>This is what incels actually believe
This is what incels actually believe
it's true but not all about looks like the comic is conveying
it's true though
>4's cant get 8's
It's false because Chad doesn't stalk or beat girls
Most women who get hit stay nomatter what the guy looks like.
This never happens. Guys fuck down all the time
ugliness is an illusion, it is all about money and getting out there, as proven by this inhumanly being.
not even a dog would rape it, still he manages to find a human mate and have sex.
Would you smash that 3D?
At some point you just become unfuckable. This applies to both sexes.
More like the ugly chick spends the rest of her life reminiscing about that one time a drunk hot guy said "Eh, good enough" and plowed her.
Light Yagami is peak chad
Whoever made this is so fucking retarded.
How can you be so stupid to not realize your text is falling off the
He has a good jaw, its just that he has a retruded maxilla, fucked up hair and nose thats a bit too long and thin lips
nothing is more of a turn on to women than a man that beats them and doesn't give a fuck
I don't suggest you try it though
bahahaha this is perfect
>be an Jow Forumsinceltears regular
>RP all the time as chad
>mock a bunch of virgins
>get called out for RP'ing
>be told chad wouldn't waste his time on a virgin hub, he's too busy getting pussy
>go to Jow Forums to try and get validation there (lel)
>Jow Forums4chan tells me Jow Forums is filled with cool chads! they'll b-back me up r-right?!?
>realise Jow Forums doesn't care
Fuck off. Incels are pathetic but they at least have some level of awareness. You literally do nothing but obsess over them - seriously consider kys my dude.
Where's the male version
Not caring is the most chad of all
This is completely true. I've gotten thrown out of a club before for accidentally bumping into a girl with my shoulder just because I'm an ugly SOB
>felicia day is potentially a 10
ok bro
Curious if there is a male version of this
My ugly friend unironically got campus police to search for him after a girl reported him for sexual harassment when he got caught checking out her ass.
> Incels are pathetic but they at least have some level of awareness.
Is that what you tell yourself?
there are women in 5, 6, and 7 that look identical.
some of these girls need to be swapped up or down.
this really only gets the super high and super low catagories right.
this is retarded especially the 3rd row, what the fuck?
im pretty sure whoever made this just searched up hot guys, gathered the pictures and just put them in a collage. I mean why tf is Channing Tatum both an 8 and a 9?
Also at least two of those 9s should be a 6 or 7 and some of those 6s should be a 7, some of those 7s should be 6s and why tf is Thor a 7? Hell even the far right black guy on the 5 row is easily an 8
Gee, you think maybe the fucked up aspect ratios and aliasing on every picture mean anything? It's almost like it was a rush job by an idiot.
That sexy thick momma with white glasses in row 3 is the only true 10.
In reality, men are capable of attractive personalities and charm, women aren't.
Fixed it
>Thor a 7
Wrong hemsworth my dude
>I'll cover it up with make up
I've seen that a lot growing up and trust me the dude who women do that shit for looks a lot more like the ugly fatty on the right than the dude on the left.
>any those girls
Why would an individual with such poor taste even presume to create a graphic of this nature?
you forgot moving Pajeet from 9 to 6
i agree, personally would switch 8 and 9
>If only I would be a Chad I could get away with my dream of beating women
AHHAHAHAHAH incels, every time
forgot to make the guy taller
That's some Black Phillip wisdom there fellas
>caring about what those pathetic fags think
Bruh plz.
