pathetic you are as a human being.
She looks happy user, there isn't a clear indication that she is suffering.
Found the whore (or even worse, the white knight shill)
At least this dude has his brothers and family around him at his birthday. Is it sad to celebrate your birthday in humble circumstances with only your family?
She's ugly, I wouldn't fuck her.
Just because she is pretty doesn't mean she has friends
Well aware user, but i'm considering the cake and the background and her age.
That's bullshit and you know it perfectly well.
Please go back originally fucKING NORMIEEEEEEESSSSS
>Just because she is pretty doesn't mean she has friends
>He doesn't know.
>girls have lonely birthdays too
>you fags are too shy to talk to them
must be rough being a woman, right sarah? all that hard work to just exist and have guys laying down at your feet for a chance to be with you.
fembots (roasties)
>spic span
Returning to the sad birthdays
>it gets better
Is that from a tv show?
thousand yard stare into a hopeless future
Apparently this isn't that uncommon
You know that the cleaning product is where the got the slur, right?
fucking retards why do you care about birthdays, there is no significance in any of the days of the year.
Good eye amigo
I'm going to need a source on that, friendo.
Who doesn't know? You.
I know it can be shitty for girls too, because of my sister. I never was a cool kid but I've always had like-minded friends around. But social life for women can be shit in general, because they treat each other like crap.
At least as a man you will be respected/pitied by other men always, but women are cruel beasts to each other.
Is your sister cute in any way?
lvl 24 pure handholdless neet wizard apprentice.
The trails are hard, but against my own desires, the universe has destined me to wizardhood.
I'm glad that things apparently got better for Julius.
That black bot makes me sad.
>apparently got better
why the fuck would they name a cleaning product after a slur?
don't you think it has anything to do with the fact that many maids are mexican?
This thread makes me feel stupid and weak
Im 21 years old and will be 22 on the 8th of June.
Why is life like this to us robots?
I wasn't saying that they named the cleaning product after a slur. I'm saying that it's a completely unrelated coincidence as far as I know.
>top tier black chad
>rich as fuck
>world class at the thing you do
>adored by countless fans
>turn 30, send invitation for a party to 30 teammates
>only Modric and Carvalho show up because they are decent people
saddest chad birthday ever
Nothing ever gets better for anyone, does it?
>that chin
you're one of the rare robots that could actually make themselves an 7.5/10 chad if they only tried.
At least i am not a manlet (6'0 / 1,81 m) and have job (forklift driver in a factory warehouse)
>that chiseled jaw
Fuck off Chad you're not wanted here
>Nothing ever gets better for anyone, does it?
ding ding ding
Yes, my mom and dad are screaming at me most of the days to "do something and stop playing so much on that fucking computer" etc.
Just 2 days ago my dad was very drunk and called my a failure.....
Stop being such a toxic asshole. I did you nothing wrong dude.
This picture is me right now.
the bottom middle gets me every time
Im so sorry sarah I will ask you out when i see u
I'm more concerned with the ghoul on the right
Who do you think took the photo?
wow that is the worst one here. These other pics are losers who deserve their fate because they never actually tried to be sociable. But imagine, spending your entire life doing everything right, being one of the best in the entire world at the most popular sport in the world
And only 2 people come to your birthday.
hes got the face of chad
but the eyes of a robot
where did it all go so wrong in your life chad?
Yes. That does not mean other girls would treat her well.
>Damn, I only gagged on 3 alpha male cocks today
They're not sad, just poor. I remember being poor, I think my family was actually happier and mentally healthier.
his shit is simply fucked up
Mods are small beta cucks that never gonna make it. fuck you guys. this board used to be a place of help and not only for crying about how unfair life is.
you guys are the reason why people cant get out of here and are just crying like lillte bitches about there useless beta lifes.
t. Cyborg
i have many to tell but i dont think that you guys want to listen.
The thing that really makes all these so sad is how depressing all their houses in the background look.
All messy and worn down, no sense of coordination or style. You get the sense that the rest of their family is as apathetic and soulless as the kids look in these pictures.
If these were taken in a well kept and stylish house they wouldn't look anywhere near as soul crushing.
my siblings don't even acknowledge my existence, could be worse.
