Anyone else have stalkers? what's it like for you
Anyone else have stalkers? what's it like for you
ya. i legit have stalkers calling me from spoofed numbers.
its whatever man.
Kek that sounds pretty funny
mine chases me wherever I go and is mad I didn't "love" him
I've had this crazy bitch stalking and harassing me for over two years. I've been getting texts like "STOP IT DADDY DON'T PUT A KNIFE IN MY VAGINA" for two fucking years. And this is with me never responding.
At first I thought I could just ignore her and be fine. But honestly it really started to wear on me. I finally went to the police and sent them screenshots of like just the previous months worth of texts, and they went and spoke with her in person. Looks like she's stopped, I've only gotten one text from her since.
Pic related, it's some of the shit she's sent me.
hi ciara. kek!
Why tho? Is there any reason for her to say you killed her baby?
Sorry orbiter. im not ciara
No. She doesn't have a child as far as I know.
I went to high school with her like 11 years ago. We exchanged maybe 5 words back then. Then this all started in summer of 2016
why not just respond saying "hey"
>made some guy angry
>would post my personal info all over the place and try and get me harassed
>had to remove myself from all forms of online social media and change my phone number/email addresses multiple times
>would respond to anyone he thought might have been me on Jow Forums with my full name, location, and known points of contact and long angry rants
Was so happy when the archives got deleted a few years ago, was annoying when you googled my name and his autism came up. Scary thing is I still don't know who it was and why they were so mad at me, that's why you shouldn't talk to people from Jow Forums
Let me clarify actually. She claims that the stress of me not talking to her, loving her, having sex with her, caused her to have a miscarriage.
im not your orbiter, im that guy who is really smart and figures out who you are just by your post.
I had one for a while. I didn't like it even though she was a big titty blonde girl. Don't know how it happened really because I'm an ugly dude, but I think she was kind of mentally unhinged
Same thing is happening to me. Creepy guy who looks like a discount spok just chases me wherever I go and rues that he fell for me. Told him i wasn't gay and didn't want that.
I have those but they are bill collectors lol
There is a guy who follows me around and screencaps me.
We've told you more than once that his current dislike for you has nothing to do with the stuff from a year ago, but rather how you and your friend treated praetor. Please get this through your head already.
i pay my bills.
Praetor was never my friend lmao. You're creepy as fuck too buddy
I'm not the one who makes threads every day for months every time someone ghosts me. And learn to read, I never said anything about praetor being your friend.
praetor? the praetor has been calling me.
I can't take you seriously either. You're like 30 years old and you date mentally ill underaged boys unironically and invite them to your house.
I had a stalker when I was in elementary school. He paid me for certain acts (and he even bought some of my briefs) but it only escalated up to me jerking him off. He got arrested for similar stuff with another kid and then he got caught with pizza. I remember overhearing my parents chatting about how unnerving it was to have someone like him around because of me.
I don't need you to take me seriously; I think I'm doing pretty well for myself, having own my own car and house in cash by the end of my 20s. You're a completely ungrateful sack of shit. I listened to you cry on Voice Chat for about 10 hours and even convinced Kat to become friends with you again the first time around, but none of that means anything to you because you're a borderline sociopath. Whiny little bastard with a constant victim complex.
And now you're gay who craves dicks
Nah I prefer women without dicks.
You jerked someone off, you are officially gay now.
its awful, they follow everything I post and give me (yous) without asking
20 bucks is a lot to a 5th grader
and fly by my house
and hack my camera
and cashh me ousidd
>trying to justify your life by listing off simple things every adult has
Pathetic and I quite frankly do not care. You're delusional if you really believe you helped my case with her. you made it worse if anything and you enable your friend to come harass me wherever I go. you're a fucking manchild and I can't believe even believe im engaging you.
do you mean irl or online
I'm really curious: How does a fifth grader feel while/after jacking off a dude (presumably older) for money? What were your thoughts?
Give me a free sample and jerk me off too, faggot
Also how old is this literal who ciera girl, too many people name dropping this irrelevant shitter
Not that someone like you would know anything about being an adult, you fucking retard, but most people my age do not have their car and house paid off. Yes, most people my age have cars, but they need to make payments on them. Yes, most people own houses, but they'll have mortgages on them until they're 50 or 60 years old. You just became old enough to post on Jow Forums last month, you don't know anything about how the real world works.
Kat was probably very selective with what she showed you and omitted the parts where I defended you. Do you see this? Does this fucking look like I had nothing good to say about you, or like I did nothing to defend you? For fuck's sake, I even offered to send Kat a message at MAL to try and get her to become friends with you again at the beginning of last month. Stop acting like the world's against you and like everyone is cruel and out to be mean to poor little Rem.
>You just became old enough to post on Jow Forums last month,
A 30 year old having an argument with an underage.
This is so sad
You don't know him, Kryst. This BPD twat could try anyone's patience.
I mostly rubbed it with help from him so it didn't feel that weird. It felt weird because I was touching his dick but I didn't understand the implications at the time. It felt worse when he jerked me off. It also felt weird when he made my piss my underwear but like I said, Nah I haven't done anything gay since I was 16.
