>person asks what you do for a living
NEET feels
>"so why haven't you gotten a job? it's easy"
>hairdresser touches her boobs to you for a second
>no one asks you anything ever because you're a shut-in
>have no idea how taxes work cause never had to file them
>family friend i am only acquaintances with asks me what i do all day
>"i-i draw..."
>she asks me what I draw
>she says "fuck this, I'm not pulling teeth from a chicken." and walks away
And then she asks what you do for work or what you study
>cousin is successful, own house, kids, a wife
>im only 2 years younger but dont have my own place, zero job experience since hs, only accolade is college
>never had a girlfriend, no outside contact at all, never even hugged a non-female or non-male relative before
its funny what could become "normal" after living it all your life. at this point i think achieving what my cousin has is some sort of elon musk level of wishful thinking
>"Keep your nose to the grindstone!"
This is exactly why I don't talk to people any more. They just want to brag who's the bigger wagecuck.
Disgusting planet full of worthless monkeys.
>never even hugged a non-female or non-male relative before
I'll hug you, I'm non-female and non-male.
I blame your parents for not instilling a work ethic in you and outing for actual consequences. You niggas gotta get your shit together.
>American businesses can't hire workers fast enough
How retarded to you need to be to be a NEET in this white hot economy?
i have schizophrenia and its not my mom's fault.
>twin brother has baby last year
>go to baptism
>party afterwards
>his gf's family ask me what i do
also this just happened right now
>have tiny ass kitchen
>mom sits at dining room table as her "spot" in the house
>can clearly see that i walked into the kitchen
>it's literally the same room
>we're both fat so we have to actually rub against each other if more than one person wants to do stuff in the kitchen
>she's done this pretty much every single time i've went into the kitchen in the past week
>this time i just shrug and walk out quick
>she says "i'm tired of the attitude in this house"
can i get literally 5 fucking minutes to use the kitchen?
you weren't doing shit in there
you just got knocked out of your tv daze cause you saw another person and so you decided you wanted coffee
you weren't just waiting to get coffee 6 times in a row
just let me do my shit and leave or don't get mad when i let you do your shit and leave
and the worst part is she waited until i walked back in again to get coffee i waited well after the coffee pot was done brewing
The only time my father picked up a hammer was to bash my skull in with it. It's a shame it didn't happen to more deserving faggots such as yourself.
I mean I didn't like this question when I worked at a grocery store so now that I'm NEET it actually feels like it's a step up from that, so I'd proudly declare my status as a free individual.
I blame my crippling social anxiety and single parent house hold growing up but ok
>meet someone
>within give minutes they ask me what my job is
Why is this so important to normalfags?
Wow what an absolute cunt. Normies are the ones with a stick up their ass when it comes to socialization.
"I'm going to speak to you and you'd better give me a long and detailed answer or I will get mad and insult you."
Like, fuck off cunt.
Because to them you are your job.
Slave mentality. Hell just look at niggers. Fought so hard to free them of their chains only to put em right back on because "LOOK AT THAT BLING, CUZ". White/asian/whatever faggots are no better.
i just started crying with anger at the memory
this happened last month and the worst thing is i KNOW i will be forced to socialize with her again and she won't think a fucking thing of it
I have low functional iq, I can barely manage to write a coherent paragraph
>talked to so many people that I feel nauseous and wonder what my direction is
Im a schizo society doesn't want me in it anyway
It's usually a good filter for normies to see if someone is a failure. If a person doesn't have a job he can't be trusted or so they think.
And some of this.
I hate being a NEET man. I fucking hate it. I sit around all day doing nothing. The more I do it the more I lose interest in developing any hobbies or looking for a job. I don't understand people that like this lifestyle. Maybe you used to work once and now you're thankful not to be a wageslave. Maybe you like not being responsible for anything. I get it. But I can't do it. I'm so sick of it. So sick of not going anywhere or doing anything. It's like purgatory. I rather be in wage hell than purgatory.
You know she's a cunt now, so at least you can have your guard up next time. Maybe give her the silent treatment, they HATE that shit. If she tries to engage you just glare at her and walk away.
How long have you been NEET? Ever had a job?
I did 10 years retail and it was awful. Though I guess it enables me to enjoy being NEET (2 months) since I know what it's like on the slavery side of things.
how old are you user? YOUR THAT OLD AND A NEET?!?!?!??!
I tell them I'm comfy for a living and lmao at their life tbqhfam.
The financial security is too good to give up. I'm not educated so if I would have a job it will hardly make me more money than being a NEET and will put me in a situation where I'm just a lone wolf with a job and still have nothing going on in life.
