would you date a girl that has done interracial porn?
Would you date a girl that has done interracial porn?
>that has done
if she has stopped there's no point in dating her
>if she has stopped there's no point in dating her
Absolutely fucking not.
The furthest id go with a girl is one who's had another boyfriend (WHITE) but must still be a virgin. Inb4 "waaaa this is why you haven't got a gf" well no shit faglord, yes it is. Fuck off.
Why do these threads pop up from time to time on here? I know there's a certain element of slutty fembots that were in porn, but women in porn have a surprising number of men willing to "accept" them. Those men are cucks and the women don't change their ways.
As for if I would personally date a woman who has ever been in any type of porn, the answer is no.
>As for if I would personally date a woman who has ever been in any type of porn, the answer is no.
why not? are you insecure?
Dude, lower your standards. Why would it matter if she had sex with someone of a different skin color?
I don't want to date a slut that has no morals. Are you another femanon who thinks you being in porn is why guys don't want you?
>Dude just take used goods lmao
Go get pegged by your wifes son
would you date a girl that has done interracial anything?
would you date a girl that has done porn?
give me a valid reason why you wouldnt date a girl that has had sex with another man without meme words like "cuck"
Im from eastern europe and its hard to relate to y'all seeing what shit you is being worried about like if your girl is virgin, this sounds ridiculous. The girl fucked someone before a long time it aint like she is cheating on you
user... how old are you?
Most girls over the age of 15 have had sex. Even then, most of them have been pretty modest in the bedroom. Being a non-virgin doesn't mean you're some sex-adventurer who has done everything with hundreds of men like Lisa Sparks. Likely, most sweet, simple girls have had 1-3 boyfriends. Hell, I'm 26, and there are girls from my High School already getting married.
Why would any woman realistically hold on to her virginity so she could give it to some bitter, entitled Alt-Righter on Jow Forums?
If you want a virgin, join an Amish community or convert to Islam and move to Saudi Arabia.
that looks like a really nice pussy desu
I wouldnt date any girl thats done porn unless its just soft core nude modeling. People in the industry are riddled with disease.
I wouldn't even date a girl who likes to WATCH interracial porn.
Women who are promiscuous have higher probability of being impulsive, abusive, depressive, addicted, and diseased.
Therefore all past sexual history matters
The more partners the higher the risk
I wouldn't date a girl who's had sex.
Honestly I would, at this point I've accepted that every "innocent" girl has been railed by countless men, my expectations of women are so low I don't even care if they've done porn
>most girls age 15 and above have had sex
False, unless you live in a shithole Eastern European nation.
Average age to lose virginity is almost 18
>it has been going up for years
>26 at marriage
>thinks arcanine is alt right
Lurk moar, faggot
Some normie fucking hipster blown in from trmblur
>would you date a girl that has done interracial anything?
Sure. I mean, I'm White Hispanic, so it would weird if I hated race mixing. I don't plan on having children with anyone, so Alt-Righters can calm their titties about "REEEE the white race is dying out!"
>would you date a girl that has done porn?
Unless she was forced to do it because she was homeless and starving, or she was forced into it by an abusive family member or boyfriend, no. I would not date anyone who was voluntarily involved in the sex industry, even if they were "young and wild haha!" or "I was in college and needed the money, lmfao!"
Having one boyfriend who you had consensual sex with isn't promiscuous.
>Thinking 26 is an old age to get married.
How white trash are you people? Only idiots get married at 18.
>Shithole Eastern European nation
Wtf u mean by that huh? Why are us eastern europeans get trashed on this site so much?
>Why are us eastern europeans get trashed on this site so much?
Even a single sex partner before marriage doubles the odds of divorce
Whats your point? Not everyone looks like that.
Pick one, tumblerina
What makes you think that she won't dump you, or you won't dump her?
If you were her first sexual experience and boyfriend, and you split, then you'll be responsible for "ruining her purity."
Average age of marriage is 27
Outliers are overeducated, under employed White urban liberals with a much higher average and rural Mormons with a much lower
Means either you are a hipster douche or a liar
Funny either way
Because I have been there
Some great people
Shithole country
I cannot understand what you are saying. Rewrite that comment more coherently.
I am not looking for a conquest
I am looking for a wife
Let's try something else.
Why do you DESERVE a virgin wife?
Do you work out? Are you attractive? Do you work a good job with a high salary? Do you own a house, a car and can afford to raise children?
Ok, pinhead
Statistically by age 26 about half of first marriages within a generational cohort have already occurred
So at that age about 35%-40% of your HS friends should be married
UNLESS you are a liberal urban white with a worthless degree
Moving the goal posts
I never said I deserve anything
I study, work hard, and want a 4.0 - that does not mean I deserve it or think I deserve it
Then why are you allowed to have such high standards?
If you want a 10/10, you have to be a 10/10.
>american education
stupid redditburger
What, are you the spouse standards police or something?
I do not hang out with drug addicts - does my
>high standard
in friends also upset you?
>Whats your point? Not everyone looks like that.
most do
As a lonely male with not a lot of choice I would. If I had enough choice I probably wouldn't though, but not because its interracial.
No. I would date a solo camwhore but not some girl who did porn with men
>i'm from eastern europe
>it aint like
No, you're a nigger and it figures you wouldn't care that a girl is used goods because you can't get anything better.
They should go back to Tyrone and Jamal, and hope they settle down with her.
