Is r9k as racist as Jow Forums? Do you think that pic related is wrong?
Is r9k as racist as Jow Forums? Do you think that pic related is wrong?
>whore that smells like cheese
>ugly asshole
nope, adds up!
Bestiality is very wrong.
personally i wont object to it. its her life, her choice. who knows, that dude could win the lottery and bring her into the upper caste. or he could be a generic nigger.
never really know with life.
while i dont prerfer white women, there were two i crushed on, but both of them dated black dudes. guess they werent interested in a black dude whos pretty white on the inside
How come blacks love white women? Do you think its because the media made white women the standard of beauty?
I think you need to get off the internet for some time
nice implication there my dude, i actually prefer black women with brown or lightskin
6 out of the 9 crushes i had were black chicks. 2 others were white (one half) and the last was asian
nice try gook-guy
Waste of nigger dick. You should cuck white bois
snowniggers are the one doing the cucking
>setup a tinder acc
>only ever receive white chicks and maybe 1 or 2 black ones
>tfw set up a white tinder and got a nice mix of black chicks and white chicks, as well as asians+latinas
you literally cannot be a robot if youre white and above 6'0" tbqhfamalamadingdongeroo. some niggers will crave you just for the positivity associated with your skin color.
I dont see why anyone should be concerned with relationships with regards to skin colour.
What is there to even talk about there?
>Ugly asshole.
I'm pretty sure a more accurate descriptor for the man in the picture would be "nigger", user.
Why are you scared to say it?
Are you a cuck?
i dont hate him for his niggness though, i hate thim because he looks dirty with his tongue out
because even if they're ugly, fat, broke, not charismatic, awaiting death, awkward, low intelligence
failed in friendship, failed in romance, failed in class
everyone thinks that they're at least superior to black people.
so you're supposed to get angry over this guy having something you don't.
I'm a black guy and think this is wrong. She is just keeping this dude as a pet nig and has no real respect for him. Their whole relationship is basically "look user I'm not racist im dating a black guy hehe".
Black girls are way better. The decent ones anyway
you're probably right dude.
she is likely fetishizing that guy
More like guaranteed
>Durrr muh race is just skin colur.
Normally I prefer black girls to straighten their hair, but that actually looks pretty good. It's weird how combining two shitty hairstyles actually creates one of the few "natural" type hairstyles that look good on a black girl.
reminder that most white girls who date blacks end up being single moms, living in trailer parks, and turns to meth.
the truth of the matter is black guys have no interest in raising a kid and just look for a quick nut until you're used up and they move onto the next.
i think my mom fetishizes black guys
she uses key terms repeatedly when talking about them (literally she will look at a group of any black randos and say this about all of them, even the fugly ones)
>beautiful teeth
>so handsome
>beautiful skin/hair
>"nice gentleman"
and she will never ever say the word "black", she avoids it like it's offensive when the worst part is her being creepy and fawning over guys half her age just because of their race
>the media made white women the standard of beauty?
It's not just the media.
Almost everywhere in the world light skin, or at least lighter skin than the norm, is seen as better and beautiful. For those that were colonized, it was a sign of wealth and high class, and they haven't shrugged off that conditioning yet. Europe is sort of the exception, everybody is whiteish and the darker mediterranean countries used to be rich and high class too, so it's ok not to be pale as snow (as long as you don't come from the colonies, ofc)
Racism aside, mixed kids are ugly as fuck and it should be illegal to give your children that bad of a handicap in life.
Imo it's a bit of a shame when two different ethnicities mix, because they both lose what made them unique. This applies to ethnicity, not just raceFor example, even though the French and the English are both Caucasians, they both have their own slightly different phenotype. In the case of intermarriage between the different races, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid, the difference is more stark, and so the loss of distinguishing traits is more severe. Largely though, this is not really a problem as it's not really like everyone is rushing to get a foreign partner. Largely, the individual ethnicities will prevail and keep their own unique traits. Or at least that's what I hope.
Blacks are statistically more likely to abandon their partner should she become pregnant, as well as to beat them. Women, best be careful around blacks.
