incel general. no
allowed. only incels from
>Jow Forumsbraincels
>Jow Forumsincelswithouthate
and various other incel subreddits are allowed to post here.
how's it going guys?
>tfw 5'4'' jawlet
why live?
incel general. no
allowed. only incels from
>Jow Forumsbraincels
>Jow Forumsincelswithouthate
and various other incel subreddits are allowed to post here.
how's it going guys?
>tfw 5'4'' jawlet
why live?
Back to r/braincels with you.
if you're not at least 6f just forget it man. foids only go for 6f+ chads
we've created a general here in order to replace Jow Forumsincels
Nice fantasy pic faggot.
You dont have balls to kill anyone and even if you ascended from your basement lair, normal guya would fuck you up before you did anything.
Just fucking kill yourself, stop wasting oxygen.
fuck off reddit. why are incels gaining popularity? who let them leave their containment camps?
Fuck off.
I wonder how many faggots like you have died in utter disbelief, clenching their jaws in rage as they die in a pool of their own blood realizing that their life has been ended by one of those pathetic nerds they always picked on. Tears of agony, regret, and anger filling your eyes as your life ebbs away.
they just care about not dying
they still don't care about you
you stupid nerd
You edgelords have your own website and two subreddits, go back there.
Plus there's barely any difference between robots and incels anyway so making a thread purely for incels.
Only difference I can see is that incels are ten times more salty about being losers.
Not as many faggots like you die every day killing themselves because they are pathetic fucks with no balls.
>t. buttmad chad
>allowing redditors into your fortress
what the fuck is wrong with you
>calling someone chad is an insult
Love those virgin delusions.
Keep frothing faggot, your salt is sweet to me.
i don't have all the same simplistic needs as you degenerate primate; assuming you browse r9k as a chad
>Goes on Jow Forums
>no robots cyborgs
>only Jow Forums
Why are you even here?
question for incels:
how many girls did you approach last year?
how many times did you go out?
what are you doing to actively improve yourself?
how many female friends do you have?
who is to blame for your problems?
>Comes here uninvited and tries to tell us to leave the thread
I see you completely lack self-awareness. Explains a lot, doesn't it?
Nice cope.
Reality is that you are completely repulsive probably both physically and mentally.
Your bullshit olympic level mental gymnastics aint fooling no one.
Save yourself the trouble.
It will always be the jews, society, blacks, whoever fault, while the rest of question will yield straight zero as an answer.
>how many girls did you approach last year?
None. Never approached anyone.
>how many times did you go out?
I go to the gym, work and go groceries shopping. I don't like clubs and bars and I don't have any close friends.
>what are you doing to actively improve yourself?
Been going to the gym for years, lifting heavy objects. Got a pretty decent physique. It's all I do pretty much.
>how many female friends do you have?
Never had any female friends.
>who is to blame for your problems?
Myself, my face, feminism and hypergamy in general.
are you hiroshmoot? no? then who are you to tell me not to make these threads here?
Who are you to tell others not to participate? As you're free to put up your refugee thread, we're free to go about our business. You cans et up your ghetto but this is still our country. There are no Shariah zones on Jow Forums.
yes there are. you're not allowed to post in this thread if I say so cause I'm the OP
Do you feel inregano charge?
Have you even seen photos of incels? Most of them are average to good looking. Nobody is fat and disgusting
nice cope uggo faggot
Can you imagine trying to impose your authority on an anonymous imageboard, when you have even less authority than those who literally do it for free? Absolute STATE desu.
can you imagine unironically replying to b8 posts inside b8 threads? absolute state desu
I did see them and finding average looking incel is tougher than finding virgin in catholic orphanage.
Most of them are either skinny as fuck or fat with doubious hygiene, lack of fashion sense etc.
You aint fooling no one.
>only redditors are allowed to post here. go away people who actually belong here
>you're not allowed to post ITT if I say so
>not b8
wew lad did you just blow in from stupid town or what?
Daily reminder shooting normies is cope and the only response to truly taking the black pill is LDAR
>how many girls did you approach last year?
>how many times did you go out?
many times with this one person
>what are you doing to actively improve yourself?
lift, eat healthy, work hard
>how many female friends do you have?
only 4-5
>who is to blame for your problems?
nobody, life on this planet is just a shit show
t. 28yo kv