>phone rings with the same ring tone as yours
>instantly get hit with a huge burst of phone anxiety
Phone rings with the same ring tone as yours
Other urls found in this thread:
>answering your phone
what's phone anxiety?
>hear random noises similar to my phone alarm
>rush of panic and dread
>phone anxiety
what kind of soft pussy shit is this?
normies out
>Telephone phobia (telephonophobia, telephobia, phone phobia) is reluctance or fear of making or taking phone calls, literally, "fear of telephones".[1] It is considered to be a type of social phobia or social anxiety.[1] It may be compared to glossophobia, in that both arise from having to engage with an audience, and the associated fear of being criticized, judged or made a fool of.[2]
>As is common with other fears and phobias, there is a wide spectrum of severity of the fear of phone conversations and corresponding difficulties.[1] In 1993 it was reported that about 2.5 million people in Great Britain have telephone phobia.[3]
>The term "telephone apprehension" refers to a lower degree of telephone phobia, in which sufferers experience anxiety about the use of telephones, but to a less severe degree than that of an actual phobia.[4]
>Sufferers may have no problem communicating face to face, but have difficulty doing so over the telephone.
I developed it a bit because my only phone calls were my dad if he was pissed about something or my school if they were pissed about something, never anything positive
>having a phone
Name me at least 3 !/2 Kinos where this happens.
naw. aint no normie. just not a soft fucking pussy. >p pphones are scary :(
like are you pretending to be retarded or are you such a soft scared pussy that phones scare you?
>phone rings
>implying phone is ever not in silent mode
>even knowing what your ringtone is when no one has called you in three years
Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
i wish someone would call me
Just set it to a calming, relaxing ring tone or put it on vibrate. Problem solved
holy fuck you are stupid
the sound of a vibrating phone is even worse because thats universal in every show
>hear the same tune I set for my alarm on the train
>quietly panic that I'm dreaming and simply haven't woken up yet
sounds like tumblr diagnosis shit, jesus
my alarm sounds a lot like shit from interstellar so i was very uncomfortable the whole time watching it
I have phone rage. When my phone rings at work I got to stop shitposting or watching jewtube and do something. Also I only have 100 minutes a year so I start acting like a huge dick if they ask how my day is or something that wastes time.
/tv/ - Television & Film
>phone anxiety
You absolute fucking pussies
>tfw when you hear someones ringtone and its the same as your alarm
Seriously, phones are the worst. I left 2 of my previous jobs, because the phone would ring non stop. If there is ever an option, i always go to see someone eye to eye. Even if it means driving for half an hour
>Hey, why didnt you just call
>Ah you know, just happened to be in the neighbourhood
>someone is using your wakeup alarm as their ringtone
people showing up without calling beforehand is the worst thing in the world
do you niggers just not know how download new shit instead of using the default ring/alarm?
Nah, not talking social visits here. Talking about making appointments for barber or a doctor or something
too lazy
This is how I developed text message phobia. I only seem to get messages if someone was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
same thing with mail. its never a good thing to get mail
thats the go-to excuse for everyone who isnt lazy but just stupid
>100 minutes a year
It's not 2002 anymore.
why do you even care?fucking white people can never mind their own damn business
Funny how people can't handle getting a phone call or a spontaneous visit nowadays. I think it's because all this messaging and Instagramming has made people used to being able to only show a certain side of themselves and their life, the best one where everything is awesome all the time and everything is always dusted and cleaned and exciting so people are deathly afraid to be "found out" or to be able to think about every message they send and edit it.
Problem is just that there's no more private time anymore.
Used to be the only way to get through to someone when you weren't face to face was making a call on their home phone, and in most cases doing so past a certain hour was taboo.
Then all of a sudden with smart phones we are available to be reached in a multitude of ways at any time. It's actually fucking horrible and I have dealt with it by never picking up my phone so that people don't expect to get through and eventually fuck off.
>phone rings
did he die?
maybe because im really lonely but i get excited when i get a phone call
that's what happens when you watch too much kino and no he didn't die, he only had far too many jalapenos on his nachos
For me it's just that am socially retarded, have no friends and never ever get phone calls. So a phone call usually means something weird is about to happen.
the fuck?
Send all your calls to voice mail. 90% of my calls come from strange area codes and never leave a voice mail.
the minutes are for calls you make not calls you anw´swer
Are you me? Heart drops when i hear my phone ring
>Not having your phone on silent, ignoring all calls and only calling back if the voicemail warrants it
>not setting the phone on silent while your enjoying your flicks
How was your day?