>Makes long list of ugly features
delete this
Fucking true user
>7s are just 5s with make up on
Shit like this makes me glad I'm not attracted to guys, you're fucking stupid
Delete this
pretty much true
incels are ugly on the inside too
post lifts and tits or gtfo
if makeup didnt make a huge difference girls wouldnt wear it
same for guys training
anyone who doesnt believe in lookism at this point is pretty much as retarded as a flat earther. theres just too much evidence to the contrary
>Ian Somerhalder
>not a 9 or a 10
every chick I know that watches vampire diaries watches it for him
[spoiler]so do I, no homo[/spoiler]
The fat guy has better frame than the skinny guy. He should lose some weight and hit the gym. God damn fat lazy piece of SHIT! Hey, I'm all for lookism. Frame, height and face are things you can't change, but you sure as FUCK can change your PERCEIVED frame with muscle added! You sure as fuck can change your FAT PERCENTAGE and your MUSCLE MASS! So why don't people DO IT man?! FUCK! And while some people may be bald, it's not gonna help to leave it a balding mess! Find a style that works and USE It man! FUCK! Most of the people on lookism and other sites, incels and such, do NOT fucking take care of their bodies! If you're fat, you're a volcel! If you're underweight, you're a volcel! No one wants to be with someone who looks like shit BECAUSE they don't work out or take care of themselves!
They even call gymming a waste of time! No it isn't you damn RETARDS! It's exactly what you SHOULD do... on the side. It's not the most important part of getting girls, that's social gains, but gymming can DIRECTLY improve what these people claim is their biggest problem, which is the way they look. OKay, face, height (and to some extent frame) can't be changed, but that's not excuse to be fat/skinnyfat/boney or otherwise just awful looking! FUCK man.
lookism is one of the few things in world that you can guarantee on 100%
you either experience it as a Chad or incel
you confusing lookism with lookmaxing
if you're a balding manlet with an ugly face then gym is a waste of time, you're better off just spending the money on surgery
if you are a balding manlet i wouldnt worry about looks and shit, just live and enjoy life and fuck hoes
sometimes being ugly is living life on easy mode
There was a thread about boob gains and there were idiots who didn’t understand that nude bras are a thing and that we wore uncomfortable black lacy shit underneath everything or nothing at all, because that’s totally how nipples can hide under T shirts
i went to lookism.com and all of them have serious mental issues
>as proven by this inhumanly being.
>not even a dog would rape it,
Fucking kekd
what the fuck are you talking about
if you look that bad the only hoes you can get are landwhales or prostitutes.
being ugly is objectively worse over being attractive, there is not a single instance in which it is better
This is 100% true.
I once asked a female friend under which circumstances she would refuse to report a rape ( that happened to her) , she said it would depend if he ( the rapist ) was attractive or not.
literally every guy from 5-10 looks the same
being bald and manlet is game over, you no longer have to worry about your looks, while being tall and having great hair and shit, you have to look good everyday, hoes switch opinions about your ass so fast its insane
its alot more stressful to be goodlooking than ugly
not to mention that you in reality never will have a healthy decent relationship
yeah but your sex drive and desire to be validated doesnt just magically switch off because you're ugly
This is cope. This is what EVERY incel thinks, ALWAYS an excuse to not improve their physique, because it gives actual measurable effects, but requires serious dedication.
"Oh, my frame is too bad (is 6'2)"
"Oh, my race makes it a waste of time"
"Oh, I would, but my face is already so bad that getting a good physique wouldn't do anything"
The only thing people like this need to watch out for, in terms of L O O K S M A X I N G would be to fucking get a decent physique, not go full roidgodaestheticmode, you get it? We all see the pics of the ugly people who lift and get SWOLE and SHREDDED, right? Don't fucking aim for THAT. Aim for "dang, he looks pretty decent" instead. 12% bodyfat, fairly lean, but decently build, and suddenly, rather than overcompensating, you are owning it.
People ALWAYS make an excuse not to get in shape, and it's retarded. This is one of the easiest ways to directly improve your physique. NO ONE has the right to be fat, and NO one has the right to be extremely skinny or skinnyfat. You can't genuinely say you have no chance with girls till you at least look somewhat impressive to normies, and that's like 8 months worth of lifting if you're starting from skinny
something like 80% of m,en are apparently below average according to women
honestly why would you waste 1-2 hour a day, 5 times a week just to look good naked? thots will make their opinion about you and decide whether to fuck you or not based on your face alone
rather spend that time on something else, like making money or something
This thread proves otherwise
Fuck off, blue pilled faggot.
