I was thinking of going to a shooting range and killing myself with their gun, good idea?
I was thinking of going to a shooting range and killing myself with their gun, good idea?
Not the worst I've ever heard, but do it when few people are there
they dont rent to people who come alone.
Every range I have been to has had a no singles policy for rentals. Probably got tired of having to mop up beta male brains every other week.
Ask to shoot an AR, and shout something about a beta uprising before turning the gun on everyone.
pay someone to come with you
it's not liike you are going to need that money anyway
>shooting up a place where literally everyone else has a gun
I do not think you thought this through.
It would be a real inconvenience to everyone
No, this shit pisses me off, these are things that will make us close to getting out second amendment taken away. Please find another solution, hanging, overdosing, bleeding out from a cut. Don't shoot yourself.
he said he was just going to kill himself
wish we would just build suicide booths so betas wouldnt keep inflating gun death stats
Are you actually this stupid?
You could easily kill 3 people with an automatic weapon before people around you even know whats going on. You also dont have to kill yourself, someone will probably do it for you.
Don't know about the ranges near you, but the ones near me don't rent out guns unless you have a friend. Considering you're on r9k, I question if that would work for you.
Do it, fuck brainlet gunfags. It's not really freedom if you can't do it without having it taken away.
>automatic weapon
Why do you retards feel the need to comment on shit you have no experience or knowledge of? Have you ever even fired a gun?
>It's not really freedom if you can't do it without having it taken away
gun ranges typically have multiple armed people watching the shooters specifically so this kind of thing does not happen. you arent going to fucking triple kill all the range officers without anyone noticing you fucking stupid noguns nigger.
Grammatically and logically correct double negative.
No you goddamn faggot
Killing yourself with a gun only gets added to the "gun deaths" list which will make it so retards pass laws on guns to save MUH CHILDREN and make it harder for both suicidal faggots and gun owners to get guns
Go jump off a bridge instead
I've never thought of this before but it seems like a decent way out. I don't give a fuck if I do it in front of my friend. He'd be over it within an hour.
fuck you faggot, the 2nd amendment protects the right for guns to be used for any purpose. based donald trump is making sure i can do whatever i want with guns, you can even become a teacher and they'll give you a gun to shoot up your class with haha
Tell that to the gungrabbers who use your death (added as a nondescript "gun death") to fight against gun rights, you absolute homofag.
Also Trump wants to take away bump stocks and is thus a faggot.
1. an AR is not an automatic weapon
2. Killing is a lot harder than you think. You need to hit vitals such as the heart or brainstem
3. Ranges typically segregate their firing points into little booths, so you won;t be able to just aim down the line and start firing.
4. Most ranges employ an armed range safety officer whose job is literally to stand behind the firing line and observe the people shooting. As soon as you even raise your weapon on your first victim this guy is going to spring into action(most of them sit there daydreaming of and mentally preparing for this exact scenario). This is a very popular occupation among experienced combat veterans.
So the question becomes, do you think you can kill(not shoot, but actually kill) 3+ people by traversing boundaries and place well-aimed shots on your targets through the most intense adrenaline rush you have felt in your life while an armed combat veteran nearby tries to stop you?
The 2nd amendment was made so you can keep your guns and do what you want with it in your property or follow the rules in a legalised area
Legally acquiring an automatic takes $200, the actual cost of the gun itself, and 9 months of waiting for the ATF to stop being queers.
It wouldn't be easy. There are multiple employees who work in each range who are trained to watch the people shooting. Pretty much your gun needs to either be down or pointed straight at the shooting target. If it's not, you're going to attract the attention of those employees pretty quick.
>Implying gunfags are intelligent enough to realize what the fuck is happening
Enjoy getting banned from the shooting range retard.
Fuck off you absolute retard. You think he cares about your gun rights when he's contemplating suicide? You think he wants to risk becoming paralyzed by hanging? Hanging only has a 60% success rate. If they don't want people committing suicide with guns they should make it legal and easier. Besides, you think one more suicide at a shooting range is going to take away your guns. Let him end his suffering
Where the Hell are her nipples? This is some fighting game tier nipple hiding wizardry.
why not just exit bag it?
