Ok, so there is this 16 years old I met on a chat. She wants my cock. Is it degenerate and/or despicable if I fuck her ? I haven't had sex in ages and i don't have many opportunities. She's 6-7/10
Pic not related.
Ok, so there is this 16 years old I met on a chat. She wants my cock. Is it degenerate and/or despicable if I fuck her ? I haven't had sex in ages and i don't have many opportunities. She's 6-7/10
Pic not related.
Because I'm a retard, I forgot to say that i'm 20.
get this normie tier shit outta here REEE
>durr shd I fuck her bros????
Fuck off
No, seriously fellas.
I have very, very few opportunities, I'll grant that i'm not robot tier, but still.
Is it ethical to engage in a sexual relationship with a younger, immature girl ? I feel like i'm going to regret this, but at the same time, my balls are freaking craving for some release.
Where you from OP? Is she legal where you are?
who cares if its degenerate. Only thing that matters is if its illegal.
if it's legal and you really want to go ahead as long as youre not looking for a long term thing with her. i cant imagine how retarded you must be for being able to stand talking to a 16 year old for longer than 15 minutes though i cant deal with 18-21 year olds for the most part anymore. i guess youre a bit younger than me but still man at 20 you should grow up a little
if 16 is legal in your area then you'd be mad not to. Get off this shitty website and go do it.
If it's legal then go for it.
Do be aware that some states have laws which prohibit traveling for the purpose of engaging in sex with minors, even if they're above the age of consent. The same statutes, IIRC, exist at a federal level and punish any similar attempts involving the crossing of state lines.
Also, this: I'm turning 25 in a few months. I could easily fuck a 16- or 17-year old girl, in terms of looks and facial aesthetics, but I cannot comprehend wanting to put in the time and conversation to get there.
Guess I've met a small handful of mature-ish teenagers, but fug -- I've already reached a point where I can't relate to teen textspeak and memes.
Fucked a 16 year old about a year ago when I was 25, since it's legal here I don't really care. Just go for it bro, you got nothing to lose
Only fuck her if its legal where you live, check local age of consent laws.
yeah im 27 now and the last time i fucked an 18 year old was when i was i think 23 or 24 and the sex was fine but i couldnt carry a conversation with her for longer than half an hour even over texts. i understand if its an easy lay thrown your way but its much more enjoyable to find someone you can connect with
I fucked and/or hooked up with a handful of 19- and 20-year old girls over the past year. Most of them were pretty articulate and fun to talk to, but I had a hard time taking their problems and convictions seriously.
I mean, you do come across the rare gem, but I don't consider most anything more than hook-up-cum-buddy material.
Yes, she is barely legal in my area.
That's the thing, I can't really stand here, she is just too childish. I can't even stand 20 years old females myself.
The thing is, I can fuck her with minimum efforts.
Still have some doubts about the morality of the thing, but I may just do it... If i had more opportunities, I wouldn't even respond to her.
>only do it if legal
And how would they ever prove you fucked her?
Guess it just depends on the dynamic of your 'relationship,' user.
If she's just looking for a fuck and it isn't illegal, then do whatever you wanna do. If she thinks you're going to be her boyfriend or whatever, I'd say it's best not to manipulate or take advantage of that level of naivete.
yeahi know what you mean. on one had i feel bad because we've all been there and at the time it feels like the worlds on your shoulders and i know 3 years from now my current problems wont be taken seriously by myself but its hard to change that mindset. i still have a few younger people i hang out with but its mostly more distant friednships rather than being close personally
agree with if you both know what youre getting into isnt serious go ahead and have fun with it. good on you for thinking about the morality of it though many dudes, me included sometimes, dont care much past getting their dick wet
>Sit down. Let's have a chat for a few minutes about why you're here.
Seems fair. i've been honest to her and told her I was looking for a hook up, maybe sex-friend relationship.
I said i didn't exclude serious relationship, but it wasn't my priority and she seemed ok with it. ( I don't want serious relationship at all in fact )
I think I have been quite honest up 'til now. Don't want to be that heart-breaking chad, society is fucked up enough.
( I'm not in USA btw if you haven't noticed, she is still legal in my area )
I might just do that. Thanks guys, if you guys have more advices/opinions I'll take it.
Wouldn't risk it if she's childish. Some girls that age can be sensible and mature but if she's childish then the risk of crazy behaviour and/or false rape accusations are too damn high.
If her parents ever get wind and disapprove, they could file a police complaint on her behalf. It'd still be taken seriously, given the age of the victim and you, the perpetrator.
Do you know her well enough to be sure that she'd corroborate your side of the story will being pressured to say she was coerced or seduced? Her parents and law enforcement would be pressing that narrative and pressing it hard. Moreover, there'd be an abundance of digital evidence. If they're taking the rape angle, your DNA would be up in dat pussy.
I mean, like I said: I'm 24. I'd still probably fuck a 16- or 17-year old girl, if I were in a country or state where it was legal, but only if it was a completely casual, spur-of-the-moment thing. I'd never date or hang out with a girl that age, even if she was mature AF.
I can still easily remember how much of a fucking moron I was at that age, even if I felt like I was always the smartest guy in the room.
And fuck, how low my self-esteem was back then, too.
>there'd be an abundance of digital evidence
Not if you use encrypted messaging. Or just call rather than text
>f they're taking the rape angle, your DNA would be up in dat pussy.
Only if she goes straight after. Unlikely, especially if it takes coercion from her parents to go.
Is her word really all they need to send you to jail?
Spark an investigation? Yes.
Send you to jail? Maybe. Depends on the evidence and what you do or don't tell law enforcement.
The question to ask yourself is whether the hassle of having to undergo that sort of scrutiny is worth the reward. Just because she's of legal age doesn't mean that any man of any age is given a free pass to do whatever he'd like, even if the girl consents. There are still legal stipulations, ranging from state laws barring intercourse between a minor over the age of consent with adult 'authority' figures to prohibitions on using online applications for the intent of grooming children for sex (and to the law, a 16-year old is still a child).