This thread makes me feel way less crazy about my aversion to the phone. I get that anxiety heart drop feeling and get creeped out when I hear it ringing all Breaking Bad style. Never expected a phone ringing would be so ominous/unsettling in the future.
Literally me
Ugh I hate the phone ringing. Anytime I answer it it's either my mom, my siblings, my current gf or my work to bitch to me about something I'd rather not listen to.
Shit, this is literally me.
All this time I thought it was just me.
I have a yearly phone plan. 100 minutes a year.
not for my cell phone plan.
This only makes me made if you’re wasting my cell phone minutes.
*calls user*
How was your day?
im like this but with opening the door
when i hear a knock i panic and hide until they go away
*thinly veiled rage* good. Why are you calling?
Oh you know just curious.
are you me
>have your own business
>have to answer the phone every time and say your name
this was a mistake
*hangs up*
>get warning from phone company my minutes are low
>have to top up because idiots making small talk and calling for bullshit and need phone minutes to get overtime calls from work
Wow rude.
>any phone sound in a public place
>feel heart palpitations
>crushing constricting pain
>usually need to sit down or pace myself because it feels like I'm going to have a heart attack
And my phone has been on silent for the last few years. I usually don't even carry my phone.
I really hope the bank and receptionist ladies that call can’t mess with me in any way because I’m always super rude to them just because I want to use as little minutes as possible.
Why don't you get a better plan? Didn't even know they offered plans that limited on minutes anymore.
Yeah I totally get this. It’s worse than giving presentations and I have zero problem talking to people in public, asking for directions, but phones just make me weird man
>hear someone walking in front of my house
>ptsd gets triggered, feel the adrenalin instantly being released from my medullosurrenal glands, wonder if they're coming back to get me, start thinking where the closest weapon is
>have to make an important phone call
>pace around in your apartment thinking up a response to every possible question that might be asked
Because my plan is $100/year. 100 minutes with unlimited texting and data. Ideally this would cover my work calls and actually important shit. But so much credit card, bank, doctor’s office, etc always calling me for asinine shit and are inefficient as fuck to get to the point. So I always have to add an extra $10 every year.
Buying an actual expensive plan would just be even more waste of money than $10.
I don't get this but what does is hearing someone else's iPhone alarm go off with the radar sound.
Shit drives me crazy, instantly just makes me think of waking up restless.
>start new job
>no one gets phones on their desks, just one phone for the entire staff room of 30 people
>only free desk was the one close to the phone
I've had to start pretending I'm deaf in one ear just so they don't expect me to answer it when it rings.
* no data
>having voicemail
my ringtone is the theme to steven universe
>movie, tv show, commercial has alarm clock going off
>phone rings / get random text
>think its someone trying to make contact
>its just a wrong number or spam
someday someone will care about me
I answered the store phone once because every person who normally answers it was at lunch. It was a manager from another store asking for someone and I realized I didn't know how to transfer calls, call over the PA or even put her on hold so I just told her to hold on and put the phone on the desk. Felt like an idiot. Now I just ignore them.
I don't think I'll ever grow out of phone anxiety.
I don't think I'd mind if I had my own office, it's the shared office part that sucks. Everyone starers at you when you answer a phone.
i dont really get it, if you get anxious on a phone call you can just pretend your busy.
have you never been called back for a job user?
I just call back the missed call
how do you know it was a job calling though? most of the time HR doesn't even show up caller ID
>text someone
>they haven’t replied in hours
>text your friend
>doesn't reply after 3 days
>has been activly posting on snapchat those last 3 days
>meanwhile Jow Forums friend replies back fairly quickly
why even risk not being able to get in touch with anyone (which has happened to me)
just have a nice convenient message for yourself, its better for everyone involved
>have social anxiety and literal aspergers
>"y-you too" unironically
>say good night when it's day/good day when it's night
>once said "thank you for using our services" unironically to the ISP lady
>several times when I couldn't understand what the other person was saying I'd just hang the phone
gee i wonder why i spend all my time here
I had a coworker with aspergers and he was ALWAYS on the phone or talking his fucking brains out with a customer. He got laid more than me, tho I could only stand to be around him for only my 10hour shift.
Work on your communications skills before its too late, stop acting like it'll get the best of you.
Whats your ring tone?
Unironically what happened here?
yeah your friend probably has "aspergers", not actual aspergers, buddy
this is the most autistic shit ive ever seen lmao, tv is full of r9k pol crap.
not my friend, and was diagnosed with as a kid, his dad was boss as well and told me the same. They fought nearly everyday, also he got pretty butthurt when I made a autist joke as well for whatever reason.
stop making excuses for being a spurg pal