Does not actively go out to meet women

>does not actively go out to meet women
>complains about being an incel

you're a volcel

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Other urls found in this thread:

how many unsuccessful attempts until I'm legally allowed to give up and call myself an incel?
tried dating/clubbing for about 18 months

Actually I'm just a Wanker.

if you're not actively trying it's not involuntary

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does tinder count? been using it for a month and only had 1's and bots match with me

i found the answer to be true. I have a shitty personality, and didn't like my body or myself... it took some time to become comfortable with myself

in short, i was a wanker.

thanks for the share user, that's some thicc fit tier booty.

well, thanks for sharing your opinion. it's somewhat retarded, but that's alright.

>does it count if i don't put any effort into it?

>torturing yourself and achieving nothing

sounds not fun

masochism is for masochists, the act of going out and facing rejection is unattractive to many, however you can simply change the way you look at it... your perspective is that it's painful, mine is that it's scary... we're both not wrong, but we're not exactly right either.

youre mother is a whjhorte you fucking shit get the fuck off this website now assface

I meant wanker as in masturbator. I dont care about vaginas and I'm not gay

you're mad becuase you know i'm telling the truth

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im too ugly for cute gf and don't want girl im not attracted to at all

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I already knew this.

>The law of diminishing returns

I do not complain

But at the same time while there are moments in which it would be nice to have some intimate company, I do not crave the need to go out and meet someone. In fact I think I'm happier to be just here and do things I like doing.

Does this make me a volcel?

>Exactly this
Wow user are you a mind reader?

Does 10 years of activley trying counts? How much of betabux count as enough?

during those 10 years you were an incel but once you stop trying you're a volcel

Same here, I've tried and tried and tried.
At best I get wasted trashy fat blobs trying to get with me... No thanks.
Actually I noticed that I do have reasonably attractive women looking at me but it all falls apart the second I open my mouth...
One straight out told me "wow you sound weird"... I don't think I sound weird, none of my male friends think I sound weird, I tried some voice training, to no avail. I either get awkwardly low or I obtain "unnatural" sounding voice.

> betabux or life
Damn, I knew it.

I actually grew up watching too much american tv that gets broadcast here so my voice sounds vaguely american even though I'm not and its given me a major complex about it, doesn't help that I'm a 4/10 looks wise either.

Someone post that screencap of that ugly manlet Indian college student approaching a hundred girls on campus and getting reported for sexual harassment.

>literally get rejected 100s of times
>stop trying
>hurrrr you're a volcel not an incel
No you're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand the difference between voluntary and involuntary.

Did you ever think you might have been doing something wrong? Do you have glaring mental issues? Are you disfigured? I mean, I've never really been in the dating world, but flirting with colleagues/classmates is not that difficult...

explain the difference

are you retarded that is not thicc

Is there any sauce on this girl?

Maybe I was doing something wrong but I never figured out what beyond the fact that I'm not very attractive and my painfully average dick saps me of all confidence. I'm sure those are the factors but I didn't choose to be celibate.

Someone who is actively trying to fix his many issues in order to become a suitable partner. While he might not be considered normal, he genuinely like other peoples and other people at least think his attempts at fixing himself honorable.

Fuck you. I'm a 6'3" white Aryan male yet I don't get any pussy because all women are toasties who only go for Tyrone... I don't have a job because I that's for wageslaves! An education? I'm smart but lazy! Good personality? Fuck you bitch, I'm a nice guy!

You're unintelligent and being white Isn't automatically a pussy-pass, get your charisma up boring ass faggot

I mean, you could just ask one of the many girls who rejected you what you did wrong... If you explain that you're trying to fix yourself and you need someone to tell you what to improve, she might help you.

Involuntary is the opposite of what you read here.

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Yeah, you got the joke... I'm laughing at people who do believe it to be true and then call themselves "involontary" celibate.

>painfully average dick saps all confidence
holy shit nobody cares dude, stop watching so much porn then or just watch solo videos, unless you have a medically defined micropeen its nothing to worry about.

Daily reminder that incels are redditors and have to leave.

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>he genuinely like other peoples

nigga have you read the posts incel niggas make on here

would you call a neet who doesn't try to make money an involuntary non millionair

I gave up a long time ago. I doubt I could even find any of them.