I've been a NEET last 3 years. Never had a job in my life but I used to go to university, till I dropped out. Retail sounds like absolute torture and I heard all the stories but man anything is better than NEETdom.
>talking about going to school or getting a job without any weight or intention to actually do so.
I mean I guess it's worth experiencing just so you can see how awful it is, there seem to be few entry level jobs that are suited for robots. If you do get a grocery store job, then go for stocking over cashiering. I did my fair share of both, and stocking is much easier since you're not dealing with a steady stream of normie customers, only the occasional ones that need help finding something. Or the cunts who demand you "check the back" then you can go to the back room, take a piss break and say "Sorry ma'am I didn't see any back there :^)"
Working fucking sucks. You blow your back, knees, and anything else of worth out just so some asshole can more of what he doesn't need: money.
Even if you do work a decent job that isn't grueling labor, you still have to get up at the same time everyday, even if you only got 2 hours of sleep and need to jump back into the madness.
People are legitimately fucked up and if you unironically enjoy this, you are a fucking brainlet who shouldn't any rights. Period.
>go out in public
>pray you don't encounter anyone that used to know you
>recognize someone from a distance
>avoid avoid avoid
What's a job that doesn't involve interacting with others whatsoever? I don't mind working hard/long hours, getting shit pay, or even be surrounded by plutonium and asbestos. I just can't stand being around other people.
It's literally just a conversation topic, you guys are just thinking too much into it
Nah my dude, it's their way of sizing you up. Sure, it's a "conversation topic", but you're a fool if you think they aren't judging your answers and then mentally placing you somewhere on their personal social hierarchy.
everyone thats asked me just assumes i sell drugs because i tell them i have money and dont need to work
im not even that rich only got 15k
i dont even sell drugs either
>someone asks what my job is
tell them I sell cigarettes to kids for 50p each
they laugh and change topic
Maybe you should sell drugs user
lol but seriously dude you got a good amount of cash there to turn into more cash. Have you considered starting up a small business of sorts? I'd be brainstorming all kinds of plans if I had that kind of money available.
>Maybe you should sell drugs user
maybe when i eventually get my own place
but i dont really have any ideas for a buisness, have been trying to teach myself coding online though if that counts
Sounds like you mum is grumpy from loneliness. Try to have a polite conversation with her couple times a week, may really ease the depression in her. Problem is she may become very clingy if she has no one else to socielise with.
wonders of the NEET life!
I will give you a good advice, an advice that nobody gave me, hell I feel like a big bro here with all this, if you follow my orientations you will become a god tier NEET
first ALWAYS lock your room, if you do not have a lock steal one and install it NOW is really important for a NEET to have his door always closed to the outsiders
learn the art of fasting, when you master it you can go two weeks without any solids just water, so you chances for family interaction reduces to barely 5% also you will have more free time for being comfy, food is for normies
ALWAYS pee on bottles and start learning the skill of shitting in plastic bags, if you close them properly you can have up to 5 full shitbags lying around in your room without almost no smell
basically you need to become a subhuman just a shadow, dead alive, completely unnoticeable... and you will NEET for a long time
>tfw the really nice job consultant quits his job and gets replaced with some hard-ass roast.
>tfw basically do that without the shitting part and sneaking out for showers and beer while family is at work
Do you have friends, hobbies, interests and financial security? If you have these 4 thing then you should never be bored. Create goals and work towards them be it becoming great at a sport or hobbie or learning anything you have an interedt in
>go to a bar with friends
>one of them is outside on the phone with his dad telling him he's going to a bar
>everyone else is inside talking about how bad it is to be in your early 20's and living with your parents even if you're going to school and working part time
>can't do anything but look around and feel stupid
This has been haunting me for the past few days. I'm horrified of getting a full time job and living on my own.
3 year neet feels, i understand user.
You know old fucks will blame it on technology .
But what about when you have supervisor who tells you to work faster and no matter how fast you work and no matter how much work you get done they're never happy and are always on you case about it and they're a hyper hyper hypo because they're fucked up out of their mind on adderall because their boss is always pushing them to get more work done in less time. Retail is hell.
Asking someone that you just met what they do for work is very taboo in french culture, but talking politics/religion is free game. It's like completely backwards.
wtf I love France now. it would be so much easier to bullshit an acceptable answer.
In retail if you wanna survive you need a "fuck the managers" mentality.
They tell you to work harder and faster? "Sure thing boss!" then you work a little slower to spite them. Especially if you're at a union store, it's almost impossible to get fired unless you fuck up on a massive scale.
Basically don't push yourself or they'll expect you to ALWAYS push yourself and even more. Work slow and steady, regardless of what your cuck managers say.