I will be homeless soon and thought about just doing some shit to go to jail since the jail in Germany looks actually kinda comfy. You guys have any good ideas what I should do?
That's a jail cell in germany? I thought it was some shabby looking bedroom.
That's a model cell.
In the real cell there are four Turks who take turns fucking you.
Now, NORWAY jails are the shit. Go to Norway and murder 100 people, you'll be set in a comfy complex for life.
Go back to Somalia Obongo
TFW when is more comfy than the the shit hole I live in
It's not a jail cell. The windows aren't secure and there are literally 1000 objects you could turn into a weapon.
Rob houses/cars/people best case you make tons of money worst case you go to jail (which you even want)
can't you just get gibs? or are they for brown people only?
Actually it is, it's just not American
What sort of faggot-ass criminals do you have over there?
Did all the Germans with any skillz genes die in the war?
It would take me about 30 days to use the contents of that room to stage a mass prison escape / riot.
Euros are such fags.
>mfw people in russia work half their lives to be able to get a mortgage to buy a german prison cell
So that's what they mean when they say 'evroremont'!
Just go to any public building, raise your right arm and shout heil hitler. Insta send to prison card.
Man, and a bare concrete cube smaller than that costs $1100 per month in Seattle.
Aren't you not allowed to be homeless in the socialist state known as Germany?
And Detroit man! They literally lynch black people there!
only if youre a shitskin
attack niggers and muslims
I just think chilling in comfy jail is better, since free food and can watch tv
How about you apply for section 8 housing, for starters, and don't do something life ruining and fucked up.
>Retarded leftover Jow Forumsfag
lad please leave this board the rise in racebait threads is too high
dont rape otherwise the guys inside will make you their bitch
if you wanna get jailed deny the holocaust in public
Kind of makes me feel like I live in a third world country
Doesnt germany have a shit ton of welfare programs?
Im sure there enough organizations available to keep you off the streets
Go live with the refugees and get a subservient wife that will never leave you
Risk > reward
Even if you do escape, what's next? You'll just get caught again and you'll be stuck even longer. Just serve your time and better luck next time you do something criminal.
Steal something worth thousands of dollars.
hit a cop
>It would take me about 30 days to use the contents of that room to stage a mass prison escape / riot.
for what? stupid fucking grease brained fuck
>Go to Norway and murder 100 people, you'll be set in a comfy complex for life.
But in Norway they only give their domestic terrorists a PlayStation 2 to entertain themselves. Surely in civilized Germany, they would give a modern console or gaming PC.
user I have original news for you
Rob a bank, you either go to jail or become rich
Or get gunned down if the situation escalates
Don't commit any major crime when you do. It's not nearly as easy doing time as you think it will be now.
want to chill there for 15 years until we have some NerveGear like thing and AGI
Original as always.
Refuse to be cucked by a refugee.
Actually no, a prison break isnt even illegal in Germany since freedom is a constitutional right. so as long as you dont brake anything on ur way out you wont be Held accountable for the try
how do you enforce prison sentences then?
do you politely ask them to go to prison, but if they are not willing, you aren't allowed to force them, cause they have the right to freedom
Tell me how you're going to break out of that prision without breaking any laws, user. Remember that the prison itself is not your property.
und btw warum gehst du nicht einfach zur Bahnhofsmission?
>tfw my 'apartment' is literally that size
You could just get a job like everyone else and maybe someone would suck your cock
what's so shabby about it? It looks clean and well kept.
If you guys think Scandinavian jails are comfy, you have been babmoozled. This is what they actually look like - soulless, lifeless, sterile. A total nightmare. You think everyone gets a video game console? Nope, only under certain circumstances do you get electronics. No video games, no internet. You are lucky if you get your own cell.
Bo fucking hoo.
Try jail in Texas.
20 bunk beds in a big ass room full of spics and niggers.
4 toilets and 2 showers lined up against one of the walls.
Yes, you shit 10 feet away from everyone else with no curtain or door.
>soulless, lifeless, sterile
A lot of people find stuff like that comfy.
Relatively new prison in Denmark. Move here and do some stupid shit instead of Germany
It's literally impossible to be homeless in germany if you don't want to be
You can't.
But just breaking out of prison itself isn't a crime.
I was in jail back in 2003 for 6 months, not bad at all, if one day I became homeless I will rob a bank or something, If successful I will have money (problem solved) if not, I will just go to jail. win win
Better than being locked in a rusty shithole surrounded by feral niggers and spics.
This is in the first world
all it takes for you to become homeless is to not open your post box and then one day they visit your house and sweep it of all valuables and make you disclose all your banking info to pay off your fees and taxes
then you have to leave your house because you can't pay rent and filing bankruptcy requires you to do paperwork
sure they might give you an assistant but you have to know that you can ask for assistants
you can absolutely become involuntarily homeless in germany
at least from what I understand, not like the gubbermint here explains the law in school and nobody in school ever taught me that I'm legally obligated to check my mailbox
same as the law that you have to carry your id everywhere or you get fined
only normies believe it's impossible to become involuntarily homeless in germany cause to them asking ppl and opening the mailbox isn't considered effort
It's only illegal not to own an ID, you don't have to carry it with you all the time.
And obviously you always have to check your mailbox.
If it's something that will result in you losing your valuables (I assume you are talking about Inkasso), you usually know beforehand and get warned multiple times.
Even people like the Drachenlord manage to live in their own home, so why should you fail at this?
Obviously the government expects you to check laws and shit.
It's not the government's job to raise you.
anyways I live at my mom's place
if she kicks me out I'm homeless and there is nothing I could do about it since I don't have enough money rent an apartment, I suck at job interviews and I don't want to deal with all the paperwork for getting unemployment money
damn that looks nice.
pic rel is typical cell in poland.
pic + internet is all I need
looks better than some hotel rooms I've stayed in
The unemployment paper work shit is annoying but probably better than sitting in jail with 80 percent degenerate violent Muslims around you no? Just go to your local Agentur fuer Arbeit and get the shit done.
>tfw too much "Symmetry"
Burn down a refugee center, you'll be doing something good for the community and you get to go to jail.
>he rocognised it
polak ?
Just break many low impact laws like loitering and refuse fines
Prison is a pension for a lifetime of crime
>You guys have any good ideas what I should do?
for maximum lulz, stab a politician with a knife.
the federal dudes all have bodyguards and shit, but the local guys are easy pickings
you'll even make it on TV that way! and, depending on who you target, will be considered a hero by the right or the left!