Gotta love that good old Jow Forums drama.
Both of you are pathetic, he moreso than you simply because someone who is that old should realize how stupid a typical underage brat is especially a female one.
Time for you to start it back up
I some times forget that Jow Forums discord is a big shit show of the same few people.
Also the friend you like to parade around as a victim makes fun of you and Cod regularly with Kat. He's relayed cods personal information to her and has boasted in amusement with her about it. Fuck off with your "ungrateful shit" trite. You literally know nothing about what he's done other than him tell you his sob stories. I honestly don't care about the fact that you were able to pay off a car. It's pathetic youre justifying this to me and that wasn't my point. You're fucked up and you date literal underages. That was my point. You invite them to your home and you label them with bpd if they don't like you. You are retarded. There's no depth when talking to you. It's like talking to a hollow scarecrow. Praetor has said this. kat has said this and so have I. You can't reason for shit and you point out in anyone with emotional instability that they have bpd. Even praetors made fun of this fact with Kathy about you. You're retarded too. You did not help my case with her. She has said to me many times that you haven't. I've read every message exchange you had with her.
Thank you for answering.
I kek'd a little at the pissing your pants part. How do you think about the whole ordeal now?
Also why didn't you know what jacking off was in fifth grade?
Oh and also what other gay stuff did you do before 16? Did you know what you were doing by then?
ITT drama between a man and child who's old enough to be father and daughter with gay stories that people are fapping to
Nah especially not for a tripfag.
No problem, you can ask whatever. I think its fucked now but he killed himself so it doesn't matter much. The pissing the pants thing was his idea and I jerked off with the shower head when I took baths but I didn't learn about regular jacking off until I met him, then I didn't even hear other boys mention it until 7th grade.
He would be correct though.
Underage children are bipolar by their very nature.
Do you mean 'you moreso than he'? I'm the 30 year old.
The only person I have ever dated was a legal adult. I played along with you early on in our friendship, but that's because you said that you were 23 and acted like a nutcase who threatened to kill yourself if I didn't reply fast enough to what you said. Once I learned you were 17, I stopped doing anything with you even though you harassed me all the time about wanting to erp; you'd even get mad and say "I'm not fucking Chris Hansen." I was never 'dating' you, I'm straight. I also never invited you to my house, I don't want you here.
As for praetor making fun of me, screencap or you're full of shit.
Experimenting with friends. I lost my virginity when I was 14 on a school trip where I shared a room with a guy named Ryan. Jerked off with and got sucked by a few guys but by that time I realized older men were ugly and I couldn't be 20+ and fooling around with 14 year olds.
All you retards look the same to me.
You're an embarrassment though, pitiful that an underage brat can pussy whip even people older than me, what a fucking world.
Doing things with people you don't like is your forte, you'll deal with it
I never was talking about myself
>Im not fucking chris hansen
Just ask praetor to ask Kat. im not looking through all my messages with her for that. Im gonna sleep
>I never was talking about myself
Uhh, then who were you talking about? Yuki was 18 when I started dating her. That's not underage.
In case you are interested in me sharing my early gay experience in return here it goes:
I had a friend with whom I did some expermenting as well. I guess I was around twelve to fourteen years old. We only did some showing and touching though. He asked me to suck him off once but I declined because I thought that was gross back then. He decided we'd need to stop doing gay stuff at some point sadly so my virginity stayed intact.
Never did anything with a guy after that although I'd always fantasise.
Well he's certainly not as gay as you you degenerate tripfag
Mind your tongue.
I'm the only sane person in this shithole thread
By the way. Yuki (aside from not being underage) was the one who asked me out. I told her that she was too young for me, but then she told our mutuals that we were dating, so I kind of felt backed into a corner and didn't have the heart to reject her after that. I don't go for anyone younger than 25 or so, and even if I did, mine and Yuki's relationship was one between consenting adults. Go fuck yourself.
Dude, continuoud posting of anime girls isn't exactly the best exhibit of sanity.
Curse my fat fingers!
You have grown ass men dating little kids in this thread.
Then you have with gay pasts.
I'm LITERALLY most sane here, shut the fuck up
>You have grown ass men dating little kids in this thread.
Stop being retarded and learn to read, he's referring to a relationship between me and someone who was getting close to turning 19 when I was 27 (which I tried to turn down and was basically pressured into entering).
In every mental institution there is someone thinking of himself as the only sane person around. And he's not an employee.
That is irrelevant to me, you're arguing with this bitch called ciara who's supposedly just recently turned 18.
An emotional argument no less as if fucking kids know jack shit or have an understanding about concepts beyond their 4 walls in their room.
You are mentally ill, die in a ditch
Tell me more, you seem experienced with mental institutions, go there frequent?
What? I'm not arguing with Ciara. Totally different person, and a male at that.
And I wasn't nearly this toxic or unstable at 18, so his age isn't much of an excuse.
I saw a >and you recently turned 18
Shut the fuck up.