Yeah, I've heard it all before, size isn't everything and all that but I know that with women the way they are these days, they've all been with some guy bigger than me and that'll always be on my mind. I'll always wonder if she's cheating on me with some guy she casually sleeps with because he has a big dick. I've been in the unfortunate position of being friends with a number of women and when they think of you as a friend you get to learn terrible things about them.

When girls have never shown any interest in you in the slightest, wouldn't it be insanity to approach them? You're setting yourself up for failure and feeling even worse about yourself.

I don't think you need to have approached women to be considered an incel, it's all about how women treat you.

>implying i'm a besetment dweller and don't go to work/uni/gym
All normalfags just do their daily routine and somehow end up in relationships.
Some people just not made to be with anyone.

They post shit like this and people try to say size doesn't matter.

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The feeling of being completely invisible to them, like you're beneath their notice. I know exactly what you mean.

I never implied that.
I literally never implied that.

the only thing i implied is that you don't go out to meet women.
normalfags do actively go to places to meet women. If they wouldn't, night clubs would be out of business.

Who the fuck is the girl in OPs post?

So how do they know how big is your dick? Do you just tell them that you have 4 inches when you greet them? You need to lay off the porn, try nofap for a couple of days and try to regain your confidence my man.

>makes a piss poor troll thread to harass people who are having a hard time / depressed / issues in life / etc
>call them exactly that

Wow you sure showed us!

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my original gf original

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Daily reminder that women have to leave

Give me a sauce on ur gf you selfish prick

depressed fags need to kill themselves

Fuck of reddit nigger my dick is bigger than yours.

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If you're posting weeb pictures you literally have absolutely fuckall to say about anyone else, you're a fucking plague to the human race you filthy yellowskin-wannabe disgusting weeb slit your own throat before i do it for you

>normalfags do actively go to places to meet women.
No, they don't, go outside and meet real people, not once you imagined in your head.
>If they wouldn't, night clubs would be out of business.
So, everyone goes there? Or anyone who doesn't, never had a gf? Or do they all use dating apps or some shit? Because noone of these is correct.

They don't know how big my dick is. But I know what they're attitude towards an average sized dick is. That's all I need to know.

How edgy user, good for you!

Care to tell us more?

does size matter though?

Most people are volcel. If you have enough money to hire a prostitute (and drive to where they're legal), you're not an incel. You should be glad. People who call themselves incel are the lowest form of human life.

just don't get a roastie who is so shallow she only cares about dick size
>inb4 they don't exist
if a chick makes fun of your dick size then she's obviously complete trash and you can throw her away like the garbage she is.

You really need to go back to plebbit now. This a anime website and muh weeb strawman
isn't gonna make you win an argument.

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But she actually seemed like a nice person and we were clicking and then she posted this. She was the first girl in years who seemed remotely interested in me but I went completely dark on because I'm not about to keep talking to her now.

What if size of weini is laughable size
I've literally seen 1 year olds with bigger weini
hold on don't go up in a roar. It's when parents let their kids run around naked and shit.

There's no argument you chink wannabe, and I dont give a fuck what this website was made for.

If you're a weeb you're doomed to eternal loneliness, so stop being such a faggot and stop watching real TV instead of the shit made for 12 year old autistic kids, might aswell watch Mylittlepony you absolute faggot

Basically I've given up because I don't know how you're supposed to tell the roastie from the non-roastie and I've had a girl laugh at my dick before. It was the worst experience of my life. It was one of those stifled snort laughs girls do when they're drunk. NEVER AGAIN!

it may have been a joke. have you ever joked about small/big tits? same thing.

if you have a legit micropeen then get really good at non-penetrative sex like fingering and you can still satisfy, if she's into you its not going to be a deal breaker.

I could see it was maybe a joke and she doesn't know I have an average dick so she doesn't know that would be hurtful to me. But she actually has small tits and told me about how they make her insecure and I really like small tits and made sure she knew it. I just don't understand how she can make a post like that knowing how insecure she is about her own small tits.

you're just jealous

i never said anything like that

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Someones trying really hard to be a big boy here, I don't know why you are here but I have been asked out by roasties but I choose to not have a gf until the right one comes around, I am not the looser here. You most really have a pathetic life because your are wasting your time attacking people on Jow Forums for being into anime and insulting your shitty website.

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