
Steel ball run edition

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first for mums tits

If I rent a car and drive into a wall at 70mph without my seatbelt on will I definitely die? Any chance of just being maimed or paralysed? Asking for a friend

Oi lads I have fucked over 20 birds. Loads of asian qts. ahah but i'm so mental! lol
Can I join your cool club? I fit right in I promise.

Fairly high chance of survival
Just jump off a building

We wuz jews and shiet lol

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modern cars are quite safe, you'd have a high chance of survival.

Gonna pop down to the butchers and grab a couple of pheasants

anyone want anything

bag of bones for the old hound matey

Kang cosplay

God I want to be cuddled so bad
Literally the best feeling in the universe
Should see this girl (male) after uni exams

I like to help push this meme because it pisses off Ashkenazis

reminder to ignore it

Off a cliff would be better

I have 950 in my savings account, what if I buy an old banger sans airbags and use that instead?

Give me the 900 and I'll throw you off a roof user.

Why do you want to die in a car so bad?
Even if you do die, chances are it won't be instant. You'll be impaled or crushed and die in agony


>workmate is miserable
>has to sulk and make everyone else around him miserable
Why do people do this? If I'm sad I just keep it to myself and try to at least put on a usual friendly front. Fuck being a burden on people by sitting there huffing and puffing every 5 seconds and just generally whinging

Falling to my death sounds terrifying
If I don't wear a seatbelt I'll be thrown out and smashed against whatever I crash into

why don't you use the 950 to buy a shit load of drugs, get really fucked on them then finish it off with a heroin/fent overdose?

maybe the massive amount of acid and shrooms you take will stop you from killing yourself, or they might convince you more and you'll kill yourself on them easier

but falling to death is irreversible. you don't know if when you're driving full speed you'll slow down out of shock or a quick change of mind and end up mauling yourself but surviving.

>just walked past a pub flying the rhodesian flag

the absolute lads

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why are we always so slow at this hour?

uni cunts doing their silly lectures or whatever, wagies making mr noseberg rich

Its exam period so no lectures, only hardwork revising

dont know about anyone else but i am watching a film.

put clothes back on end of my naked fun. gotta go pick my mum up soon

fuck my life lads, i'm gonna go through some big changes this year and i'm not comfortable with the plunge.

surfice to say, i hate change, and i cant help that since it's being forced.

posted in the last thread didn't realise we had a new one up

Wagwan my good lad, lasses and/or lassos.
Just got out of bed after a lovely night of House and wanking to nice exhentai stuff.
Just had a nice mid afternoon wank while chatting to a nice lass.
Got some part baked baguettes and some big thicc sausages so i think you can see where my evening is going :^)
Time to WoW and chill though.


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what's occurring lad?

How feminine is her penis lad?

just got back from a nice mountain bike ride, feeling pretty proud of myself des, especially considering im normally still in bed at this time

mums kicking me out, asking me to move up north, keeps mentioning how cheap the housing is up there. problem is i'm fucking skint.

sitll, i'd rather be homeless than be a burden to them

Listening to classic rock on the radio and it's reminding me of my dad. Fuck lads I miss him

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Its no so grim up here lad. Where abouts up north you planning to go?

With goose gone and crona not posting much it's now an inevitability tilde will be back soon
Ugh I fucking hate this place and its trip culture

>asking me to move up north
brutal that is lad

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Go to Guangzhou (a city in China)

Good on you matey. I gotta fix my bike and get active

>i haven't owned a bike for years
but i do own a car

just unleashed my elite marksman skills on a spider/ daddy long legs thing

used deodorant to disorientate him, then he fell and was clinging on for life to my curtains, bopped him with my big poster tube, and then said sayonara with a tissue

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i couldn't care less about the area, the grimmer the better as far as i'm concerned, long as it's cheap and i've got a roof over my head i'm not bothered

bloody is, suppose i just have to deal with it and move on. to be fair, i fucking hate it down south anyway, too hot, too many snaky cunts in my town.

Just ripped a real squeaker of a fart

fuck this im bored as dick lads.

>complaining before stuff has even happened
lad there really is no pleasing you

lmao classic r9k meme

Thats mean lad, they're harmless and can easily be moved or persuaded to not come in your house.

You know what grinds my gears lads? Deanos etc. who get all dressed up and go to fancy restaurants and think they're high class (they really do play it up on social media and stuff, inb4 someone says "uhhh dont shit on peepo 4 enjoyin fingz")

when in actuality they're quite possibly a bit trashy
hate posers
(and I find unpretentious actual snobs annoying too though)

Enjoy your masturbation and bread products fren, very comfy way to spend your day.
Also Thirteen is best girl but maybe Cuddy comes close. Making me want to rewatch it all.

>can easily be moved
are you kidding me? They're like handling hair, no way you can be gentle with them, and no way I could get it out the room

>persuaded to not come in your house
lolwat? how?

good lad. spiders are evil, they can kiss their life good bye if they enter my home

What are your favourite Inbetweeners moments/ scenes lads?

