>120 IQ
Jesus Christ I get all of negatives and non of the benifits
MBTI thread
>can imitate successful and socially/romantically engaging types
>but can't actually be them
>at the end of the day i'm still an INTP stuck in my head and destined to kill myself (logically, of course)
>Taking the whole mbti bullshit seriously
Fuck all your horoscope shit
I kind of feel like a stereotype, I always expect the best of everyone and everything and when they don't live up to my sunny expectations I descend into a mopey sadness. who here /knowthatfeel?/
INFP btw, meant to name fag sorry
I am also INTP and have an IQ of 129.
Hard mode for life.
more than INTJ?
>get arrested as a teenager
>forced to speak to a psychiatrist
>he administers the WISC-IV
>Verbal IQ: 135
>Visuaspatial IQ: 82
>tfw was so nervous that I spent five minutes staring at a set of blocks I was supposed to turn into a rhombus
>tfw not sure if I'm actually half-retarded or not
How would I answer this question? I don't know, maybe? I don't have any experience living as an INTJ.
Have you ever abandoned your talents? Do (you) think about them?
>hear all these things about how my type is supposed to save the world
>can barely leave house without breaking down
>Found a logical reason to not kill myself
>still no desires tho.
>Doesn't need an IQ to get what I want
>Easily just put on my charm
It's great
>being intp
>not being anarcho-primitivist
>being INTJ
>not being an anarchofeminist
This is the true red pill.
Oh, you've read plato or something? Tell me, I'm interested
>Convincing others to care about me through emotional support and tech knowledge
I'll run out of luck sometime.
I used to be very interested in writing and other people would read it and supposedly like it.
Now I just write on image boards during the (you) depression.
I actually reversed from a macro view to an analysis that includes subjective desire, namely curiosity. If I will cease to exist anyway, and being that there is no guarantee that a second world exists, satiating my curiosity its only possible in this universe. Then, as knowledge takes time, I have to take as much time as possible. Sadly, this idea implies that I will have to eventually accept transhumanism, and its selfish nature reminds me of the spooky dude that said everything he disliked is a spook
>above 130
Life sucks
Anarcho shitivist
Adam Lanza fancied himself one but i consider him a nihilist.
>145 IQ (tested)
Everything is easy peasey
>E anything
get out normboid, this is for the lonely bots only.
Well lads, what grills suit me best? I dont like doms except if theyre really gentle
>wahh i have slightly higher iq than average i'm so sad right now guys
you don't know true suffering.
Kill me now please
The 2D kind, embrace them and forget 3dpd.
IQ isn't the cause of suffering but a correlation.
I probably have mediocre IQ because most my brain power goes to paranoid delusions and empathetic dwelling.
>Kill me now please
Thanks for the catgirl. Added to my collection.
Him being ISTP is reason enough I reckon
if you actually think that your pseudo scientific profile determines your lot in life you need to reevaluate yourself
>muh anxiety
>autistically changes her clothes to be more comfortable
>President of the Wine Mom Association
>has a super creepy infatuation over crushes
>cucks ENTP with ESTP chad. Regrets it later as the ENTP was more successful
>excruciatingly pretends to be happy, really isn't
>Elliot Rodger
>follows you everywhere
>secretly wants to fuck ENFJ, has actual depression over not being able to express that
>can't even express his depression
>prime orbiter
>likes songs no one has ever heard of, thinks that makes him superior
>you punch like a girl lol
>Jow Forums
>tfw too intelligent for life
>the shitty, calorie-free version of ISTP
>beats you at Trivia Games
>ESFJ dumped him as he failed to get it up. Tries to excuse it blaming her for his lack of motivation
>unironically submissive
>tfw no mommy gf
>*slaps you*
>actual schizophrenia
>is slapped by the ENFP
>acts like he has a stick up his ass, actually pretty cool
>unironically does everything people do ironically
>muh multitasking, is actually shit at it
>has to settle for INTP
>ruins everything thinking about doing things their own way will make everything better
>ruins group games intentionally
>great artist, not much everything else
>unironic friends with INTJ
>ENTP tried to date them, tried
>is an edgy 12-year-old at heart
>if he does not react to you talking to him, that means he probably wants to kill you over being talky
>'h-haha what do you mean you don't like me?'
