Work in grocery store

>work in grocery store
>9/10 angelic 5'10" blonde qt walks in (looks like pic related but a lighter shade of blonde and more approachable)
>she's wearing a blue dress
>beatiful legs
>The guy accompanying her is a scruffy looking 5'7" manlet

why is this allowed
that MUST have been her brother right?
do tall girls have short brothers? Is that realistic?

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He has a superpower. He's rich.

you know, supermodels date guys that don't care about their looks.

Blond models won't fucking stop destroying their genetic heritage with rich manlets and blacks, this world is disgusting and I hope humanity will get wiped out soon.

>tfw tall blonde but only attracted to cute short guys
Why do manlets have to be so cute?

she did not look like she was a professional model though. She could be one for sure but she didn't wear a lot of make up and her dress didn't look expensive, just a plain H&M summer dress.

He didn't look rich. No expensive clothes and not stylish at all.

I'm saying you should become one of those guys that stops caring. Your current behavior is embarrassing to yourself.

Some Italian manlets have a really good game

nigga i don't live in italy and that guy was definitely not italian

falseflagging manlet detected

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Welcome to reality. 5'7" is objectively the best height for getting girls.

Enjoying your loneliness, lanklet virgin?

>Be rich and famous
> Still looked down by average roasties.

There is no escape from this hell

So girl on the right is like 6'2"?

this, to some extent.

top tier (in the looks department) women are so sick of the same old compliments and they actually complain about not getting approached/scaring away average guys.

most of them are surrounded by Chads because of their social circle but often they complain they can't find a guy who is easy going, chilled.

>Enjoying your loneliness, lanklet virgin?
lmao i though manlet rage was just a meme

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>He didn't look rich
the richest guys rarely do user

but not everyone who doesn't look rich is a multi trilionaire you moron

Falseflagging lanklet virgins, when will they learn?

>he isn't a multi trilionaire you moron
lmaoing at your life faggot

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Yeah, fuck off lankets. I'm 5'5" and my gf is 5'6".

How tall is her bull?

He's 5'10 so technically he's a manlet too

Beat gf I ever had was 4 inches taller.

If she was the best why'd it end?

5'7 that likes his height, AMA.

Distance, she moved thousands of miles away.

How many girls have you fucked this year? In total?

I know an average looking chinese guy, 5-6/10, dating a 9/10 blonde.
The guy does do Chad things like travelling, posting frequently on social media, going to football games etc but he's average af.
It's money man.

this. E.g. model Alexandria Morgan and her boyfriend

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He's not empty inside like us

>when you mog him, but you're still a kv.

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Zero, oreg.

>complain about never getting girls
>get mad when a manlet scores an aryan goddess
You're fucking pathetic, I hope you know.

Perhaps it means she is not insanely shallow like you are. Is that so hard for you to imagine?

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