>spider/ daddy long legs thing
could have been a mosquito lad

Next time torch them

t. scared spider

stay outside where you belong.

Does dead hand wanking work?

>are you kidding me?
Not at all, you can scoop them into your hands and they'll often just sit there chilling. They're very lazy bug frens
>lolwat? how?
Smoke is good, something like incense for example. There's lots of specific smells they can't into too, like sandalwood, if incense isn't your thing. If you have something to control humidity, that can also put them off. Basically just make your house less bug friendly and they just avoid it completely.
Bonus points if you have a garden and can plant flowers they like outdoors, like buddleia. Then you encourage them to stay outside and discourage them from going inside

>come dine with me
>I'm not really a desert person

Tempted to get a few cans haha

REEE how did you know
I just want to be inside where it's warm with fren
then I can keep bad flies away

off to the shops now lads

I'll get you a freddo


get me a nice cornetto please

and a packet of skips for me please lad

fuckin right circle jerk in here so it is

Beef space invaders pls

i'd love a rustler lad
the hotdog one if they have it

Could you get me a full size Toblerone? I'll pay you back...

attemping to become left handed lads


sorted, im now a lefty

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Come join in lad, I'll jerk you good and proper

Official hand dexterity power rankings

God tier

Great tier
>right handed

Shit tier
>left handed

>im now a lefty
The more the merrier, comrade.

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*beats the devil outta ya*

Master race reporting

I'm like shit tier ambidextrous. I can right with both hands more or less legibly but always use my right because it feels better, but I open jars/use scissors/whatever with my left. It's like situational ambidexterity

I wonder what would happen if I gave someone one my high strength anti-psychotic meds. It took me months to work my way up from 5mg to 30mg a day. If someone took 30mg I think they'd wanna kill themselves, but would they die?

There's a rumour going around Port Talbot that dmanon is a nonce

It'd fuck with them for sure, especially going straight to a high dose. Exact effects would vary from drug to drug/person to person. It's unlikely that it'd kill them I think.
What is it your taking lad? Might be able to give you a better answer if I knew the exact med

Alright crona lad, gooseberry kicked you out yet?

Aripripazole. First time I took it I felt like shit was crawling under my skin. I wanted to rip my own skin off and I couldn't stop moving. This was 5mg. I got used to it, then moved on to 10, then 15, then 30.

It's fun to know if I ever want to torture someone I could crush 2 of these fuckers in a cup and offer him a drink.

>need to go through vetting process for job
>need a reference of someone who's known me for 2 years
>try to chat up old teacher


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>they're harmless and can easily be moved or persuaded to not come in your house.

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Honestly lids I'm fucking livid right now for no reason the next nonce who comes near me is getting BATTERED

I live in Port Talbot and can confirm

Many thanks to the lad who recommended 2001: A Space Odyssey or at least encouraged me to see it.

Right up my alley, although a lot of it left me scratching my head

Very patrician level film

>pic related

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alreet homelesschan ladd

that watermark...

It's an entry level meme film u looking BATTERED MATE

>live across from a secondary school
>its currently chucking out time
>normally 7 buses turn up to pick up all the nonce bait
>only one is here today

its fucking chaos lids

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easy pickings lad, get the van

Just had a late lunch at the services along the M5 (j19)

Now on a mission to destroy a toilet

Wish me luck

Also just got a random banned for some else's post on /TV I never go on that shit board

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these communications are grossly offensive, ceop have been informed

this isn't healthy dm, seek help

>not even the user you are referencing friend

I've actually never had any experience with patients using Aripripazole but I've worked with people using similar meds before. Used;
for a source if you're interested.
It seems that it's probably send someone a bit loopy. Assuming you only gave them a one time dose, and they didn't have any other conditions/meds that would complicate it, I think it'd be similar to taking a strong stimulant. I'd imagine they get very jumpy and might have mild seizure like things or at the very least spasms/palpitations. It's likely to sent them into some kind of hyper-alert state I think, followed by a dramatic crash. The comedown would be a lot of brainfog and maybe some paranoia, especially if they didn't know they'd been dosed with it. That's only very general though, I expect it'd effect people very differently in terms of how they experience it mentally; you mention wanting to rip your skin off and I think each individual would get their own weird experience like that depending on their own mental state.
As for physical health there seems to be some risk of renal damage.

update: another school bus has turned up, its still 5 short of what they normally have

youtube nonce hunters have dropped active cases to patrol the streets with firearms

You should talk to spider frens, they like a good natter, but I meant more like Like the OC though lad, good work

the fact you had to say that means you probably are

a 3rd bus has turned up, strangely its an all black one, more like a long distance coach, quite nice looking, i can only assume the nonce hunters chartered it since it looks like they are losing the northern front at the top of the street, perverts of all walks of life are now trying to break through the sandbags and barbed wire en masse

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Have you got some sort of lung disease from the fumes?

Ninety-ninth for remove mould.