>legitimately scared of compromise
>thinks philosophical discussion is a good replacement for small talk
>muh banter
>flirts with girls, never dates them out of self-doubt. ESTP has a bigger cock anyway
>muh inner circle
>fearsome, ends up wondering why people avoid him
>rallying intensifies
>highest divorce rate second to ESFJ
>funnier than ENTP
>convinces people to kill themselves over muh cause
>less autistic version of INFJ
>actual psychopathy
>The Motherfucking President of the United States, you fucking loser
>that guy who eats a chili habanero for adrenaline sake
>bullies you, develop an infatuation for him due to it
>*blocks your path*
>that lady who takes her kid to bars
>better than you at everything, is alright though as he usually lets people beneath him win
>yeah and my dad is the CEO of Nintendo *sips energy drink*
>superior IQ. Brainlets don't even bother
>Mastered the blade
>dated someone, went nuts after they failed to reply to their 100+ messages
>*goes missing for four weeks*, guys there is a financial crisis coming
>takes life, relationship, practical and even sexual advice from tv, videogames, and movies
>tries to be Chad, looks out of place when doing so
>is actually an introverted normie, don't let his Ni fool you
>*that guy*
>140 IQ
my feels and thoughts are in so much conflict
I found the jew
MBTI is unscientific nonsense, it's like another kind of horoscope
INTP here -- right on all count.
End my life.
ITT: dumb kids who think they actually have an IQ over 130.
PS a person's IQ can be trained in the same way that people can get better at programming/logic puzzles.
>implying IQ matter more than EQ
majority of r9k is feelets when it comes to people skills.
>Can guess what the other side will say next, and two times next in a conversation, often analyze what I'm gonna say next and then try around 4-5 approaches, each with their own consequences and influences in the relationship. Go on to start calculating why I'm thinking what I'm thinking, then start forcing myself to look for the approach where Im gonna be less hurt and most intact with happy thoughts, forcing conversation to absolutely protect the status quo just because of realizing that I'm now aware that I'm observing my own thoughts as a third party.
>Start fucking commentating on my own thoughts, rating them on a scale of originality.
>say "Y-You too....."
brainlet squad, assemble
Can you not expose my infp autism, entp user might call us pussies as banter and make me feel less robotically cool than him.
How do become a more alpha ENTJ instead of immediately becoming the "that guy" of the group and becoming bitter as a result of my inability to change?
I'm starting to think I'm a mistyped INTJ.
why do non-entps even post?
fellow INTP here. Your conclusion is not really logically. You imply satisfacting subjective desire as an axiom by which you deduce a logical reason for not killing yourself but this is not a logical reason for not killing yourself. You simply set that as your definition but didn't really deduce it logically. Basically you followed the existialism definition of meaning of life namley that you give yourself a reason to live.
Don't know if you'd be happier as an ENTJ desu. I know an ENTJ in real life and in our circle of friends he's the most hated guy I know. Almost all of his close friends secretly fuckin' hate him and thinks he's an untrustworthy piece of shit. INTJ guys are a lot more Autistic but at least they're capable of having some good friends.
t. INTP master race.
Do Socionics instead, it's MBTI but better.
Like, when you try so hard to be friends with somebody that you end up self sabotaging because despite evidence you believe in what's clearly a dysfunctional relationship
then you shut down when you realize what you thought was a thing wasn't a thing :(
I think EQ is great but IQ is more important; like, I can understand people how they think, what they're wanting but I don't understand how to keep a schedule so how would I even into relationships?
>keep a schedule
EQ is definitely more important
Autism is literally the worst disorder on earth, unironically
>I can understand people how they think, what they're wanting
That's not what EQ about.
>160 IQ
why live
i'm such a brainlet, unlike all the cool kids on Jow Forums who have IQs of 300
keeping a schedule is like the foundation for living life in a rational, productive manner; I doubt that all INFP are like me but I value unscheduled time more than I value keeping myself productive and that makes keeping a schedule impossible - like, rationally, if you don't have something planned to do then entropy occurs and you do whatever is habit.. reading, watching movies, playing games.
so I was thinking if that's the case, and you're not productive then it should be expected that you're going to fail in life for a good bit; like, I think I have to be standing in fire for me to realize that it's something that I don't want to be doing; not literally but you get the point.
You're responsible for supplying the counterargument, or just dismiss like a faggot.
Autism is the worst? really? why is that the case.
I'd argue for depression; which is something common in low IQ because that lack of fulfillment, success will bring you to depressive states faster than you can say type two diabetes.
SEI and ESTP does that make sense?
how the fuck do you know all this about me
>Autism is the worst
Ok, I exaggerated. There is no worst disorder, each condition is different, but I'd say I don't want to my IQ be used all my life with no love given back
Scheduling is systemizing not high IQ. Scheduling should be part of introverted sensing which is not connected with high IQ. en.wikipedia.org
I'd actually agree with you, when you are depressed that means you are sad, which means it is
Ye, agreed that there's no worse, just different flavors. glad ur honest.
I get valuing EQ because a loving relationship would be based on mutual understanding but I think it you don't have the IQ to pursue what would make a stable home for your gf, wife, whatever - like, if you can't make currency well no matter what you're feeling I'd believe that your chances at love are minuscule
at the end of the day we're limited by design; the woman's ability to feel scared is greater than her ability to feel love (except for her children) and that if you're not providing then she might be to scared to commit to a relationship with you.
it'd be sweet to have a girl that's pretty set as a provider that being said but it should be rare.
