Guys I'm being held against my will in a mental health hospital how the FUCK do I get out...

guys I'm being held against my will in a mental health hospital how the FUCK do I get out. I'm not taking my meds so they say that I will never get out. How can I escape? I'm being watched constantly (they check on you every 15 mins) and there are 3 locked doors between me and outside. I've been here two fucking weeks now

I'll tell you all you need to know how the fuck do I escape this place

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How are you posting right now?

You ever seen Silence of the Lambs?

Have you tried acting normal and asking to leave?

You need a drinking fountain and a large Native American man.

all I have is an iPhone 4 with a broken charger so I get like 2 mins every hour

I'm not violent but they locked me up because I'm 'high risk' to myself lol

ask for a re-evaluation of your mental health. Also how do you have Chan access I thought they took internet away

Alright, so what do you have to work with?

ask why you should take meds at all, have staff explain effects. when meds arrive, fake taking them and dispose of later. fake effects of meds and improvement, get out.

Well first you have to find a swol-ass native american dude...

just take the meds

how did they not strip you and take your phone? That's what they do when you get involuntarily held here.

4G I'm assuming.
My dad snuck my phone in when I was at an impatient and the outlet was behind the bed, so I just snuck it behind there and charged it.
I have the halo effect so that's probably why the staff trusted me so much.

i have been there before. it was traumatizing. I did everything right and they still kept me for a month. i never did anything wrong to get in there. i wasn't suicidal or homicidal or hallucinating. they will take your clothes, but won't do a cavity search. hide the phone between your cheeks. i did this with a small bag of candy that i really wanted to take to my cell.



whats the place your being held at?


no thanks, i would rather stay in the mental hospital than accept help from a brainlet.

Comply with them til they release you. Yes, what they are doing may be wrong and fucked up, but it is the way it is.

I have seen that episode of house.

easy: stop being a crazy fuckbag.

I would say the exact one but the number of patients is small enough that if you called they could probably find out it was me

My phone keeps turning itself off

Have you tried not being insane?

there's a key lol by a window grate in my room. I am trying to lock pick it with two unfolded staples

I have no idea what I'm doing or if staples can even work or if it is a lock to remove the grate though

I will try post picture of it with my charge