Fuck, he got tiny as shit.
A chad and a stacey is still a chad and a stacey even if one of them is a different colour to the other.
honestly, why should we care about this statistic. People die all the time because they don't pay attention to safety warnings, yet not one person here would care, so why do you care about something that is significantly less problematic.
This isn't even your problem, if they want to ruin their life let them do it, just like we let people kill themselves.
>How come blacks love white women
basic human nature, find fertile young from outside of your tribe and reproduce, white men do the same with asians.
t. a mixed guy that loves everybody
I mean if you're not woman that associates with blacks, or living in a place with many blacks then you really don't have much reason to care. Just giving my 2 cents on the OP though.
I think some race mixing is necessary to improve people genetically and protect them from various diseases, race mixing has existed since Africans first migrated to Europe in search of hunt and interbred with the local Cro-Magnons, it is Africans who are responsible for our impressive height and narrow built, if it were not for them we'd be short, plump and muscular just as our Siberian/Caucasian Mongoloid forefathers, because from an evolutionary standpoint these are traits that protect us from cold weather, I'm well aware that there's both positive and negative aspects to it but that's not really how evolutionary biology works, it is conservative and consents only if necessary, it never happens consciously and is dependent on nature, not our personal desires
And for some reason it preserved these traits, probably better so, it's rather impossible to change the course of biology if not encouraged by harsh external conditions, we will lose them in the next Ice Age anyway
That said, I think a little race mixing is tolerable, just not too much
It scientificly correct. I know how mutts are produced. I was not born today.
Do you want to know the least racist board? It's Jow Forums my mayne
int > r9k > b > pol
nope; what i don't like is that this seem kinda forced like "see that ? see how much WW and BM go well together ?"
come on, we fucking get it !
Every time someone claims "black girls are cute" they always post the ones with significant white admixture.
I love how wh*toids only care about statistics when they're racial. If they were all that were important, you would encourage dating to begin with since most relationships fail. Reeks of insecurity.
You're fucking retarded.
oregano parsley thyme cloves
Oh honey no. That's not an argument. If you think the girl in that image is even close to 100% black you are retarded.
You have to go back. Uringinal
It's wrong and even those two know it. Black's in it for the prestige of scoring a non trash race girl and white's in it because she's got daddy issues.
>skin of shit
>being this mad
I dont care. And i dont hate niggers. But i would never go near a black girl. I dont know why
Yes, I dislike it when one of my kind gets defiled. Not only for personal reasons but also because it's a crime against genetic fitness.
The pic is wrong. Not because he is black, but because licking a girl's face in public is inappropriate.
The genetic distance between whites and blacks is greater than dogs and wolves. It's not immoral, just disgusting.
As if the black guy doesnt use the white girl as a trophy as well
shutup lad this place is for 18 or over
>reminder that most white girls who date blacks end up being single moms, living in trailer parks, and turns to meth.
Your kidding me that's the redneck and white trash stereotype for a reason because they're mainly racist and stupid and hate black people in general
She likely has a kushit or Nubian genetic makeup so yes she's black you retard it's like saying slavic people have different facial features they're not white
>Goes down to insults
>says others are mad
lad your literally the type of person who actually cares about this shit and is actually insecure your worse than the average racist
When I see that I of it as committing genetic suicide.
Her offspring will be nothing but trash that gets pushed around.
Your an actual brainlet please just shutup and never type again
>Is r9k as racist as Jow Forums?
No, robots can be of any race, and normalscum too.
Licking a girl's cheek coated with makeup is guaranteed to make you gag for two minutes.
>it's like saying slavic people have different facial features they're not white
They aren't white though.
How about this depiction of multiraciality?
It's true though? Tbf the genetic distance between dogs and wolves is pretty small, domestication only started 50k years ago, and mongs/caucasians branched off from negroids 100k+ years ago.
>mixing that ugly white dude with that fine african goddess
Not that i'm saying more years means more genetic distance. A great white from 1 million years ago is pretty much identical to now. But 100k years in different environments (whites in agricultural, blacks in tribal) should lead to a lot of genetic distance and there's plenty of data to support that claim. Which environment do you think would lead to higher intelligence due to necessity, cities or bumfuck nowhere africa?
