>wake up
>instantly regret it because I have nothing to do all day
>reluctantly sit down and refresh Jow Forums
>stare at the wall for an hour
Man NEET life is boring. I wish I had friends but nobody likes people who don't have to wage slave.
Wake up
Awww poor neet. At least you have plenty a lot of time. Be happy you ungrateful cunt
is he, dare I say it, absolutely seething?
At least you have a wall to stare at user.
Play vidya games constantly but try to voice chat people on the server until you could make a decent internet friend and just enjoy the abstract and amazing world of vidya games. TF2 is my suggestion for multiplayer and for single player based Hylics is a surreal experience. Make sure you actively hang out in the community of games you enjoy and I suggest starting with these two games.
Or you could just get a job.
Iktf mate, I tried discord for a while but servers are full of shitposting and I'm too insecure for 1-to-1 Chat.
Everytime I manage to have a e-friend i ruin everything, i hate myself
I reached 27 and got sick of it. Got my first job 3 months ago and I'm much happier
Then user thats your own fault. No one is stopping you from playing vidya or making internet friends but yourself.
>don't have to wage slave
I'll never understand this. Being a NEET is the default, the choice you make is whether to work or not. People who work also have the option to stay at home like you, but they don't.
I guess you call them wage slaves to cope.
no one's stopping him from getting a job either it's not like there are interviewers there waiting to see him fuck up
Sure stinks of underage in here
>nobody likes people who don't have to wageslave
I know a lot of Neets who are in their early twenties and have a lot of friends and pretty social while I am a teenager wageslaving and noone likes me.
Image related. Any self-respecting individual with a satisfying lifestyle needs to work a 9-5 job that's just how life is.
Nice pic thanks mate
humble bundle to learn python 16 euro.
Wow i can learn a skill without going outside?
dun dun dun
Oh shit I'm exactly the NEET
>Play video games
>Read books
>Play an instrument
>Do sports
You are doing NEET life all wrong you retard.
When I was a NEET I was the most depressed I ever was, I pity people who are happy being NEET.
I agree with this pic
neet here to,dare to be friends?
I have to disagree here. Being unemployed is the default, but being NEET, that is to say, able to stay at home without the utilities getting shutoff/getting kicked out of your dwelling/starving to death, requires some other factor and is definitely not the default for the vast majority of us. Being NEET sounds quite nice, I could easily fill the time. But I would be homeless very very quickly if I stopped showing up to work.
What's wrong with liking to use your own time the way you want to.
I think it's a good thing with people can be happy by there self.
Let me let you in a little secret. The NEETs that post here aren't living off their million dollar inheritance, or rich parents, or because they've retired early. They go to the doctor, pretend to have autism, and get disability money. They don't call it autismbux for nothing. But this is not a life to envy - they live with their parents, have no freedom, and barely any money to truly enjoy life.
This means you're not a chosen one. I'm a chosen NEET who lives a fulfilling life.
You need a routine user, here is mine
>wake up
>eat some breakfast
>shitpost until noon
>eat large meal
>go for a walk to the park
>come back and do a workout
>have supper if I'm hungry, otherwise practice a skill like programming or guitar
>shitpost into the evening
>go to sleep
It's not much but it gets me though the days
also I cook all my meals and don't have a car so I walk to the grocery store a lot and cook a lot, those both take up some time
You aren't a neet, you are an unemployed wagefag. Eat shit, queer.
that's 1/10 wageslave life usually its just like a neet life but with some money
I had a job for 3 years and it didn't make me any friends. I've actually have more of a social life as a NEET cause I don't blow off plans because I'm trapped in work
Just take a fat dab and everything will be fire.
do any of the following to fill your time:
>go to the gym
>learn how to cook good tasting and fufilling meals
>do yardwork if its warm out and you live in a house; if an apartment, sit outside for about 20 minutes to get vitamin D
>go to a pawnshop, buy a cheap guitar and amp if electric for $20-50 and learn to play an instrument
>go to the library and get a book to read
>find a local charity you like and volunteer a couple hours there every week
Any of these take some time and commitment, but are fulfilling and make the time between much more bearable.
We warned you about the wall user, we told you but you where too busy making wagies thread and being wrongfully smug.
Now its time to pay the price of your arrogance.
>wagecucks have to do mental gymnastics to be able to bear to get through their lives
mop it up, wagie. i didn't miss the urinal just so you can stand there!
In my last job I was meant to clean the bathroom.
Some old fat cunt didnt like me so he always pissed on the floor.
Never cleaned the bathroom in a hole year working there
If only NEETs could understand there are reasons to go out there and work for the greater good.
If only wagies could understand there's more to life than a routine and a paycheck.
If only both could unite against the industrialized machinery that our society has become to reclaim our freedom and dignity.
Speak for yourself. I've retired early
>drinking at 8am before work again
I wish I could be a NEET once more, fuck being a wageslave
I never get bored of Jow Forums, Jow Forums goes fast enough for me to not get bored. and if I ever do get bored, I can hang out with my mom and watch a movie (but usually movies are too much for me and I want to pause it and just think about it but I don't because that would be rude) or I could hang out with my brother for a while which usually means hanging out with his friends which I don't mind (I will usually also go into an empty room when I'm with him to calm down my anxiety)
usually I just prefer sitting in front of my computer browsing Jow Forums. it's all good.
I grew up with Jow Forums since age 11 and it's become a part of me, I can never leave, and I sit here all day on it, never leaving
>do sports
that usually requires a big group of friends user, unless you mean, kicking a ball around by yourself, or jogging, in which case, go b urself lole
I despise both options
Imagine having that exact same feeling but having to work 8 hours through it, just pirate some games or anime you have to entertain yourself if you're neeting it up.
I get anxiety just from reading through the wageslave's day. I feel like no matter what i do i'll never be able to live a normal life.
I am happy being a neet, if I had a job I would have another psychotic break and nobody wants that, I almost have a psychotic break going to walmart, my mother is proud of me and if she wasn't, she would say so, she is also technically a neet on disability.
however my step father isn't a neet, he goes to work at 1 am every day and stays up until around 4 am in the morning every day. not very "structured" is it now except for the fact that he gets around 8 to 9 hours of sleep every day. he is happy at work though like you say, just like I am happy being a neet. I don't eat ramen noodles even though we have them (mostly for emergency, such as us running extremely low on food and money) mostly I eat voila's, healthy veggies like broccoli, corn, and noodles, and chicken or shrimp, covered in either cheese or garlic. each packet is enough to feed me and my mother. also I wake up every day at 8 o clock. way before my mother and step father, I feel awake and refreshed, though I keep trying to make myself wake up at 1 o clock in the evening to match my parents better so I go to sleep around 12 at night, generally meaning that I get around 8 hours of sleep, I should probably start sleeping at 4 am but usually I am too tired for that. I am a little bit chubby but that's probably because of the anti-psychs I am on, which a side effect is gaining weight. I don't want a girlfriend and I want it to stay that way, I would prefer staying with my hallucinations
i thought about making a youtube channel and uploading videos of me drawing, but i don't have anything to set my phone camera up with so it's top down and the camera on it is utter shit
awww i thought you were going to make a sarcastic thread mocking me because I have to wake up and go to work. There there friend, I'll buy you something to eat if you're hungry. My treat. My check just came in direct deposit and it was fat.