I honestly think we are living in a computer Simulation. I know it's anecdotal evidence, but every once in a while I'll dream that I wake up and unplug myself from a VR machine. I've had these dreams for years, even before Oculus and Vive were a thing. I'll wake up and feel disoriented for a few minutes, and then I see friends I recognize, and they welcome me "back". Then I realize where I am, and then I fully accept that where I am is real, despite me knowing I went to sleep to get there.
I'm starting to think that I'm not going to sleep to get there, but I'm actually waking up. The things I see and the things people say to me there are more than what I could imagine. People say intricate things to me, things I am not capable of speaking or writing. I hear new and beautiful music, with layers of depth, despite me not being a musician. I wake up and try to recite the things people have said, to hum the songs I've heard, I try to recall it all, but it all slips away within a few minutes. I can't create of beautiful things like these when I'm awake. I suspect I did not think of them while dreaming either.
I suspect our life here is all a sophisticated video game. And to make the game more immersive, they inhibit access to our memories of the real world. If you think of how fast AI and computing power is progressing, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that in maybe 50 or 100 years that video games will be capable of recreating the world in such detail.
Some say we live inside the eye of a blue eyed giant
David Martin
Why would anyone do this? I have had similar dreams
Jonathan Long
it could be for entertainment, it could be to teach us something, I don't know.
maybe it's a simulation of past history, to study how things could have went differently
Gavin Price
World is fucked up dude. The whole thing is fucked.
Xavier Russell
I think each one has it's own processor component, in a way that you are responsable for how fast yours can go.
But about the dreams... they change a lot, dreams are just a visual representation of a message.
Oliver Green
>i know it's anecdotal evidence but [i will ignore all opposing facts]
Ayden Gray
This exact thing is the plot of a manga I read Dont want to say which though because it obviously spoils the ending
Justin Roberts
It's obvious dude; if people aren't scared faggots and begin to realize that we're in a simulation then everything would make sense to them and life would get a lot faster.
but really, if you didn't notice that we're in a simulated reality when Donald Trump was elected then you'll probably die without noticing.
Jace Davis
I think you're just a terrified brainlet user Something happened you didn't expect, but you dont want to accept that the world is just an unpredictable and crazy place So you cling to the idea that everything is in perfect control by someone else
Liam Hill
the reason i think something is fishy is because this happens to me regularly: >be on internet >get bored, be a WoW player >surf wikipedia >look at the endangered species list >"what the fuck is a Kakapo?" >look up Kakapo >it becomes my favorite animal >go on MMO-C a week later >on the front page Blizzard added a Kakapo to the game in the next expansion
this shit happens to me A LOT. i'll think of completely random shit, then i'll see it crop up later. people will be like, "oh its that one phenomena, yeah because you thought about it before that, it just made it more noticable bro!!!" um, fucking what? there's like 300 Kakapo's left on this planet, there's no fucking way that's the case.
something is going on. i also feel clairvoyant at times, as stupid as that fucking sounds. it's from being right about one too many things, it just becomes uncanny.
Leo Johnson
>you thought about it before that, it just made it more noticable This is exactly what happened, the fact that the species is endangered doesnt make this statement less true
Blake Miller
>cling to the idea that everything is in perfect control by someone else Ohh, noble atheist friend - clearly my wanting for control means that I try to make sense and order out of what's clearly a chaotic existence. forgive me, my limited capacity to experience leads me to creating assumptions to organize the world.
clearly all of this is running with no purpose; any personal connection to the experience is a meaningless trick to forgo depression.
Kayden Torres
We aren't living?
Zachary Davis
yeah we can't prove "that's exactly what happened" so i just have to accept it's a coincidence every single time it happens.
like when I had a dream i met Lamar Odom and told him he could be an allstar and then he became an allstar that year.
Cameron Powell
Classic brainlet rage as he realises he is a brainlet
Aaron Cruz
You're a player. Us non-players don't have this. Get out, OP. You're not a real robot.
Gabriel Long
This was disproven.
Jacob Gomez
>this is exactly what happened it was still a 1 in a million chance happening. you don't even know what a Kakapo is bro.
Robert Edwards
I had a dream that a plane crashed then 1 year later one did, thats the same thing you described it doesnt make me psychic
Siberian Husky I just brought that up, and I bet within one year someone else will also mention a Siberian Husky to you, it doesnt mean its a vision of the future
Gabriel Evans
the difference is, for you, it happened a year later. for me, it happens like a day later, sometimes it happens the same exact day.
i don't give a shit what you say really. i wouldn't be posting about it in this thread if it didn't scare me.
Nathan Walker
heh, you dismiss anything you don't understand and then call people idiots for even considering them enjoy your little box, homo. your little box that you identify as a meaningless existence.
Tyler Phillips
someone is trying to terminate my conversation too. let the shitposts commence!
Brayden Reed
Bruh I want you to look up the word coincidence It happens to everyone, i'll think about something happening and then it does, the world is a really big place with millions of things happening, it makes perfect sense that youd call an event every now and then
Brody Gonzalez
if you know coincidence then you must know the word synchronicity? there's this sense of knowing that inept people think woke mother fuckers make up; that knowing is designed for experiencing the simulation.
Cameron Ward
According to Nick Bostrom's Simulation Argument: 1 of the following statements MUST be true:
1. "The fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage (that is, one capable of running high-fidelity ancestor simulations) is very close to zero", 2. "The fraction of posthuman civilizations that are interested in running ancestor-simulations is very close to zero", 3. "The fraction of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one"
I think it's safe to say that Humans will always be interested in creating simulations, so 2 is out the window. So that just leaves 1 and 3. If you think earth simulations are even possible at all, then you should accept the fact that there is a higher probability of you being in one than not. Even if there were only 2 simulated Earths running in the real world, that would still be twice as many simulated Earths than real ones. Now try 10 thousand simulated Earths. Or millions, billions, trillions. By the time the real universe dies, the vast majority of sentient beings to ever have lived will have been simulated. Perhaps the stars have already burnt out, and we are all on a computer orbiting a decaying black hole, running at a clock speed of next to nothing, leeching off the only source of energy left in the real universe. Or maybe entropy doesn't exist in the real universe? How could we know? Maybe this world has the equivalent of N64 graphics compared to the real world. We're simulated to accept this reality as real, it's all we've ever known.
Jayden Richardson
There is certainly a clear purpose to existence. It's just a stupid one that's what is depressing.
Angel Ramirez
How tho? I'm interested
Mason Howard
This simulation fucking sucks ass Operator, if you can read this, kill me off now