all he needs is the neckpill
then seek out situations to be in a state of undress. the pool, beach, nudist colony etc
some men, not all of them
Based. If you don't have height, frame, face in clothes. It's over. You can hit the gym for health benefits but nothing more.
i visited a thread were a model tier guy got cheeks implants. the retard payed and suffered for a slightly better 3/4 angle and going full uncanny valley frontal view.
you faggots are mentally ill
We're not only talking tinder here. We're talking presence. Just being fit gives you a really good presence compared to being out of shape
Not to mention, it won't just be naked you look good. One of the first things people judge after face is physique. If you look fat, that shit will leave a hell of a mark. If you are very skinny, that's noticeable too. It's never mentioned IRL, height isn't either, but it's there.
Either you go 100% blackpill, you say "I was genetically predisposed to be a failure, if I got foster parents who raised me in an amazing, active way, and I got the best physique I could ever get, and lots of friends in my early teen years, I would STILL be a failure, because I was genetically predisposed to be a failure."
OR, you work on it.
Not to mention, you don't have to do more than 50 minutes of workout per day to see massive improvements. 6 hours a week is plenty, and in noobie phases, even 4 hours a week will net you some results.
To say physique doesn't matter is like saying being fat doesn't matter, or that being underweight and low musclemass doesn't matter. Of course it does.
Do what you want, but if you're actually in a visibly bad shape, or have a little gut that would show up if you wore tight T shirts, then you can't say you've done everything in your power to look attractive.
Why is that out of a sudden we have a lot more females on this board?
>fit is filled with cool chads
Fit is filled with lots of different people:
1. People who don’t lift
2. People who lift in a futile attempt to make up for their terminal advanced 4th stage autism.
Working out is plenty visible in clothes. Filling out the arm area by working triceps and biceps so you fill in the shirt sleeve, the chest area pushing onto the shirt, the lats giving you a V-taper, the trapezius (VERY, VERY IMPORTANT if you have a long neck and are skinny!) adding mass near your neck and making your neck look less elongated/fragile. Seriously, it's noticeable. Don't think wearing a slightly baggy shirt will completely hide the gym. It shows, and it has an effect on the way you're treated.
It's astonishing how different treat you when you look good physically. Unless you're below 5'7, working out of going to give noticeable improvements to how you're treated.
Honestly man, yeah thots be thots. They care about your looks, your cash, etc. if you care that much about pussy then looking good will help. The real answer is that your social skills matter most, but looking good and being wealthier than her will make up in part. If you are a poor fag don’t go after spoiled or entitled women who expect huge wealth. Just be in good shape and try to keep the tism on the down low.
This, Normie women don’t even know what a great physique is. I’m in the worst shape I’ve been in years from back injury (not gym related) but I still get those mires. Pro tip get on celltech
someone put progressively more black guys as the number goes higher. this will trigger everyone and we can all laugh at them.
That would be hilarious
fucking original faggot mods
I mean it's not wasting your time... it teaches you self-discipline and also feels really good/makes you healthy/combats depression/gives you the ability to move faster and with more agility/makes you stronger.
Even if you don't think it's worth it to be attractive (it is, although face matters more), it's still worth it for the other reasons.
You can spend less than an hour a day.
Yep, because it gets proven all the time.
>Neighbor is some abusive guy.
>Beats the shit out of girlfriend.
>She is still with him and loves him.
>Meanwhile ugly guys get called pedo creeps.
>Implying paper bag on head isn't a common stereotype
Just because a girl is ugly, deformed even, doesn't mean her pussy is. And for a lot of men that's all that's needed. It's really just fatties that are gross in that regard, any one of those in category 1/10, I bet plenty of guys could go doggystyle with in the dark.
>Unless you're below 5'7"
That's when you definitely should go to the gym because you will get much bigger gains faster. The taller you are the more you have to work out to get the same results.
>ask out girls below my attractive level
>get rejected
Are you saying guys don't fuck down very often? If you are saying that, you're wrong.
dedlte this
>ask out girls out of my leagues
>get dates
I mean the n1 guy of the 6's is better than the rajeesh from the 9's