what keeps you going.
why are you still alive.
what keeps you going.
why are you still alive.
No matter how painful death may be, the thought of living and experiencing shit sounds fun
lazy and afraid of dying for some reason
I don't want to be reborn with access to shrooms.
Because I believe I will meet my waifu someday. I don't want to dissapoint her by killing myself.
the fact that I can't kill myself
also watching anime as weeb as it sounds
My ambition
tomorrow can always be better
i want to see armageddon theres a good chance it will happen in my lifetime.
I love Kass!
I live for him!
My gf and my job, I actually enjoy my job so it gives me something to do and look forward to in the weekend and it makes me feel like I do something useful
Mom doesnt hate me
i am in love with somebody
I don't want to miss out on being with someone that I love. Still contemplating whether the chance of this happening is greater than the suffering until that time
Unironically anime and 2D porn.
I don't know. Probably a really good survival instinct.
If anyone here would kill me swiftly i'd be eternally grateful. Not even afraid of blood or pain.. (army vet) just cant bring self physical harm to myself.
mindless hedonism and apathy
I want to wander off as a hobbo if I ever decide to end my life. XXI century survival mode, just for the lols.
Adderall , liquor , weed and money
femdom porn and food
>family that will get sad if I an hero
>those sweet sweet neetbux
>hopes of WW3 comming
Losing reasons, at this point I'm just scared to die I suppose. Other than that I've slowly been drained of hope and feelings of worth.
At this point I feel like the only kind of worth I can find is the fact that I have a job, which I hate. But my motivation is so low that being fired is a real possibility
Then if I am fired, I'll have nothing to keep pushing for and probably end up killing myself.
What even lead to my life turning out like this? I feel pathetic honestly
Im just thinking about my mom. I live because of her. I wanna treat her nicely until the end.
I've lost 35 pounds and I just got a new job.
Lurking in Jow Forums threads always puts me in a good mood and reminds me to never let myself go completely to the point of no return.
Not really sure. I'm just expecting life will get better these days, it's been a hard year for me.
Some hot action with my ldr dude
Welfare money keeps me alive.