>AR is not an automatic weapon
Well the ones adjusted to be semi auto aren't, but there are automatic ARs.... you've been on YouTube too much
This is the only alternative with a high success rate next to jumping in front of a train which is 90%. Exit bag is still risky though. What if your helium tank runs out or gets stuck? What if your exit bag has a small hole in it or isn't closed well enough? What if your exit bag slides off when you become unconscious? There's still so much risk involved. I'd choose the shotgun to the head
You become severely mentally handicapped if this shit fails by the way because of not enough oxygen to the brain
you could also miss and turn yourself into a veggie with a corned beef looking head
True, but no suicide attempt is without risk. Maybe a cyanide pill if you can get your hands on it somehow
Hey, I was thinking about the same thing. But I assure you, its a stupid decision.
I stopped being suicidal once I realized the value of suffering. The world likes to balance things out ya know? The more you suffer now, the happier you'll be in the future, either out of being relieved or from something genuinely beautiful happening to you.
I'm not bullshitting you either, I've never had a good life. I've been sexually abused, my father committed suicide, I had to live on my own since I was 16, etc. But I'm 19 now, living in my own place with a decent job and and one of the best people ever as my bestfriend.
Someone out there either cares about you, or someone in the future will care about you as long as you stay alive.
I love ya dude. I really mean that, I love anyone who has to go through this kind of suffering, I know there has to be something so redeeming about you out of all of this. Stay strong.
Thats why its a GREAT idea
You're an idiot if you believe this. Karma isn't real. Personal experience doesn't mean it's going to be like that for everyone. But good on you to at least have these positive thoughts.
I don't exactly believe in karma, but once so many bad things happen to you, the basis of comparison for a good day becomes very low, so an actual good day feels incredible.
wtf is wrong with her nipples (or lackthereof)
Yeah no shit buddy but the type that are widely available to the civilian populace aren't automatic. There's no point in arguing that the < .1% that are auto and are under heavy controls and restrictions would be applicable in OP's scenario.
>you've been on YouTube too much
At risk of sounding like the Navy SEAL copypasta, I'll just say that I guarantee I've seen more combat that you.
Man, you guys have no idea how to properly kill yourself. The answer is - cyanide. Has 95% success rate, only fails if you took too little or somehow you have no acid in your stomach. Cyanide, and more precisely, cyanogenic glycosides, are found widely across nature. Plum seeds for an example are a very rich source. Or apple seeds. Or bitter cassava. Plum is the easiest to extract them out of. Then, once you have enough, more than is needed to kill (just to be sure), you simply eat it. Hydrogen cyanide is liberated by the action of stomach acids on the glycoside (the same mechanism of action is shared with all cyanide salts, including potassium cyanide) and you quickly lose consciousness and die. Takes around 3 minutes if the dose is lethal. There.
You must not be a very observant person, retard
Sorry, I meant peaches - not plums.
if you're suggesting they're entirely covered by that cloth that makes no sense. like try to imagine it without the cloth, areolas that tiny would never exist on tits that huge. that'd look weird as fuck
I take proton pump inhibitors, should this work?
Probably not. Cyanide salt needs to react with an acid. In theory, if you drank a lot of coca-cola and took cyanide at the same time, it would work the same. Or vinegar. But that's just a theory. Most people that take cyanide don't use any antacids/PPIs.
No, think of poor Jow Forums
Don't inflate gun death statistics
I wouldn't call it karma, but the universe is in a constant balancing act. Every little part of it is.
You realize that you can rent automatic weapons at plenty of gun ranges right? You dont need to legally own your own to shoot one.
Is this because of this very issue? Because if so that's kind of sad. Like I heard that among the most commonly stolen items from supermarkets were razorblades.
yeah, let's ban bridges instead, someone needs to take those fuckers down a peg
im pretty sure they'd recognize a suicidal person if they saw one but good luck