Great white shark*
This homey is in 3-4 threads at once!
organically nothing wrong with it
It is wrong and you don't need to be a racist to think so.
I don't give a shit and people who do are truly pathetic permavirgins.
No, you are just underage.
Not an argument neither true.
The lnly thing that disturb me is he doing that with his tongue. Degenerate
>neither true
It is true and you know it.
/r9k and /pol are one and the same. Very few exceptions. It makes sense too
I imagine that black girls have larger vaginas, with Asians of course being the tightest. Is this true? I've only ever had white women or white men
>Not an argument
It was meant to be a statement not an argument, moron.
>I have no argument so I'll just call you underage
This is not an arugment
I'm not racist and neither should you be. People always forget to see the larger picture, if that ugly black person managed to land a hot chick like that, he probably worked hard for it and he deserved it. The retards on here are too conditioned to think that white girls chase after black dudes, they don't. Stop thinking in groups dude, it distorts the way you view people. People don't do things to benefit a larger group that they're from, they usually to do it to benefit themselves.
>OP asks for opinion
>Give opinion
Just off yourself, brainlet.
ya. he should get himself a fine asian chick
no, wm/bf is the master race couple. Black women are designed for white men. white wom*n are disgusting niggers and don't deserve any attention. If all white wom*n were to be brutally raped and then murdered, nothing of value would be lost except for the sperm that could have been used to breed non white women
this QT tells you that she hates seeing black boys because all they do is smoke weed, collect their welfare checks, and pretend like they're gangsters. She's never been with a white guy and thinks your cute. What do?
I want to take one of their women so why the fuck would I give a shit about blacks that date wh*te women?
Yes. Bestiality is wrong and this picture is an affront to nature. Blacked porn should be illegal.
>user is looking cute today! I know a lot of white guys don't go for black girls but I really hope he likes me! I hope he comes over to talk to me, if he doesn't I think I'll go to him. What do you think he likes?
I mean I hate blonde women so Tyrone can have her, I really don't care as long as I get a black haired cutie
What is with this mindset
t. mentally ill hapamongoloid
white wom*n are disgusting human beings, both mentally and physically (when it comes to hygiene). The contrast between a mans white skin against a dark black goddesses melanin is the most beautiful sight in the world, and the only thing better is the unbridled toasting that white roastie whores experience when they know the white and asian males are catching on to their game
its markiplier, hes infected with that supreme edge.
t. roastie cumskin whore
LOL way to out yourself retard
t. assblasted anglo fem*le feeling that heat that her time is up
sure mark, whatever u think
I'll stick to superior black women and you keep your dildo that you try to get to fill the void having no one who cares about you for more than the ax wound between your legs. Keep trying to validate your miserable existence
Because it costs us money. Money we can use for real problems that aren't self inflicted.
ok mark. post more aryans? i love a firey supreme gentleman.
no, you fucking whore. When you get raped and murdered, the world will be better
I hate women, I don't care who she's fucking because it's not me
supreme post, mark
>hole having to use the same insult every single time
the absolute state of white wom*n
A few thousand years difference would only lead to phenotype change seriously there wasn't enough time for brains to change only a few genes that made you faster or let your skin take in more vitamin D I agree environment is enough to change characteristics but not fucking fundamentals and trust me this is backed up in data . Brain change alone would take millions of years seriously if Blacks only had a limited amount of intelligence they would've been fucked when colonialists came to Africa even then their IQ changed after learning which would explain them being able to learn how to use guns or fight strategic battles or other shit which would need a average or high IQ to do and if your theory about genetics was true how does that explain a black person with a high intelligence and there have been many or how did different blacks teach themselves to write or read
seriously man your whole argument is flawed
what do you have against white women, mark? they can be quite sweet.
Drain on the welfare system caused entirely by the inferiority of niggers and the whores who breed with them
You said that anyone who thinks that is a permavirgin. That's as much of an opinion as saying that you are underage (which you are btw, otherwise you wouldn't talk like a 14 yo girl).