I guess what I'm saying is that personally because I don't have IQ I value it over EQ because I see it as the reason of me being unsuccessful so far
I'd say that if you are depressed your condition must be bad, so we could make a connection there
>Scheduling is systemizing not high IQ. Scheduling should be part of introverted sensing which is not connected with high IQ
looks accurate; always thought I couldn't schedule because I was a dumbass - wonder what's up
>146 iq, tested when I was very young
>always get told Im smart and Ill be okay cause Im smart
>test iq again
At least they cant say im just not trying anymore i couldnt stand that
Intitution is connected with high IQ, which literally makes you proccess the info. Introverted intution is connected with your own ideas, while extraverted is connected with the things around you
falling for the femdom is real meme
I fell for this; women just pretend to be assertive; they're all scared faggots on the inside - in my limited experience.
They're pretty different types. SEI/ISFp has Si and Fe in Ego block, and is an Alpha quadra type, whereas SLE/ESTp has Se and Ti in Ego block, and is a Beta quadra type.
Search for 'World socionics society' and find the pages about SLE and SEI and read there, then you can decide between the two
no it cant, you can get better at the "tests" when you study the patterns but that doesnt make you any smarter
I spend time learning how to code and mathematics and I definitely could get better results
I stopped trying because I can't really see anything that I want yet; I'm far too invested into the future :(
I'm like super introverted I think; like I'm probably all in my head to everyone else because I get that a lot; terrible habit was formed and now I don't really relate to the world because I got depressed and haven't got out if it yet.
cuz everyone pretends to be assertive, on the inside everyone is a scared faggot
wymoan are people too, dont be a muslim, user
yes better results on this or that kind of test, but then another kind of test would be lower again.
its best if you go in it without learning them and just do what they ask you too, if you want a more accurate result
pick one
above is a joke
>cuz everyone pretends to be assertive, on the inside everyone is a scared faggot
Look, I think women do have differences and that's okay; I firmly belive that they're wired to have a higher degree for fear because their role has always been for the security of children.
Men have fear but it's different; like I think we're better at fighting and women are better at running.
just generalization, of curse there'd be expectations.
INTJ here, it's pretty fucking shitty being a walking contradiction, clueless at romance and all the other negatives.
The positives are nice, though.
Of course, I can't say for sure it's harder than INTP, but they're definitely the hardest two for living.
Not fitting in, and having very few people like you sucks ass.
INFPs dominant function should be Introverted feeling. Auxiliary function is Extraverted intuition, if I am right that means if you stop using your Feeling, you will start using your intuition. I think if you can't get through something with feeling, you will try the intuition, that means your first function is stopping you from using creativeness, but I could be wrong
Another kind of test??
how many kinds of tests there are then??
I don't really think upon it; I just know if I get depressed then I go into low effort mode and ignore whatever my gut tells me that I can ignore and wait until positive/negative emotion level out so I can start forming good habits without the mountain of resistance.
I didn't learn them. I used the logical projecting i learned in maths and coding on solving the IQ test questions
if you cant even google your iq is around 80
so what you do in a verbal reasoning test?
are you guys even robots?
But I have asthma.
1. Verbal Reasoning
2.Numerical reasoning
Pure math
3. Logical reasoning
4.Spatial reasoning
Again math
>Just in case
I added geometry under math, because we were taught them under the same lesson with same teacher
yeagh but you can perform them only under a certain lvl.
of course you can train them, and these were only 4 there are more.
if you certain pay the shekels and do a professional test.
u woudlnt have it if not the technology and retarded society
It's genetics.
My grandma's got it too.
Bump for truth
bens in oregina
it's so wonderful that someone else is autistic as I am when it comes to things like this
being infp sure is a wild ride
If we were in an anarcho-primitivist society, your bloodline would have died out
haha that's nice
in a tribal society your ancestors would die and no one would have that problem
I am sorry, but you alive is actually a problem. You might infect other if you bred with them. You are dangerous to your own species
>give Zero fucks
>go with the wind
>light shit on fire for gits and shiggles
>nobody really understands you or your motives
>you don't either
Life is both terrifying and fun as hell when you have no clue what might happen today.
dont worry its unlikely he will have sex.
now u can blame your problems on society and technology tho
>You might infect other if you bred with them
haha no danger then
a quick guide
what would we do without you, helpful infj
it doesnt help. i dont know my type.
Does anyone has the edited version?
>One study found personality disorders as described by the DSM overall to correlate modestly with I, N, T, and P
>tfw INTP
ENTP here origagaganal
What's your enneagram type fellow robots?
intp 5w4 what does it mean
>intp 5w4 what does it mean
that you're classic INTP