I can't be fucked to follow this shit tier clusterfuck of an argument just understand this simple fact.
You're all stupid, I am not
Wait, did Ciara transition?
Why do you ask? Paranoid we might have met? :^)
op is he stalking you in person
Considering I have no gay past and you're a raging homo chances are high we have not
Y'all unironically need Jesus.
Into an attack helicopter
It's harder to follow when I'm dealing with a genuinely unintelligent person who can't construct a coherent argument, yeah. He says I "can't reason for shit," but he's a high school dropout who writes like an ESL.
And to clarify one last point for the retard: I didn't "invite" Yuki to my house. She asked me to date her, she asked me to marry her, and she asked to move in with me. Thanks and good night. I hope at least some of the things I've said have penetrated that thick, 90 IQ skull of yours.
Goodnight Ciaras orbiter
Wow, you dropped the anime girls. Your therapist will count that as progress. Good job!
There's always the good ole
>'new phone, who dis?'
Should have pounded that asshole and kicked them to the curb, how pathetic.
All that money and you still manage to be a cuck
user, if you really know who op is does this only happen online or is it in person too
pls respond
Oh, I don't know who OP is. Sorry, user. I was arguing with Rem, who made threads about a guy named Aya every day for a few months last year, and has done the same with a girl named Kathy this year. He's a socially anxious shut-in, so I don't know if he has any friends offline.
if only you knew why op
Jesus christ, she sounds legit insane
You might not see this if you've already gone to sleep, but just in case you come back tomorrow to read this (and for my own sake of closure), I'll address a couple of points I didn't the first time around.
I don't accuse everyone of having Borderline. I have done that with exactly two people, you and Kathy, and I doubt I'm wrong. Kat blew up the phone at praetor's place of employment because a co-worker hugged him. That's not normal. I'm not even completely sold on Kat being BPD, but as for you, you're textbook Borderline; your bugfuck insanity speaks for itself. You told me within a few days of us meeting that you'd kill yourself if I ever 'left you,' and made threads every day for months chasing someone you spoke to for a couple of weeks.
It's possible that there's more to praetor than I know of, yes. I don't know him that well. But with that said, he's treated me and Cod better than you or Kat ever have, so if I had to pick between one of you three to choose, I'll go with him. You have a bad word to say about everyone, while viewing yourself in as gentle of a light as possible. You make excuses for yourself all the time; you're always the victim and everyone else is always the bad guy. I know that you've had a rough upbringing and that you're an abuse victim, but that's not an excuse for going through life hurting everyone you come in contact with. You're more toxic than Chernobyl. You're a flat-out bad person, and there's a good chance you always will be.
>rough life
Who or what are you laughing at? To clarify in case you're mistaken (since so far in this thread you've had the reading comprehension of an ant), I am speaking to the 18 year old. His parents are abusive. His life is rough. I'm not denying that and I'm not going to downplay his situation just because the kid's a spiteful little asshole.
Hard to follow along when one is underage and the other talks as if he's suffering from immense autism and dyslexia.
Do better with your sentences if you want anyone to follow along on your path of failure.
>rough life
Tell me of this """rough life"""
What? I'm pretty sure my sentences in were plain and easy to read.
I never said I had a rough life, you god damn retard. I said he does. The 18 year has a rough life. I, the 30 year old, do not. And I'm not going to tell you about what his life is like because it's none of your god damn business. Stop jumping into conversations that you're too god damn retarded to follow.
You really are mentally ill aren't you?
I'm not going to explain every part of why but first you say he, then next you call him ciara which is a girls name, then you say they are 2 different people, then you are explaining to me the 18 year old had the hard life somehow implying I said you do although I never did.
You have severe issues, are you suffering from a case of autism and asshurt?
Are you just pretending to be retarded to troll me? I never called him Ciara. The first post he made was . There's a few mentions of Ciara earlier in the thread, but they were made by different anons and have nothing to do with us.
See You stupid inbred little shitter.
Irrelevant, I am amused by this """rough"" life.
Now tell me, I don't care if its none of my business you overgrown manchild.
I said his parents are abusive. Use your imagination. I'm not going to say anything more than that.
I am the stalker
If she wants you so bad why did she get pregnant?
There I used my imagination and I believe it to be highly accurate.
Too bad it doesn't better my image of you, a pathetic inferior shitter daring to talk down to me.
How insufferable
Uh... yeah. I'm done here. Either you're deliberately trolling me to get a rise out of me (which I think you are), or your reading comprehension is so terrible that it's a waste of time talking to you.
Nice K-On pic though, saved.
Not currently. Of my last two, one suicided and the other finally stopped. Women are crazy
>reading comprehension is so terrible
I sure do love this gimmicky insult you toss around when its highly ironic that you're the one who doesn't understand jack shit.
I said tell me of this ""rough life""" what part of it don't you fucking understand, or does your vast reading comprehension make you unable to understand something so fucking simple?
How do you stop stalking someone? Asking for a friend whom I stalk and want to stop.
get a waifu famalam
I probably have one.
I wish I could just fucking kill Her.