She's is pretty cute.
The look on his face I would have to disagree with you
Good thing my mother doesn't give a shit about anniversaries and holidays besides christmas and easter and at most she just buys the cake for the whole family without any singing an' shit. Just tells me to have a happy birthday, puts cake it in the frige and that's it. I feel bad for robots who have to put up with this.
>I feel bad for robots who have to put up with this.
You shouldn't. Everyone gets the reality they deserve. Just look at this old man.... he voted for Trump and none of his kids called or come over for dinner on Thanksgiving.
This is just bait also link I think I saw this after lurking r/rule34 and finding some weird grandpa porn so it kinda stuck
I got a cake like this once but it was me laying in a puddle of my own puke surrounded by bottles. A few months beforehand I had gotten really drunk and thrown up all over my mother's sofa. I nearly choked on my own vomit but she cared more about her shitty sofa than me
>she cared more about her shitty sofa than me
No shit, you sound like a massive faggot.
Love this story. Makes me laugh every fucking time.
After thousands of kilometers of cock she is now retired
This is the worst one in the thread. You can tell he its An anniversary or something
Boldog szulinapot user
Mi mind nagyon szeretunk
>Implying I love someone
Haven't been in love since 18 and I'm a lvl 30 wizard.
There's already a place for normie cyborg problems, and it's called Jow Forums.
Trannies do not count
>You get the sense that the rest of their family is as apathetic and soulless as the kids look in these pictures.
Which is not really surprising, considerning that they are related.
The true blackpill is that all human behavioral traits are heritable, so it's unlikely (although not impossible) that perfectly normal and mentally healthy parents give birth to a robot child. The child just happens to be maybe more extreme in his robotness than his parents, but the starting point is pretty much the same.
>spic n span
Fucking REALLY?!?
>Perfectly normal and mentally healthy parents gave birth to a robot child
Checking in
His pals apologized and gave him a good time not long after. Good ending, desu.
someone make an imgur album of all these please
Same here
>when anniversary day
>mum makes slightly fancier dinner
>usually no presents, if not, simple things: deodorant, perfum...
>no family involvement besides sibligs and parents
>same goes for my parents/sibling
>be bullied and get your social skills fucked from a child
>hey, there's a girl who is shy and alone because her life was difficult - a chad once didn't want to fuck her
Especially when the only people there are your grandparends only...
>no one came to my party
IDK why but this one always gets me and I laugh. Maybe it's the lack of self awareness due to his major autism.
>those gross, stale, factory frosting cakes
there's nothing redeemable about this trash. RIP sadnons.
i love how triggered you are
>not posting the picture that user's parents gave the cake decorator
This is not sad. Taking photos with each parents is just normal on her country.
That legit looks like a skinnier and female version of me.
(You Are Original)
>giant toblerones everywhere
This is some heavy existential shit my nigga
>I got a cake like this once but it was me laying in a puddle of my own puke surrounded by bottles
That's actually pretty funny.
>The child just happens to be maybe more extreme in his robotness than his parents
not even that. its just that society used to be built around robots for a long ass time, but now it isnt anymore.
say you were a robot 200 years ago.
awkward around girls? nobody cares bro, schools are segregated by gender anyway.
cant find a girlfriend on your own? doesnt matter, premarital sex is outlawed anyway.
too spergy to find a wife on your own? no problem, parents are actively matchmaking for you already regardless of what you want.
not chad enough to attract women? doesnt matter - her dad calls the shots, and all he cares about in a potential suitor for his daughter is that you treat her right and can provide a stable income and home for her and your future children.
afraid that she will leave you? dont worry bro, she literally CANT! divorce is illegal and adultery is punishable by death!
traditional society was a robots paradise. if you managed to make a living, you were pretty much guaranteed a wife and family because every father would look for a man who got his shit together to marry his daughter.
that is the environment we were adjusted to for thousands of years. that is what we were selected for.
now selection patterns have done a near complete reversal. men are no longer selected for their ability to provide for a family, but for their attractiveness. this knocks all the robots out of the dating market.
in the long term, it creates a deeply dysfunctional society where nothing gets done and anarchy reigns, but we're not quite there yet.