Lad I'm not that user but are you stupid?
please shutup mate, your either fucking underage or borderline retarded and if you actually try to say your part of some sort of master race after typing that bullshit then just off yourself, for us for you and for your parents
degenerate faggot nigger
>degenerate faggot nigger
... what in my post makes you jump to that conclusion?
That's not what I'm implying, retard. You're not Eastern European, because you literally talk like a nigger, nigger. Stop larping.
This guy does not know what race mixing means and calls other people stupid
No, fuckwit, you got caught larping
No estonian writes like he is from Detroit
You are black pilling your fellow robots.
Look at this statement:
" Why would any woman realistically hold on to her virginity so she could give it to some bitter, entitled Alt-Righter on Jow Forums?"
>> Grade A black pill shilling
The laast 3 women I've dated have been virgins and I'm a year older than you. You don't have to be Amish or a Muslim to meet a virgin qt. Lastly to anyone reading this. If you meet a virgin qt and you don't marry here don't fuck her.
Do you seriously believe that anyone on Jow Forums, a board full of lonely, bitter people who are obsessed with losing their virginity any way they can, are willing to, or would have the self-discipline to save themselves for their wedding night?
Maybe. But even if only 1 or 2 do- then it was worth it.
Nice dubs though.
Wouldn't date a mudshark at all
lol this porch monkey is so butthurt he is spamming shit like this accross threads XD
If she looked like that then hell yeah
>it's a sourceless and made up statistic from Jow Forums episode
Imagine being this retarded
Read a book, fuckwit
This stat is confirmed by everyone from Birkbeck University to the CDC
>it's a tumblrina is too lazy to fucking google it episode
Yes. Every white girl wants to (like 87% on a statistic I saw that I can't find right now) so at least shes more honest if she told me. Sex is just masturbation if there's no love involved. I consider it her masturbating by using a black guy while being paid for it because it was filmed. Pretty smart girl if you ask me.
I wouldn't date a pornstar to begin with. They're crazy and degenerate.
However, I'd only refuse to date a girl if she was in an interracial relationship with a nigger. All other races are fine and negresses who dated their own kind before me are fine too.
>without meme words like "cuck"
Cuck isn't a meme word, though. It strikes to the very core of what you are as a man. Are you worthy of taking what you want, or will you settle for some whore who fucks other men?
Just because it's a meme doesn't make it a meme word.
>just because she fucked niggers doesn't mean she's damaged goods/cucking you
Yes, fucking niggers does a great deal of damage to women and if they're disloyal enough to burn coal, they're disloyal enough to cuck you. It's a bad investment.
I want to fuck a chubby girl like that once but only raw to see if there's a difference.
This. Not only that, a slut isn't going to be very faithful.
I hope your wife's son is doing well :^)
>literally all quoted facts and statistics are false
>google? what's that?
The more chubby the better
seriously man shutup your a retarded cuck
>posts random statistics with no source
>tells you it's true
>expects you to waste time searching it up
Jow Forums is known for fake stats made on excel so please post a source
I wouldnt date a pornstar at all 2bh origeno
Imagine being this mad that you were born a nigger and thus objectively inferior.
>hurrrr not only do I not read, durrrrr, I not google, hurrdurr
Know why I like dating black girls?
Never have to meet her father
Only a burger could consider answering this with a yes desu
t. bong
>I remember a royal prince dating a porn star, Koo Stark
Fucking limeys, man
I'd use her as a cum dump and give a false impression that I'm dating her at most desu. Any other answer is gay
>that I'm dating her at most desu
>being known as the cuck guy
If she is black with a white dude maybe. Though I don't think want to be with any woman who has done porn.
No, because even the people who are progressive on the outside are laughing at you.
i won't date any woman who is not a virgin.
and ill save sex for after marriage
Too bad buddy, unless you start preying on high schoolers you are fucked. Get ready for robo wombs and the devaluation of the bio woman.
i am an arab so thats how everyone rolls here except degenarates and liberal cunts
>thats how everyone rolls here
You mean the high schooler part or the virgin part? Possibly both? Sounds dope as hell.
no everyone here is a virgin except if its a really bad family whom no one marries from.
some dipshits marry when they are high schoolers most complete their education and marry when they are 27-32 for males and 21 to 27 for females i think the average age gap is 5 or 6 years and a woman is guaranteed to be a virgin if she isn't married if she was from a good family.
we might be thought of as backwards but that is something i love about our culture,no fucking around and only traditional families
Sounds solid. Don't let the western rot get to your people.
Do whores literally get stoned or is it a meme?
no in modern arab society they don't and infedility gets covered up quickly because it brings shame and no one wants to be discovered.
but if the husband want retribution there are different punishments for it in the law and it depends on the country.
in islamic law if a woman or a man commit pre marital sex they get 60 lashes and if a man or a woman cheat on their husband or wife they get stoned.
most arab countries don't have shariah except saudi arabia and the last stoning happened more than 25 years ago
You ever saw any executions live?
i used to live in saudi arabia as a kid
there have been in my town but no i didn't.
when there is a capital punishment it is carried by a sword to the back of a neck and usually the place gets extremely crowded a guy comes annouces the crime on the microphone and the punishment commences which is beheading.
if it was due to homocide the victims father may show mercy before the last second and stop the executioner
Yes but I wouldn't date a woman who has any tattoo
Proxy paige is my ideal wife, so yes