Phrases that you despise seeing in news article titles

Phrases that you despise seeing in news article titles

>x broke the internet!

Attached: C76B06A8-8723-4093-B32C-5B373C82718E.gif (300x179, 1.74M)

extremely original

Attached: 90B2CF99-7E29-4496-9574-2DC3B21F2DF2.jpg (1261x552, 108K)

>and thats a good thing! Is my favorite

Attached: DE34C402-583D-4053-BB83-A0954D16CC12.jpg (576x625, 51K)

This and alt-right too, everything on Jow Forums is alt-right even /lgbt/ would be seen as alt-right to them

x is that dark souls of y

Imo the worst one

>and heres why you should care

Attached: 09280394-A297-4AE2-8A11-03ADE5537324.png (904x358, 448K)

Is there any profession more smarmy and unself-aware than journalists

>this x does y all without a z

>here's what happens when x
>we did y and here's what happened
>You won't believe z


i swear you poltards are more sensitive than any sjw. i liked you 2 years ago but this is a fucking parody youre doing the exact same thing that youre supposed to stand up against. gtfo the fuck out of my board

.... and it's beautiful
... and that's a good thing
... and here's why
let's unpack that

I don't know how people can even begin to assume that any website that uses "and that's a good thing!" could even remotely be unbiased or not clickbait

descartes etc.

>we need to talk about x

Attached: B35F6805-83FD-4F07-B5D1-AFDE85C1BA2F.png (1703x1505, 102K)

no, x is not y
white people
white men
straight white men

... is a thing
... isn't a thing

not a single one. they're heads and shoulders above the competition

>complain about everything being labeled as alt-right
Ironically, you seem more sensitive and moronic than SJWs OR Jow Forums.

white wom*n are disgusting and any self respecting white and asian man should deny their seed to the white fem*le menace. non-white QTs in general and black goddesses in particular are for the BW/AC

Attached: 1525315246941.jpg (1080x1346, 1.39M)

Those make my skin crawl

No, x is not y

What didanon manby this

This but originally and unironically originally

Attached: F1CA39F9-DE78-45A7-A2A8-603C1B27CF15.jpg (600x770, 176K)

How was that even a Jow Forumsfag? He was complaining about how the news and most normalfags just blanket the site as 'alt-right' when there's huge variance between boards/anons/etc

People always just default to pol over anything on almost every board

Fuck i hate those it sounds like a parent punishing their kid for not doing the dishes
